path: root/includes
diff options
authorDries Buytaert <>2008-12-03 14:38:59 +0000
committerDries Buytaert <>2008-12-03 14:38:59 +0000
commit3aaffd3364087dfcf6d2c77ffe8c7496929a09d3 (patch)
tree8c2d24fcaa216cb25532bec4314b15f8050a2704 /includes
parent0a062b2c23e084c3a817101ca73d73bc45e2e058 (diff)
- Patch #320510 by hswong3i et al: convert to new database abstraction layer.
Diffstat (limited to 'includes')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/includes/ b/includes/
index bba9391ff..b1a099e99 100644
--- a/includes/
+++ b/includes/
@@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ define('MENU_MAX_DEPTH', 9);
function menu_get_ancestors($parts) {
$number_parts = count($parts);
- $placeholders = array();
$ancestors = array();
$length = $number_parts - 1;
$end = (1 << $number_parts) - 1;
@@ -279,10 +278,9 @@ function menu_get_ancestors($parts) {
$current .= '/';
- $placeholders[] = "'%s'";
$ancestors[] = $current;
- return array($ancestors, $placeholders);
+ return $ancestors;
@@ -362,9 +360,14 @@ function menu_get_item($path = NULL, $router_item = NULL) {
if (!isset($router_items[$path])) {
$original_map = arg(NULL, $path);
$parts = array_slice($original_map, 0, MENU_MAX_PARTS);
- list($ancestors, $placeholders) = menu_get_ancestors($parts);
- if ($router_item = db_fetch_array(db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE path IN (' . implode (',', $placeholders) . ') ORDER BY fit DESC', $ancestors, 0, 1))) {
+ $ancestors = menu_get_ancestors($parts);
+ $router_item = db_select('menu_router')
+ ->fields('menu_router')
+ ->condition('path', $ancestors, 'IN')
+ ->orderBy('fit', 'DESC')
+ ->range(0, 1)
+ ->execute()->fetchAssoc();
+ if ($router_item) {
$map = _menu_translate($router_item, $original_map);
if ($map === FALSE) {
$router_items[$path] = FALSE;
@@ -847,6 +850,27 @@ function menu_tree_all_data($menu_name = 'navigation', $item = NULL) {
// If the tree data was not in the cache, $data will be NULL.
if (!isset($data)) {
// Build and run the query, and build the tree.
+ $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml');
+ $query->leftJoin('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path');
+ $query->fields('ml');
+ $query->fields('m', array(
+ 'load_functions',
+ 'to_arg_functions',
+ 'access_callback',
+ 'access_arguments',
+ 'page_callback',
+ 'page_arguments',
+ 'title',
+ 'title_callback',
+ 'title_arguments',
+ 'type',
+ 'description',
+ ));
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH; $i++) {
+ $query->orderBy('p' . $i, 'ASC');
+ }
+ $query->condition('ml.menu_name', $menu_name);
if ($mlid) {
// The tree is for a single item, so we need to match the values in its
// p columns and 0 (the top level) with the plid values of other links.
@@ -855,26 +879,18 @@ function menu_tree_all_data($menu_name = 'navigation', $item = NULL) {
$args[] = $item["p$i"];
$args = array_unique($args);
- $placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
- $where = ' AND ml.plid IN (' . $placeholders . ')';
+ $query->condition('ml.plid', $args, 'IN');
$parents = $args;
$parents[] = $item['mlid'];
else {
// Get all links in this menu.
- $where = '';
- $args = array();
$parents = array();
- array_unshift($args, $menu_name);
// Select the links from the table, and recursively build the tree. We
// LEFT JOIN since there is no match in {menu_router} for an external
// link.
- $data['tree'] = menu_tree_data(db_query("
- SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.*
- FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path
- WHERE ml.menu_name = '%s'" . $where . "
- ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC", $args), $parents);
+ $data['tree'] = menu_tree_data($query->execute(), $parents);
$data['node_links'] = array();
menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
// Cache the data, if it is not already in the cache.
@@ -932,56 +948,100 @@ function menu_tree_page_data($menu_name = 'navigation') {
// Build and run the query, and build the tree.
if ($item['access']) {
// Check whether a menu link exists that corresponds to the current path.
