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1 files changed, 95 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install b/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install
index f442c95ef..711a0f983 100644
--- a/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install
+++ b/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install
@@ -592,36 +592,105 @@ function taxonomy_update_7005(&$sandbox) {
if (!empty($vocabularies)) {
$sandbox['vocabularies'] = $vocabularies;
+ db_create_table('taxonomy_update_7005', array(
+ 'description' => 'Stores temporary data for taxonomy_update_7005.',
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'n' => array(
+ 'description' => 'Preserve order.',
+ 'type' => 'serial',
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'not null' => TRUE,
+ ),
+ 'vocab_id' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'not null' => TRUE,
+ 'default' => 0,
+ ),
+ 'tid' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'not null' => TRUE,
+ ),
+ 'nid' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'not null' => TRUE,
+ ),
+ 'vid' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'not null' => FALSE,
+ 'default' => NULL,
+ ),
+ 'type' => array(
+ 'type' => 'varchar',
+ 'length' => 32,
+ 'not null' => TRUE,
+ 'default' => '',
+ ),
+ 'created' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'not null' => FALSE,
+ ),
+ 'sticky' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'not null' => FALSE,
+ ),
+ 'is_current' => array(
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'not null' => FALSE,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array('n'),
+ ));
+ // Query selects all revisions at once and processes them in revision and
+ // term weight order.
+ $query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 'td');
+ // We are migrating term-node relationships. If there are none for a
+ // term, we do not need the term_data row.
+ $query->join('taxonomy_term_node', 'tn', 'td.tid = tn.tid');
+ // If a term-node relationship exists for a nid that does not exist, we
+ // cannot migrate it as we have no node to relate it to; thus we do not
+ // need that row from term_node.
+ $query->join('node', 'n', 'tn.nid = n.nid');
+ // If the current term-node relationship is for the current revision of
+ // the node, this left join will match and is_current will be non-NULL
+ // (we also get the current sticky and created in this case). This
+ // tells us whether to insert into the current data tables in addition
+ // to the revision data tables.
+ $query->leftJoin('node', 'n2', 'tn.vid = n2.vid');
+ $query->addField('td', 'vid', 'vocab_id');
+ $query->addField('td', 'tid');
+ $query->addField('tn', 'nid');
+ $query->addField('tn', 'vid');
+ $query->addField('n', 'type');
+ $query->addField('n2', 'created');
+ $query->addField('n2', 'sticky');
+ $query->addField('n2', 'nid', 'is_current');
+ // This query must return a consistent ordering across multiple calls.
+ // We need them ordered by node vid (since we use that to decide when
+ // to reset the delta counters) and by term weight so they appear
+ // within each node in weight order. However, tn.vid,td.weight is not
+ // guaranteed to be unique, so we add tn.tid as an additional sort key
+ // because tn.tid,tn.vid is the primary key of the D6 term_node table
+ // and so is guaranteed unique. Unfortunately it also happens to be in
+ // the wrong order which is less efficient, but c'est la vie.
+ $query->orderBy('tn.vid');
+ $query->orderBy('td.weight');
+ $query->orderBy('tn.tid');
+ db_insert('taxonomy_update_7005')
+ ->from($query)
+ ->execute();
else {
// We do each pass in batches of 1000.
$batch = 1000;
- // Query selects all revisions at once and processes them in revision and
- // term weight order. Join types:
- //
- // - INNER JOIN term_node ON tn.tid: We are migrating term-node
- // relationships. If there are none for a term, we do not need the
- // term_data row.
- // - INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid: If a term-node relationship exists for a
- // nid that does not exist, we cannot migrate it as we have no node to
- // relate it to; thus we do not need that row from term_node.
- // - LEFT JOIN {node} n2 ON n2.vid: If the current term-node relationship
- // is for the current revision of the node, this left join will match and
- // is_current will be non-NULL (we also get the current sticky and
- // created in this case). This tells us whether to insert into the
- // current data tables in addition to the revision data tables.
- //
- // This query must return a consistent ordering across multiple calls. We
- // need them ordered by node vid (since we use that to decide when to reset
- // the delta counters) and by term weight so they appear within each node
- // in weight order. However, tn.vid,td.weight is not guaranteed to be
- // unique, so we add tn.tid as an additional sort key because tn.tid,tn.vid
- // is the primary key of the D6 term_node table and so is guaranteed
- // unique. Unfortunately it also happens to be in the wrong order which is
- // less efficient, but c'est la vie.
- $query = 'SELECT td.vid AS vocab_id, td.tid, tn.nid, tn.vid, n.type, n2.created, n2.sticky, n2.nid AS is_current FROM {taxonomy_term_data} td INNER JOIN {taxonomy_term_node} tn ON td.tid = tn.tid INNER JOIN {node} n ON tn.nid = n.nid LEFT JOIN {node} n2 ON tn.vid = n2.vid ORDER BY tn.vid, td.weight ASC, tn.tid';
- $result = db_query_range($query, $sandbox['last'], $batch);
+ $result = db_query_range('SELECT vocab_id, tid, nid, vid, type, created, sticky, is_current FROM {taxonomy_update_7005} ORDER BY n', $sandbox['last'], $batch);
if (isset($sandbox['cursor'])) {
$values = $sandbox['cursor']['values'];
$deltas = $sandbox['cursor']['deltas'];
@@ -714,6 +783,7 @@ function taxonomy_update_7005(&$sandbox) {
// If there are no vocabs, we're done.
+ db_drop_table('taxonomy_update_7005');
$sandbox['#finished'] = TRUE;
// Determine necessity of taxonomyextras field.