path: root/modules/comment.module
diff options
authorDries Buytaert <>2006-01-17 18:02:23 +0000
committerDries Buytaert <>2006-01-17 18:02:23 +0000
commitcb45cf58fb88a96bf19b0e4f25e98e0820692f41 (patch)
tree2fce7a19b541ce438c8a9707028e0622edc8cca3 /modules/comment.module
parent51d2ac2b9e882e21edb07ac7e63515ab9409b69c (diff)
- Patch #40755 by wtanaka: make the comment block themable.
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/comment.module')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/modules/comment.module b/modules/comment.module
index 68bdab53a..e18a7d685 100644
--- a/modules/comment.module
+++ b/modules/comment.module
@@ -163,18 +163,21 @@ function comment_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0) {
return $blocks;
else if ($op == 'view' && user_access('access comments')) {
- $result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql('SELECT c.nid, c.* FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND c.status = %d ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC', 'c'), COMMENT_PUBLISHED, 0, 10);
- $items = array();
- while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
- $items[] = l($comment->subject, 'node/'. $comment->nid, NULL, NULL, 'comment-'. $comment->cid) .'<br />'. t('%time ago', array('%time' => format_interval(time() - $comment->timestamp)));
- }
$block['subject'] = t('Recent comments');
- $block['content'] = theme('item_list', $items);
+ $block['content'] = theme('comment_block');
return $block;
+function theme_comment_block() {
+ $result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql('SELECT c.nid, c.* FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND c.status = %d ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC', 'c'), COMMENT_PUBLISHED, 0, 10);
+ $items = array();
+ while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
+ $items[] = l($comment->subject, 'node/'. $comment->nid, NULL, NULL, 'comment-'. $comment->cid) .'<br />'. t('%time ago', array('%time' => format_interval(time() - $comment->timestamp)));
+ }
+ return theme('item_list', $items);
* Implementation of hook_link().