- $args = array($menu_name, $item['href']);
- $placeholders = "'%s'";
+ $args[] = $item['href'];
if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
$args[] = '<front>';
- $placeholders .= ", '%s'";
- $parents = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path IN (" . $placeholders . ")", $args));
+ $parents = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->fields('menu_links', array(
+ 'p1',
+ 'p2',
+ 'p3',
+ 'p4',
+ 'p5',
+ 'p6',
+ 'p7',
+ 'p8',
+ ))
+ ->condition('menu_name', $menu_name)
+ ->condition('link_path', $args, 'IN')
+ ->execute()->fetchAssoc();
if (empty($parents)) {
// If no link exists, we may be on a local task that's not in the links.
// TODO: Handle the case like a local task on a specific node in the menu.
- $parents = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path = '%s'", $menu_name, $item['tab_root']));
+ $parents = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->fields('menu_links', array(
+ 'p1',
+ 'p2',
+ 'p3',
+ 'p4',
+ 'p5',
+ 'p6',
+ 'p7',
+ 'p8',
+ ))
+ ->condition('menu_name', $menu_name)
+ ->condition('link_path', $item['tab_root'])
+ ->execute()->fetchAssoc();
// We always want all the top-level links with plid == 0.
$parents[] = '0';
// Use array_values() so that the indices are numeric for array_merge().
$args = $parents = array_unique(array_values($parents));
- $placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
$expanded = variable_get('menu_expanded', array());
// Check whether the current menu has any links set to be expanded.
if (in_array($menu_name, $expanded)) {
// Collect all the links set to be expanded, and then add all of
// their children to the list as well.
do {
- $result = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND expanded = 1 AND has_children = 1 AND plid IN (" . $placeholders . ') AND mlid NOT IN (' . $placeholders . ')', array_merge(array($menu_name), $args, $args));
+ $result = db_select('menu_links', NULL, array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
+ ->fields('menu_links', array('mlid'))
+ ->condition('menu_name', $menu_name)
+ ->condition('expanded', 1)
+ ->condition('has_children', 1)
+ ->condition('plid', $args, 'IN')
+ ->condition('mlid', $args, 'NOT IN')
+ ->execute();
$num_rows = FALSE;
- while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
$args[] = $item['mlid'];
$num_rows = TRUE;
- $placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
} while ($num_rows);
- array_unshift($args, $menu_name);
else {
// Show only the top-level menu items when access is denied.
- $args = array($menu_name, '0');
- $placeholders = '%d';
+ $args = array(0);
$parents = array();
// Select the links from the table, and recursively build the tree. We
// LEFT JOIN since there is no match in {menu_router} for an external
// link.
- $data['tree'] = menu_tree_data(db_query("
- SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.*
- FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path
- WHERE ml.menu_name = '%s' AND ml.plid IN (" . $placeholders . ")
- ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC", $args), $parents);
+ $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml');
+ $query->leftJoin('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path');
+ $query->fields('ml');
+ $query->fields('m', array(
+ 'load_functions',
+ 'to_arg_functions',
+ 'access_callback',
+ 'access_arguments',
+ 'page_callback',
+ 'page_arguments',
+ 'title',
+ 'title_callback',
+ 'title_arguments',
+ 'type',
+ 'description',
+ ));
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH; $i++) {
+ $query->orderBy('p' . $i, 'ASC');
+ }
+ $query->condition('ml.menu_name', $menu_name);
+ $query->condition('ml.plid', $args, 'IN');
+ $data['tree'] = menu_tree_data($query->execute(), $parents);
$data['node_links'] = array();
menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
// Cache the data, if it is not already in the cache.
@@ -1035,10 +1095,13 @@ function menu_tree_check_access(&$tree, $node_links = array()) {
if ($node_links) {
// Use db_rewrite_sql to evaluate view access without loading each full node.
$nids = array_keys($node_links);
- $placeholders = '%d' . str_repeat(', %d', count($nids) - 1);
- $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.nid IN (" . $placeholders . ")"), $nids);
- while ($node = db_fetch_array($result)) {
- $nid = $node['nid'];
+ $select = db_select('node');
+ $select->addField('node', 'nid');
+ $select->condition('status', 1);
+ $select->condition('nid', $nids, 'IN');
+ $select->addTag('node_access');
+ $nids = $select->execute()->fetchCol();
+ foreach ($nids as $nid) {
foreach ($node_links[$nid] as $mlid => $link) {
$node_links[$nid][$mlid]['access'] = TRUE;
@@ -1099,7 +1162,8 @@ function menu_tree_data($result = NULL, $parents = array(), $depth = 1) {
function _menu_tree_data($result, $parents, $depth, $previous_element = '') {
$remnant = NULL;
$tree = array();
- while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
+ $item = is_object($item) ? get_object_vars($item) : $item;
// We need to determine if we're on the path to root so we can later build
// the correct active trail and breadcrumb.
