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authorAndreas Gohr <>2014-01-07 19:16:54 +0100
committerAndreas Gohr <>2014-01-07 19:16:54 +0100
commit72d89f96f31af5c92f96fa16f0d1adf15c0bf4e8 (patch)
parent1253a9dc24315481f9abf698836da72a503d5450 (diff)
remove duplicate plugin code for syntax plugins
This makes Doku_Parser_Mode inherit from DokuWiki_Plugin which allows for the removal of a bunch of duplicate code form DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin. This makes the code easier to maintain and makes sure all DokuWiki plugins are actual instances of DokuWiki_Plugin. However this adds a bunch of functions to the "normal" parser modes that don't need them which could have performance/RAM implications.
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/inc/parser/parser.php b/inc/parser/parser.php
index 1f14b98a3..43a1c22fa 100644
--- a/inc/parser/parser.php
+++ b/inc/parser/parser.php
@@ -126,16 +126,14 @@ class Doku_Parser {
- * This class and all the subclasses below are
- * used to reduce the effort required to register
- * modes with the Lexer. For performance these
- * could all be eliminated later perhaps, or
- * the Parser could be serialized to a file once
- * all modes are registered
+ * This class and all the subclasses below are used to reduce the effort required to register
+ * modes with the Lexer.
+ *
+ * Inherits from DokuWiki_Plugin for giving additional functions to syntax plugins
* @author Harry Fuecks <>
-class Doku_Parser_Mode {
+class Doku_Parser_Mode extends DokuWiki_Plugin {
* @var Doku_Lexer $Lexer
diff --git a/lib/plugins/syntax.php b/lib/plugins/syntax.php
index 8df5abb08..bc2c6447c 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/syntax.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/syntax.php
@@ -15,30 +15,6 @@ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
class DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin extends Doku_Parser_Mode {
var $allowedModesSetup = false;
- var $localised = false; // set to true by setupLocale() after loading language dependent strings
- var $lang = array(); // array to hold language dependent strings, best accessed via ->getLang()
- var $configloaded = false; // set to true by loadConfig() after loading plugin configuration variables
- var $conf = array(); // array to hold plugin settings, best accessed via ->getConf()
- /**
- * General Info
- *
- * Needs to return a associative array with the following values:
- *
- * author - Author of the plugin
- * email - Email address to contact the author
- * date - Last modified date of the plugin in YYYY-MM-DD format
- * name - Name of the plugin
- * desc - Short description of the plugin (Text only)
- * url - Website with more information on the plugin (eg. syntax description)
- */
- function getInfo(){
- $parts = explode('_',get_class($this));
- $info = DOKU_PLUGIN.'/'.$parts[2].'/';
- if(@file_exists($info)) return confToHash($info);
- trigger_error('getInfo() not implemented in '.get_class($this).' and '.$info.' not found', E_USER_WARNING);
- return array();
- }
* Syntax Type
@@ -144,167 +120,5 @@ class DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin extends Doku_Parser_Mode {
return parent::accepts($mode);
- // plugin introspection methods
- // extract from class name, format = <plugin type>_plugin_<name>[_<component name>]
- function getPluginType() { list($t) = explode('_', get_class($this), 2); return $t; }
- function getPluginName() { list($t, $p, $n) = explode('_', get_class($this), 4); return $n; }
- /**
- * Get the name of the component of the current class
- *
- * @return string component name
- */
- function getPluginComponent() { list($t, $p, $n, $c) = explode('_', get_class($this), 4); return (isset($c)?$c:''); }
- // localisation methods
- /**
- * getLang($id)
- *
- * use this function to access plugin language strings
- * to try to minimise unnecessary loading of the strings when the plugin doesn't require them
- * e.g. when info plugin is querying plugins for information about themselves.
- *
- * @param string $id id of the string to be retrieved
- * @return string string in appropriate language or english if not available
- */
- function getLang($id) {
- if (!$this->localised) $this->setupLocale();
- return (isset($this->lang[$id]) ? $this->lang[$id] : '');
- }
- /**
- * locale_xhtml($id)
- *
- * retrieve a language dependent wiki page and pass to xhtml renderer for display
- * plugin equivalent of p_locale_xhtml()
- *
- * @param string $id id of language dependent wiki page
- * @return string parsed contents of the wiki page in xhtml format
- */
- function locale_xhtml($id) {
- return p_cached_output($this->localFN($id));
- }
- /**
- * localFN($id)
- * prepends appropriate path for a language dependent filename
- * plugin equivalent of localFN()
- */
- function localFN($id) {
- global $conf;
- $plugin = $this->getPluginName();
- $file = DOKU_CONF.'/plugin_lang/'.$plugin.'/'.$conf['lang'].'/'.$id.'.txt';
- if (!@file_exists($file)){
- $file = DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/'.$id.'.txt';
- if(!@file_exists($file)){
- //fall back to english
- $file = DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/lang/en/'.$id.'.txt';
- }
- }
- return $file;
- }
- /**
- * setupLocale()
- * reads all the plugins language dependent strings into $this->lang
- * this function is automatically called by getLang()
- */
- function setupLocale() {
- if ($this->localised) return;
- global $conf; // definitely don't invoke "global $lang"
- $path = DOKU_PLUGIN.$this->getPluginName().'/lang/';
- $lang = array();
- // don't include once, in case several plugin components require the same language file
- @include($path.'en/lang.php');
- if ($conf['lang'] != 'en') @include($path.$conf['lang'].'/lang.php');
- $this->lang = $lang;
- $this->localised = true;
- }
- // configuration methods
- /**
- * getConf($setting)
- *
- * use this function to access plugin configuration variables
- */
- function getConf($setting) {
- if(!$this->configloaded) { $this->loadConfig(); }
- return $this->conf[$setting];
- }
- /**
- * loadConfig()
- * merges the plugin's default settings with any local settings
- * this function is automatically called through getConf()
- */
- function loadConfig() {
- global $conf;
- $defaults = $this->readDefaultSettings();
- $plugin = $this->getPluginName();
- foreach($defaults as $key => $value) {
- if(isset($conf['plugin'][$plugin][$key])) continue;
- $conf['plugin'][$plugin][$key] = $value;
- }
- $this->configloaded = true;
- $this->conf =& $conf['plugin'][$plugin];
- }
- /**
- * read the plugin's default configuration settings from conf/default.php
- * this function is automatically called through getConf()
- *
- * @return array setting => value
- */
- function readDefaultSettings() {
- $path = DOKU_PLUGIN.$this->getPluginName().'/conf/';
- $conf = array();
- if(@file_exists($path.'default.php')) {
- include($path.'default.php');
- }
- return $conf;
- }
- /**
- * Loads a given helper plugin (if enabled)
- *
- * @author Esther Brunner <>
- *
- * @param string $name name of plugin to load
- * @param bool $msg if a message should be displayed in case the plugin is not available
- *
- * @return object helper plugin object
- */
- function loadHelper($name, $msg = true) {
- if(!plugin_isdisabled($name)) {
- $obj = plugin_load('helper', $name);
- } else {
- $obj = null;
- }
- if(is_null($obj) && $msg) msg("Helper plugin $name is not available or invalid.", -1);
- return $obj;
- }
- /**
- * Allow the plugin to prevent DokuWiki from reusing an instance
- *
- * @return bool false if the plugin has to be instantiated
- */
- function isSingleton() {
- return true;
- }
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