path: root/sites/all/modules/colorbox/views/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sites/all/modules/colorbox/views/')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/colorbox/views/ b/sites/all/modules/colorbox/views/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..205d09950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sites/all/modules/colorbox/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * @file
+ * Views handlers for Colorbox module.
+ */
+ * A handler to provide a field that is completely custom by the administrator.
+ *
+ * @ingroup views_field_handlers
+ */
+class colorbox_handler_field_colorbox extends views_handler_field {
+ function query() {
+ // Do nothing, as this handler does not need to do anything to the query itself.
+ }
+ function option_definition() {
+ $options = parent::option_definition();
+ $options['trigger_field'] = array('default' => '');
+ $options['popup'] = array('default' => '');
+ $options['caption'] = array('default' => '');
+ $options['gid'] = array('default' => TRUE);
+ $options['custom_gid'] = array('default' => '');
+ $options['width'] = array('default' => '600px');
+ $options['height'] = array('default' => '400px');
+ return $options;
+ }
+ function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
+ parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
+ // Get a list of the available fields and arguments for trigger field and token replacement.
+ $options = array();
+ $fields = array('trigger_field' => t('- None -'));
+ foreach ($this->view->display_handler->get_handlers('field') as $field => $handler) {
+ $options[t('Fields')]["[$field]"] = $handler->ui_name();
+ // We only use fields up to (and including) this one.
+ if ($field == $this->options['id']) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $fields[$field] = $handler->definition['title'];
+ }
+ $count = 0; // This lets us prepare the key as we want it printed.
+ foreach ($this->view->display_handler->get_handlers('argument') as $arg => $handler) {
+ $options[t('Arguments')]['%' . ++$count] = t('@argument title', array('@argument' => $handler->ui_name()));
+ $options[t('Arguments')]['!' . $count] = t('@argument input', array('@argument' => $handler->ui_name()));
+ }
+ $this->document_self_tokens($options[t('Fields')]);
+ // Default text.
+ $patterns = t('<p>You must add some additional fields to this display before using this field. These fields may be marked as <em>Exclude from display</em> if you prefer. Note that due to rendering order, you cannot use fields that come after this field; if you need a field not listed here, rearrange your fields.</p>');
+ // We have some options, so make a list.
+ if (!empty($options)) {
+ $patterns = t('<p>The following tokens are available for this field. Note that due to rendering order, you cannot use fields that come after this field; if you need a field not listed here, rearrange your fields.
+If you would like to have the characters %5B and %5D please use the html entity codes \'%5B\' or \'%5D\' or they will get replaced with empty space.</p>');
+ foreach (array_keys($options) as $type) {
+ if (!empty($options[$type])) {
+ $items = array();
+ foreach ($options[$type] as $key => $value) {
+ $items[] = $key . ' == ' . $value;
+ }
+ $patterns .= theme('item_list',
+ array(
+ 'items' => $items,
+ 'type' => $type
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $form['trigger_field'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Trigger field'),
+ '#description' => t('Select the field that should be turned into the trigger for the Colorbox. Only fields that appear before this one in the field list may be used.'),
+ '#options' => $fields,
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['trigger_field'],
+ '#weight' => -12,
+ );
+ $form['popup'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textarea',
+ '#title' => t('Popup'),
+ '#description' => t('The Colorbox popup content. You may include HTML. You may enter data from this view as per the "Replacement patterns" below.'),
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['popup'],
+ '#weight' => -11,
+ );
+ $form['caption'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Caption'),
+ '#description' => t('The Colorbox Caption. You may include HTML. You may enter data from this view as per the "Replacement patterns" below.'),
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['caption'],
+ '#weight' => -10,
+ );
+ $form['gid'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Automatic generated Colorbox gallery'),
+ '#description' => t('Enable Colorbox gallery using a generated gallery id for this view.'),
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['gid'],
+ '#weight' => -9,
+ );
+ $form['custom_gid'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Custom Colorbox gallery'),
+ '#description' => t('Enable Colorbox gallery with a given string as gallery. Overrides the automatically generated gallery id above. You may enter data from this view as per the "Replacement patterns" below.'),
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['custom_gid'],
+ '#weight' => -8,
+ );
+ $form['width'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Width'),
+ '#description' => t('Specify the width of the Colorbox popup window. Because the content is dynamic, we cannot detect this value automatically. Example: "100%", 500, "500px".'),
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['width'],
+ '#weight' => -6,
+ );
+ $form['height'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Height'),
+ '#description' => t('Specify the height of the Colorbox popup window. Because the content is dynamic, we cannot detect this value automatically. Example: "100%", 500, "500px".'),
+ '#default_value' => $this->options['height'],
+ '#weight' => -7,
+ );
+ $form['patterns'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Replacement patterns'),
+ '#collapsible' => TRUE,
+ '#collapsed' => TRUE,
+ '#value' => $patterns,
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render the trigger field and its linked popup information.
+ */
+ function render($values) {
+ // Load the necessary js file for Colorbox activation.
+ if (_colorbox_active() && !variable_get('colorbox_inline', 0)) {
+ drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'colorbox') . '/js/colorbox_inline.js');
+ }
+ // We need to have multiple unique IDs, one for each record.
+ static $i = 0;
+ $i = mt_rand();
+ // Return nothing if no trigger filed is selected.
+ if (empty($this->options['trigger_field'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the token information and generate the value for the popup and the
+ // caption.
+ $tokens = $this->get_render_tokens($this->options['alter']);
+ $popup = filter_xss_admin($this->options['popup']);
+ $caption = filter_xss_admin($this->options['caption']);
+ $gallery = filter_xss_admin($this->options['custom_gid']);
+ $popup = strtr($popup, $tokens);
+ $caption = strtr($caption, $tokens);
+ $gallery = drupal_html_class(strtr($gallery, $tokens));
+ // Return nothing if popup is empty.
+ if (empty($popup)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $width = $this->options['width'] ? $this->options['width'] : '';
+ $height = $this->options['height'] ? $this->options['height'] : '';
+ $gallery_id = !empty($gallery) ? $gallery : ($this->options['gid'] ? 'gallery-' . $this->view->name : '');
+ $link_text = $tokens["[{$this->options['trigger_field']}]"];
+ $link_options = array(
+ 'html' => TRUE,
+ 'fragment' => 'colorbox-inline-' . $i,
+ 'query' => array(
+ 'width' => $width,
+ 'height' => $height,
+ 'title' => $caption,
+ 'inline' => 'true'
+ ),
+ 'attributes' => array(
+ 'class' => array('colorbox-inline'),
+ 'rel' => $gallery_id
+ )
+ );
+ // Remove any parameters that aren't set.
+ $link_options['query'] = array_filter($link_options['query']);
+ // If the nid is present make the link degrade to the node page if
+ // JavaScript is off.
+ $link_target = isset($values->nid) ? 'node/' . $values->nid : '';
+ $link_tag = l($link_text, $link_target, $link_options);
+ // The outside div is there to hide all of the divs because if the specific Colorbox
+ // div is hidden it won't show up as a Colorbox.
+ return $link_tag . '<div style="display: none;"><div id="colorbox-inline-' . $i . '">' . $popup . '</div></div>';
+ }