$item['in_active_trail'] = in_array($item['mlid'], $parents);
@@ -1242,11 +1306,11 @@ function menu_get_names($reset = FALSE) {
static $names;
if ($reset || empty($names)) {
- $names = array();
- $result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(menu_name) FROM {menu_links} ORDER BY menu_name");
- while ($name = db_fetch_array($result)) {
- $names[] = $name['menu_name'];
- }
+ $names = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->distinct()
+ ->fields('menu_links', 'menu_name')
+ ->orderBy('menu_name')
+ ->execute()->fetchCol();
return $names;
@@ -1353,13 +1417,18 @@ function menu_local_tasks($level = 0, $return_root = FALSE) {
return '';
// Get all tabs and the root page.
- $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE tab_root = '%s' ORDER BY weight, title", $router_item['tab_root']);
+ $result = db_select('menu_router', NULL, array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
+ ->fields('menu_router')
+ ->condition('tab_root', $router_item['tab_root'])
+ ->orderBy('weight')
+ ->orderBy('title')
+ ->execute();
$map = arg();
$children = array();
$tasks = array();
$root_path = $router_item['path'];
- while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
_menu_translate($item, $map, TRUE);
if ($item['tab_parent']) {
// All tabs, but not the root page.
@@ -1659,9 +1728,16 @@ function menu_get_active_title() {
* rendering.
function menu_link_load($mlid) {
- if (is_numeric($mlid) && $item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT m.*, ml.* FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path WHERE ml.mlid = %d", $mlid))) {
- _menu_link_translate($item);
- return $item;
+ if (is_numeric($mlid)) {
+ $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml');
+ $query->leftJoin('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path');
+ $query->fields('ml');
+ $query->fields('m');
+ $query->condition('ml.mlid', $mlid);
+ if ($item = $query->execute()->fetchAssoc()) {
+ _menu_link_translate($item);
+ return $item;
+ }
return FALSE;
@@ -1784,7 +1860,18 @@ function _menu_navigation_links_rebuild($menu) {
array_multisort($sort, SORT_NUMERIC, $menu_links);
foreach ($menu_links as $item) {
- $existing_item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT mlid, menu_name, plid, customized, has_children, updated FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = '%s' AND module = '%s'", $item['link_path'], 'system'));
+ $existing_item = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->fields('menu_links', array(
+ 'mlid',
+ 'menu_name',
+ 'plid',
+ 'customized',
+ 'has_children',
+ 'updated',
+ ))
+ ->condition('link_path', $item['link_path'])
+ ->condition('module', 'system')
+ ->execute()->fetchAssoc();
if ($existing_item) {
$item['mlid'] = $existing_item['mlid'];
// A change in hook_menu may move the link to a different menu
@@ -1800,24 +1887,51 @@ function _menu_navigation_links_rebuild($menu) {
- $placeholders = db_placeholders($menu, 'varchar');
$paths = array_keys($menu);
// Updated and customized items whose router paths are gone need new ones.
- $result = db_query("SELECT ml.link_path, ml.mlid, ml.router_path, ml.updated FROM {menu_links} ml WHERE ml.updated = 1 OR (router_path NOT IN ($placeholders) AND external = 0 AND customized = 1)", $paths);
- while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ $result = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->fields('menu_links', array(
+ 'link_path',
+ 'mlid',
+ 'router_path',
+ 'updated',
+ ))
+ ->condition(db_or()
+ ->condition('updated', 1)
+ ->condition(db_and()
+ ->condition('router_path', $paths, 'NOT IN')
+ ->condition('external', 0)
+ ->condition('customized', 1)
+ )
+ )
+ ->execute();
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
$router_path = _menu_find_router_path($menu, $item['link_path']);
if (!empty($router_path) && ($router_path != $item['router_path'] || $item['updated'])) {
// If the router path and the link path matches, it's surely a working
// item, so we clear the updated flag.
$updated = $item['updated'] && $router_path != $item['link_path'];
- db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET router_path = '%s', updated = %d WHERE mlid = %d", $router_path, $updated, $item['mlid']);
+ db_update('menu_links')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'router_path' => $router_path,
+ 'updated' => $updated,
+ ))
+ ->condition('mlid', $item['mlid'])
+ ->execute();
// Find any item whose router path does not exist any more.
