path: root/sites/all/libraries/plupload/js/i18n/sv.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'sites/all/libraries/plupload/js/i18n/sv.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sites/all/libraries/plupload/js/i18n/sv.js b/sites/all/libraries/plupload/js/i18n/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f25ed818f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sites/all/libraries/plupload/js/i18n/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Swedish (sv)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Avbryt","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL:en va fel eller existerar inte.","tb":"tb","Size":"Storlek","Close":"Stäng","Init error.":"Problem vid initialisering.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Lägg till filer till kön och tryck på start.","Filename":"Filnamn","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Bildformatet är fel eller så finns inte stöd för det.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP problem.","Start Upload":"Starta","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Problem med dubbla filer.","File size error.":"Problem med filstorlek.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Fel: Ej godkänd filändelse.","Select files":"Välj filer","%s already present in the queue.":"%s är redan tillagd.","File: %s":"Fil: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Laddade upp %d/%d filer","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Det går bara lägga till %d filer åt gången, allt utöver detta togs bort.","%d files queued":"%d filer i kö","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fil: %s, storlek: %d, max storlek: %d","Drag files here.":"Dra filer hit","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Slut på minne.","File count error.":"Räknefel.","File extension error.":"Problem med filändelse.","Error: File too large:":"Fel: Filen är för stor:","Add Files":"Lägg till"}); \ No newline at end of file