path: root/inc/search.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'inc/search.php')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/inc/search.php b/inc/search.php
index cc3e79006..6927fff5f 100644
--- a/inc/search.php
+++ b/inc/search.php
@@ -62,15 +62,6 @@ function search(&$data,$base,$func,$opts,$dir='',$lvl=1,$sort='natural'){
- * Wrapper around call_user_func_array.
- *
- * @deprecated
- */
-function search_callback($func,&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
- return call_user_func_array($func, array(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts));
* The following functions are userfunctions to use with the search
* function above. This function is called for every found file or
* directory. When a directory is given to the function it has to
@@ -252,8 +243,8 @@ function search_pagename(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
function search_allpages(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
if(isset($opts['depth']) && $opts['depth']){
$parts = explode('/',ltrim($file,'/'));
- if(($type == 'd' && count($parts) > $opts['depth'])
- || ($type != 'd' && count($parts) > $opts['depth'] + 1)){
+ if(($type == 'd' && count($parts) >= $opts['depth'])
+ || ($type != 'd' && count($parts) > $opts['depth'])){
return false; // depth reached
@@ -283,125 +274,25 @@ function search_allpages(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
- * Search for backlinks to a given page
+ * Reference search
+ * This fuction searches for existing references to a given media file
+ * and returns an array with the found pages. It doesn't pay any
+ * attention to ACL permissions to find every reference. The caller
+ * must check if the user has the appropriate rights to see the found
+ * page and eventually have to prevent the result from displaying.
- * $opts['ns'] namespace of the page
- * $opts['name'] name of the page without namespace
+ * @param array $data Reference to the result data structure
+ * @param string $base Base usually $conf['datadir']
+ * @param string $file current file or directory relative to $base
+ * @param char $type Type either 'd' for directory or 'f' for file
+ * @param int $lvl Current recursion depht
+ * @param mixed $opts option array as given to search()
- * @author Andreas Gohr <>
- * @deprecated Replaced by ft_backlinks()
- */
-function search_backlinks(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
- //we do nothing with directories
- if($type == 'd') return true;
- //only search txt files
- if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true;
- //absolute search id
- $sid = cleanID($opts['ns'].':'.$opts['name']);
- //current id and namespace
- $cid = pathID($file);
- $cns = getNS($cid);
- //check ACL
- if(auth_quickaclcheck($cid) < AUTH_READ){
- return false;
- }
- //fetch instructions
- $instructions = p_cached_instructions($base.$file,true);
- if(is_null($instructions)) return false;
- global $conf;
- //check all links for match
- foreach($instructions as $ins){
- if($ins[0] == 'internallink' || ($conf['camelcase'] && $ins[0] == 'camelcaselink') ){
- $mid = $ins[1][0];
- resolve_pageid($cns,$mid,$exists); //exists is not used
- if($mid == $sid){
- //we have a match - finish
- $data[]['id'] = $cid;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- * Fulltextsearch
- *
- * $opts['query'] is the search query
+ * $opts['query'] is the demanded media file name
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
- * @deprecated - fulltext indexer is used instead
+ * @author Matthias Grimm <>
-function search_fulltext(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
- //we do nothing with directories
- if($type == 'd') return true;
- //only search txt files
- if(substr($file,-4) != '.txt') return true;
- //check ACL
- $id = pathID($file);
- if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){
- return false;
- }
- //create regexp from queries
- $poswords = array();
- $negwords = array();
- $qpreg = preg_split('/\s+/',$opts['query']);
- foreach($qpreg as $word){
- switch(substr($word,0,1)){
- case '-':
- if(strlen($word) > 1){ // catch single '-'
- array_push($negwords,preg_quote(substr($word,1),'#'));
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- if(strlen($word) > 1){ // catch single '+'
- array_push($poswords,preg_quote(substr($word,1),'#'));
- }
- break;
- default:
- array_push($poswords,preg_quote($word,'#'));
- break;
- }
- }
- // a search without any posword is useless
- if (!count($poswords)) return true;
- $reg = '^(?=.*?'.join(')(?=.*?',$poswords).')';
- $reg .= count($negwords) ? '((?!'.join('|',$negwords).').)*$' : '.*$';
- search_regex($data,$base,$file,$reg,$poswords);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Reference search
- * This fuction searches for existing references to a given media file
- * and returns an array with the found pages. It doesn't pay any
- * attention to ACL permissions to find every reference. The caller
- * must check if the user has the appropriate rights to see the found
- * page and eventually have to prevent the result from displaying.
- *
- * @param array $data Reference to the result data structure
- * @param string $base Base usually $conf['datadir']
- * @param string $file current file or directory relative to $base
- * @param char $type Type either 'd' for directory or 'f' for file
- * @param int $lvl Current recursion depht
- * @param mixed $opts option array as given to search()
- *
- * $opts['query'] is the demanded media file name
- *
- * @author Andreas Gohr <>
- * @author Matthias Grimm <>
- */
function search_reference(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
global $conf;
@@ -424,57 +315,6 @@ function search_reference(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
/* ------------- helper functions below -------------- */
- * fulltext search helper
- * searches a text file with a given regular expression
- * no ACL checks are performed. This have to be done by
- * the caller if necessary.
- *
- * @param array $data reference to array for results
- * @param string $base base directory
- * @param string $file file name to search in
- * @param string $reg regular expression to search for
- * @param array $words words that should be marked in the results
- *
- * @author Andreas Gohr <>
- * @author Matthias Grimm <>
- *
- * @deprecated - fulltext indexer is used instead
- */
-function search_regex(&$data,$base,$file,$reg,$words){
- //get text
- $text = io_readfile($base.'/'.$file);
- //lowercase text (u modifier does not help with case)
- $lctext = utf8_strtolower($text);
- //do the fulltext search
- $matches = array();
- if($cnt = preg_match_all('#'.$reg.'#usi',$lctext,$matches)){
- //this is not the best way for snippet generation but the fastest I could find
- $q = $words[0]; //use first word for snippet creation
- $p = utf8_strpos($lctext,$q);
- $f = $p - 100;
- $l = utf8_strlen($q) + 200;
- if($f < 0) $f = 0;
- $snippet = '<span class="search_sep"> ... </span>'.
- htmlspecialchars(utf8_substr($text,$f,$l)).
- '<span class="search_sep"> ... </span>';
- $mark = '('.join('|', $words).')';
- $snippet = preg_replace('#'.$mark.'#si','<strong class="search_hit">\\1</strong>',$snippet);
- $data[] = array(
- 'id' => pathID($file),
- 'count' => preg_match_all('#'.$mark.'#usi',$lctext,$matches),
- 'poswords' => join(' ',$words),
- 'snippet' => $snippet,
- );
- }
- return true;
* fulltext sort
* Callback sort function for use with usort to sort the data