- $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE router_path NOT IN ($placeholders) AND external = 0 AND updated = 0 AND customized = 0 ORDER BY depth DESC", $paths);
+ $result = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->fields('menu_links')
+ ->condition('router_path', $paths, 'NOT IN')
+ ->condition('external', 0)
+ ->condition('updated', 0)
+ ->condition('customized', 0)
+ ->orderBy('depth', 'DESC')
+ ->execute();
// Remove all such items. Starting from those with the greatest depth will
// minimize the amount of re-parenting done by menu_link_delete().
- while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
_menu_delete_item($item, TRUE);
@@ -1832,11 +1946,11 @@ function _menu_navigation_links_rebuild($menu) {
function menu_link_delete($mlid, $path = NULL) {
if (isset($mlid)) {
- _menu_delete_item(db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d", $mlid)));
+ _menu_delete_item(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = :mlid", array(':mlid' => $mlid))->fetchAssoc());
else {
- $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = '%s'", $path);
- while ($link = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = :link_path", array(':link_path' => $path));
+ foreach ($result as $link) {
@@ -1851,17 +1965,18 @@ function menu_link_delete($mlid, $path = NULL) {
* Forces deletion. Internal use only, setting to TRUE is discouraged.
function _menu_delete_item($item, $force = FALSE) {
+ $item = is_object($item) ? get_object_vars($item) : $item;
if ($item && ($item['module'] != 'system' || $item['updated'] || $force)) {
// Children get re-attached to the item's parent.
if ($item['has_children']) {
- $result = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid = %d", $item['mlid']);
- while ($m = db_fetch_array($result)) {
- $child = menu_link_load($m['mlid']);
+ $result = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid = :plid", array(':plid' => $item['mlid']));
+ foreach ($result as $m) {
+ $child = menu_link_load($m->mlid);
$child['plid'] = $item['plid'];
- db_query('DELETE FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d', $item['mlid']);
+ db_delete('menu_links')->condition('mlid', $item['mlid'])->execute();
// Update the has_children status of the parent.
@@ -1910,14 +2025,14 @@ function menu_link_save(&$item) {
$existing_item = FALSE;
if (isset($item['mlid'])) {
- if ($existing_item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d", $item['mlid']))) {
+ if ($existing_item = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = :mlid", array(':mlid' => $item['mlid']))->fetchAssoc()) {
$existing_item['options'] = unserialize($existing_item['options']);
if (isset($item['plid'])) {
if ($item['plid']) {
- $parent = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d", $item['plid']));
+ $parent = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = :mlid", array(':mlid' => $item['plid']))->fetchAssoc();
else {
// Don't bother with the query - mlid can never equal zero..
@@ -1925,27 +2040,26 @@ function menu_link_save(&$item) {
else {
- // Find the parent - it must be unique.
- $parent_path = $item['link_path'];
- $where = "WHERE link_path = '%s'";
+ $query = db_select('menu_links');
// Only links derived from router items should have module == 'system', and
// we want to find the parent even if it's in a different menu.
if ($item['module'] == 'system') {
- $where .= " AND module = '%s'";
- $arg2 = 'system';
+ $query->condition('module', 'system');
else {
// If not derived from a router item, we respect the specified menu name.
- $where .= " AND menu_name = '%s'";
- $arg2 = $item['menu_name'];
+ $query->condition('menu_name', $item['menu_name']);
+ // Find the parent - it must be unique.
+ $parent_path = $item['link_path'];
do {
$parent = FALSE;
$parent_path = substr($parent_path, 0, strrpos($parent_path, '/'));
- $result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_links} " . $where, $parent_path, $arg2);
+ $query->condition('link_path', $parent_path);
+ $query_cnt = $query;
// Only valid if we get a unique result.
