Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* #524728 follow-up by David_Rothstein: Bring install.php split in-line with up...Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #246880 by mr.baileys: Fixed Error when adding duplicate category to contact ...Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #716348 by grendzy and hefox: Documentation of drupal_get_path() and system t...Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #712598 by add1sun: Added documentation for user_pass_reset_url().Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #337947 follow-up by Jacine: Capitalization and markup fixes for Dashboard.Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #658702 by Mike Wacker: Fixed shortcut derives automatic title for MENU_LOCAL...Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #325169 by moshe weitzman: Move t() to to stop fatal errors whe...Angie Byron2010-02-17
* #325877 by alpritt: Fixed Password checker breaks if no description.Angie Byron2010-02-16
* #650528 by jide, casey, et al: Overlay should not appear when an administrati...Angie Byron2010-02-16
* #706962 by yched: Fixed No way to remove field instance from a bundle without...Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #399642 follow-up by JacobSingh: include /includes/ in module_enab...Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #714994 by Damien Tournoud: Fixed SQLite should not forcefully convert numeri...Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #715094 by Damien Tournoud: Fixed Transaction data need to be reset early in ...Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #713794 by Rob Loach: Fixed hook_ajax_render_alter() is undocumented.Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #530836 by mr.baileys: Fixed drupal_set_page_content() api documentation.Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #706776 by Jacine: Fixed Broken link to blocks page in Dashboard.Angie Byron2010-02-15
* - Patch #713746 by Jacine: warning message markup in block.js not consistent ...Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* #701744 by jhodgdon and Crell: Remove assumptions from node_query_node_access...Angie Byron2010-02-15
* - Patch #600490 by scor: increased entity type size.Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* - Patch #685034 by linclark: improved tracker RDF test.Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* #482346 by catch: Remove dead code.Angie Byron2010-02-15
* #325169 follow-up by scor: Added missing file.Angie Byron2010-02-15
* - Rollbacked some changes that I accidentically committed along with the RDF ...Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* - Patch #325169 by mundanity, Arancaytar, Crell, chx, picco, alexw: move erro...Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* - Patch #714480 by tstoeckler: boolean fields should not be able to have a se...Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* - Patch #682784 by naxoc: added a test for updating links with queries and fr...Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* - Patch #685034 by linclark: the number of comments in RDFa should be typed.Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* - Patch #687210 by joachim: fixed errors and erroneous warning when admin the...Dries Buytaert2010-02-15
* #601966 by eojthebrave: Added expanded Tests for image field.Angie Byron2010-02-14
* - Patch #322703 by sun, alexkb: fixed menu weirdness when changing node title...Dries Buytaert2010-02-14
* -Patch #713388 by Bojhan, mr.baileys: better weight items inside categories o...Dries Buytaert2010-02-13
* - Patch #698502 by jhodgdon, cha0s: improved database requirements documentat...Dries Buytaert2010-02-13
* - Patch #337947 by codycraven, cwgordon7, axyjo, Jacine, grndlvl, seutje, kse...Dries Buytaert2010-02-13
* - Patch #712564 by yched: fixed formatting of documentation in field_attach_q...Dries Buytaert2010-02-13
* - Patch #712988 by moshe weitzman: too small bundle column in field data tables.Dries Buytaert2010-02-13
* - Patch #628764 by mr.baileys: comment.test does not implement setCommentPrev...Dries Buytaert2010-02-13
* - Patch #638260 by dev.cmswebsites: remove fieldset on language template expo...Dries Buytaert2010-02-12
* -Patch #712580 by litwol: fixed user_file_references()Dries Buytaert2010-02-12
* - Rollback #642820 -- test results were green but actually failed.Dries Buytaert2010-02-12
* - Rollback.Dries Buytaert2010-02-12
* - Patch #314349 by catch, mfb: fixed ordering.Dries Buytaert2010-02-12
* - Patch #642820 by c960657: fixed PHP notices when submitting form with disab...Dries Buytaert2010-02-12
* #550124 by c960657, catch, and Crell: Remove prepared statement caching, whic...Angie Byron2010-02-12
* #711592 by linclark and scor: Fixed rdf_preprocess_user_profile() uses curren...Angie Byron2010-02-12
* #707724 follow-up by yched: More Field API/Entity API terminology clean-up.Angie Byron2010-02-12
* #707724 by chx: Rename confusing arguments in field/entity APIs.Angie Byron2010-02-11
* #525622 by scor, catch, and yched: Allow Entity path callback to deal with op...Angie Byron2010-02-11
* #711180 by jerdiggity: Fixed Typo in openid requirements BC Math lib.Angie Byron2010-02-11
* #641670 by yched and sun: Move ['#field'] meta information into ().Angie Byron2010-02-11
* - Patch #710406 by jhodgdon: node_search_execute() should no longer try to ca...Dries Buytaert2010-02-11