- if (db_result($result) == 1) {
- $parent = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} " . $where, $parent_path, $arg2));
+ if ($query_cnt->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField() == 1) {
+ $parent = $query->fields('menu_links')->execute()->fetchAssoc();
} while ($parent === FALSE && $parent_path);
@@ -1963,22 +2077,23 @@ function menu_link_save(&$item) {
if (!$existing_item) {
- db_query("INSERT INTO {menu_links} (
- menu_name, plid, link_path,
- hidden, external, has_children,
- expanded, weight,
- module, link_title, options,
- customized, updated) VALUES (
- '%s', %d, '%s',
- %d, %d, %d,
- %d, %d,
- '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d)",
- $item['menu_name'], $item['plid'], $item['link_path'],
- $item['hidden'], $item['external'], $item['has_children'],
- $item['expanded'], $item['weight'],
- $item['module'], $item['link_title'], serialize($item['options']),
- $item['customized'], $item['updated']);
- $item['mlid'] = db_last_insert_id('menu_links', 'mlid');
+ $item['mlid'] = db_insert('menu_links')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'menu_name' => $item['menu_name'],
+ 'plid' => $item['plid'],
+ 'link_path' => $item['link_path'],
+ 'hidden' => $item['hidden'],
+ 'external' => $item['external'],
+ 'has_children' => $item['has_children'],
+ 'expanded' => $item['expanded'],
+ 'weight' => $item['weight'],
+ 'module' => $item['module'],
+ 'link_title' => $item['link_title'],
+ 'options' => serialize($item['options']),
+ 'customized' => $item['customized'],
+ 'updated' => $item['updated'],
+ ))
+ ->execute();
if (!$item['plid']) {
@@ -2023,16 +2138,34 @@ function menu_link_save(&$item) {
// because $item has additional keys left over from the process of building
// the router item.
if (!$existing_item || array_diff_assoc($existing_item, $item)) {
- db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET menu_name = '%s', plid = %d, link_path = '%s',
- router_path = '%s', hidden = %d, external = %d, has_children = %d,
- expanded = %d, weight = %d, depth = %d,
- p1 = %d, p2 = %d, p3 = %d, p4 = %d, p5 = %d, p6 = %d, p7 = %d, p8 = %d, p9 = %d,
- module = '%s', link_title = '%s', options = '%s', customized = %d WHERE mlid = %d",
- $item['menu_name'], $item['plid'], $item['link_path'],
- $item['router_path'], $item['hidden'], $item['external'], $item['has_children'],
- $item['expanded'], $item['weight'], $item['depth'],
- $item['p1'], $item['p2'], $item['p3'], $item['p4'], $item['p5'], $item['p6'], $item['p7'], $item['p8'], $item['p9'],
- $item['module'], $item['link_title'], serialize($item['options']), $item['customized'], $item['mlid']);
+ db_update('menu_links')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'menu_name' => $item['menu_name'],
+ 'plid' => $item['plid'],
+ 'link_path' => $item['link_path'],
+ 'router_path' => $item['router_path'],
+ 'hidden' => $item['hidden'],
+ 'external' => $item['external'],
+ 'has_children' => $item['has_children'],
+ 'expanded' => $item['expanded'],
+ 'weight' => $item['weight'],
+ 'depth' => $item['depth'],
+ 'p1' => $item['p1'],
+ 'p2' => $item['p2'],
+ 'p3' => $item['p3'],
+ 'p4' => $item['p4'],
+ 'p5' => $item['p5'],
+ 'p6' => $item['p6'],
+ 'p7' => $item['p7'],
+ 'p8' => $item['p8'],
+ 'p9' => $item['p9'],
+ 'module' => $item['module'],
+ 'link_title' => $item['link_title'],
+ 'options' => serialize($item['options']),
+ 'customized' => $item['customized'],
+ ))
+ ->condition('mlid', $item['mlid'])
+ ->execute();
// Check the has_children status of the parent.
@@ -2071,11 +2204,7 @@ function _menu_clear_page_cache() {
* Helper function to update a list of menus with expanded items
function _menu_set_expanded_menus() {
- $names = array();
- $result = db_query("SELECT menu_name FROM {menu_links} WHERE expanded <> 0 GROUP BY menu_name");
- while ($n = db_fetch_array($result)) {
- $names[] = $n['menu_name'];
- }
+ $names = db_query("SELECT menu_name FROM {menu_links} WHERE expanded <> 0 GROUP BY menu_name")->fetchCol();
variable_set('menu_expanded', $names);
@@ -2094,7 +2223,7 @@ function _menu_find_router_path($menu, $link_path) {
$parts = explode('/', $link_path, MENU_MAX_PARTS);
$router_path = $link_path;
if (!isset($menu[$router_path])) {
- list($ancestors) = menu_get_ancestors($parts);
+ $ancestors = menu_get_ancestors($parts);
$ancestors[] = '';
foreach ($ancestors as $key => $router_path) {
if (isset($menu[$router_path])) {
@@ -2131,9 +2260,19 @@ function menu_link_maintain($module, $op, $link_path, $link_title) {
return menu_link_save($menu_link);
case 'update':
- db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET link_title = '%s' WHERE link_path = '%s' AND customized = 0 AND module = '%s'", $link_title, $link_path, $module);
- $result = db_query("SELECT menu_name FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = '%s' AND customized = 0 AND module = '%s'", $link_path, $module);
- while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
+ db_update('menu_links')
+ ->fields(array('link_title' => $link_title))
+ ->condition('link_path', $link_path)
+ ->condition('customized', 0)
+ ->condition('module', $module)
+ ->execute();
+ $result = db_select('menu_links')
+ ->fields('menu_links', array('menu_name'))
+ ->condition('link_path', $link_path)
+ ->condition('customized', 0)
+ ->condition('module', $module)
+ ->execute();
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
@@ -2156,17 +2295,20 @@ function menu_link_maintain($module, $op, $link_path, $link_title) {
function menu_link_children_relative_depth($item) {
+ $query = db_select('menu_links');
+ $query->addField('menu_links', 'depth');
+ $query->condition('menu_name', $item['menu_name']);
+ $query->orderBy('depth', 'DESC');
+ $query->range(0, 1);
$i = 1;
- $match = '';
- $args[] = $item['menu_name'];
$p = 'p1';
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH && $item[$p]) {
- $match .= " AND $p = %d";
- $args[] = $item[$p];
+ $query->condition($p, $item[$p]);
$p = 'p' . ++$i;
- $max_depth = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT depth FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s'" . $match . " ORDER BY depth DESC", $args, 0, 1));
+ $max_depth = $query->execute()->fetchField();
return ($max_depth > $item['depth']) ? $max_depth - $item['depth'] : 0;
@@ -2178,49 +2320,38 @@ function menu_link_children_relative_depth($item) {
* the link, and the has_children status of the previous parent is updated.
function _menu_link_move_children($item, $existing_item) {
+ $query = db_update('menu_links');
- $args[] = $item['menu_name'];
- $set[] = "menu_name = '%s'";
+ $query->fields(array('menu_name' => $item['menu_name']));
- $i = 1;
- while ($i <= $item['depth']) {
- $p = 'p' . $i++;
- $set[] = "$p = %d";
- $args[] = $item[$p];
+ $p = 'p1';
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $item['depth']; $p = 'p' . ++$i) {
+ $query->fields(array($p => $item[$p]));
$j = $existing_item['depth'] + 1;
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH && $j <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH) {
- $set[] = 'p' . $i++ . ' = p' . $j++;
+ $query->expression('p' . $i++, 'p' . $j++);
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH) {
- $set[] = 'p' . $i++ . ' = 0';
+ $query->fields(array('p' . $i++ => 0));
$shift = $item['depth'] - $existing_item['depth'];
if ($shift < 0) {
- $args[] = -$shift;
- $set[] = 'depth = depth - %d';
+ $query->expression('depth', 'depth - :depth', array(':depth' => -$shift));
elseif ($shift > 0) {
- // The order of $set must be reversed so the new values don't overwrite the
- // old ones before they can be used because "Single-table UPDATE
- // assignments are generally evaluated from left to right"
- // see:
- $set = array_reverse($set);
- $args = array_reverse($args);
- $args[] = $shift;
- $set[] = 'depth = depth + %d';
- }
- $where[] = "menu_name = '%s'";
- $args[] = $existing_item['menu_name'];
+ $query->expression('depth', 'depth + :depth', array(':depth' => $shift));
+ }
+ $query->condition('menu_name', $existing_item['menu_name']);
$p = 'p1';
for ($i = 1; $i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH && $existing_item[$p]; $p = 'p' . ++$i) {
- $where[] = "$p = %d";
- $args[] = $existing_item[$p];
+ $query->condition($p, $existing_item[$p]);
- db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET " . implode(', ', $set) . " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where), $args);
+ $query->execute();
// Check the has_children status of the parent, while excluding this item.
_menu_update_parental_status($existing_item, TRUE);
@@ -2232,20 +2363,20 @@ function _menu_update_parental_status($item, $exclude = FALSE) {
// If plid == 0, there is nothing to update.
if ($item['plid']) {
// Check if at least one visible child exists in the table.
- $query = db_select('menu_links', 'm');
- $query->addField('m', 'mlid');
+ $query = db_select('menu_links');
+ $query->addField('menu_links', 'mlid');
$query->condition('menu_name', $item['menu_name']);
$query->condition('hidden', 0);
$query->condition('plid', $item['plid']);
$query->range(0, 1);
if ($exclude) {
- $query->condition('mlid', $item['mlid'], '!=');
+ $query->condition('mlid', $item['mlid'], '<>');
$parent_has_children = ((bool) $query->execute()->fetchField()) ? 1 : 0;
- db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET has_children = %d WHERE mlid = %d", $parent_has_children, $item['plid']);
+ db_update('menu_links')
+ ->fields(array('has_children' => $parent_has_children))
+ ->condition('mlid', $item['plid'])
+ ->execute();
@@ -2357,7 +2488,31 @@ function _menu_router_build($callbacks) {
return array();
// Delete the existing router since we have some data to replace it.
- db_query('DELETE FROM {menu_router}');
+ db_delete('menu_router')->execute();
+ // Prepare insert object.
+ $insert = db_insert('menu_router')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'path',
+ 'load_functions',
+ 'to_arg_functions',
+ 'access_callback',
+ 'access_arguments',
+ 'page_callback',
+ 'page_arguments',
+ 'fit',
+ 'number_parts',
+ 'tab_parent',
+ 'tab_root',
+ 'title',
+ 'title_callback',
+ 'title_arguments',
+ 'type',
+ 'block_callback',
+ 'description',
+ 'position',
+ 'weight',
+ ));
// Apply inheritance rules.
foreach ($menu as $path => $v) {
$item = &$menu[$path];
@@ -2423,24 +2578,32 @@ function _menu_router_build($callbacks) {
'path' => $path,
- $title_arguments = $item['title arguments'] ? serialize($item['title arguments']) : '';
- db_query("INSERT INTO {menu_router}
- (path, load_functions, to_arg_functions, access_callback,
- access_arguments, page_callback, page_arguments, fit,
- number_parts, tab_parent, tab_root,
- title, title_callback, title_arguments,
- type, block_callback, description, position, weight)
- VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s',
- '%s', '%s', '%s', %d,
- %d, '%s', '%s',
- '%s', '%s', '%s',
- %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)",
- $path, $item['load_functions'], $item['to_arg_functions'], $item['access callback'],
- serialize($item['access arguments']), $item['page callback'], serialize($item['page arguments']), $item['_fit'],
- $item['_number_parts'], $item['tab_parent'], $item['tab_root'],
- $item['title'], $item['title callback'], $title_arguments,
- $item['type'], $item['block callback'], $item['description'], $item['position'], $item['weight']);
- }
+ // Fill in insert object values.
+ $insert->values(array(
+ 'path' => $item['path'],
+ 'load_functions' => $item['load_functions'],
+ 'to_arg_functions' => $item['to_arg_functions'],
+ 'access_callback' => $item['access callback'],
+ 'access_arguments' => serialize($item['access arguments']),
+ 'page_callback' => $item['page callback'],
+ 'page_arguments' => serialize($item['page arguments']),
+ 'fit' => $item['_fit'],
+ 'number_parts' => $item['_number_parts'],
+ 'tab_parent' => $item['tab_parent'],
+ 'tab_root' => $item['tab_root'],
+ 'title' => $item['title'],
+ 'title_callback' => $item['title callback'],
+ 'title_arguments' => ($item['title arguments'] ? serialize($item['title arguments']) : ''),
+ 'type' => $item['type'],
+ 'block_callback' => $item['block callback'],
+ 'description' => $item['description'],
+ 'position' => $item['position'],
+ 'weight' => $item['weight'],
+ ));
+ }
+ // Execute insert object.
+ $insert->execute();
// Sort the masks so they are in order of descending fit, and store them.
$masks = array_keys($masks);
@@ -2511,7 +2674,7 @@ function menu_valid_path($form_item) {
elseif (preg_match('/\/\%/', $path)) {
// Path is dynamic (ie 'user/%'), so check directly against menu_router table.
- if ($item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_router} where path = '%s' ", $path))) {
+ if ($item = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_router} where path = :path", array(':path' => $path))->fetchAssoc()) {
$item['link_path'] = $form_item['link_path'];
$item['link_title'] = $form_item['link_title'];
$item['external'] = FALSE;