Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #550770 by dww: copyright.txt still thinks it is 2008.Dries Buytaert2009-08-16
* - Patch #370454 by chx, Damien Tournoud: simplify page caching.Dries Buytaert2009-08-16
* #296011 by boombatower: Fixed TestingParty08: DBLog filtering.Angie Byron2009-08-16
* #296324 follow-up by JuliaKM: Wrap comment at 80 chars.Angie Byron2009-08-16
* - Patch #550488 by c960657: turn of mod_expires for all .php files.Dries Buytaert2009-08-16
* - Patch #506482 by spuky, catch: remove some pointless /admin descriptions.Dries Buytaert2009-08-16
* #296324 by R.Muilwijk, kscheirer, and pamelad: Fixed TestingParty08: url() fo...Angie Byron2009-08-16
* #295982 by kscheirer, jhedstrom, Senpai, et al: Added tests for the main help...Angie Byron2009-08-15
* Oops. Extra file got in that last commit.Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #529126 by boombatower: Split up SimpleTest verbose output into separate files.Angie Byron2009-08-15
* - Patch #549950 by asimmonds: removed unused variable .Dries Buytaert2009-08-15
* - Patch #476290 by tylor, evlis2, bohjan, Psicomante et al: add path alias to...Dries Buytaert2009-08-15
* #545580 by moshe weitzman: Simplify block render structure.Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #362972 by tic2000 and stewsnooze: Have nofollow filter remove 'rel' attribut...Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #296319 by redndahead, lilou, domas, and kscheirer: Added tests for external ...Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #548182 by yoroy: Better admin theme descriptions.Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #545952 follow-up by dmitrig01: Fix sqlite errors because of bad menu convers...Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #296574 by boombatower and chx: Provide debug function for debugging during t...Angie Byron2009-08-15
* #528204 by rfay: Fixed menu item sorting so it is now case in-sensitive.Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #264876 by Rob Loach, jhedstrom, mfer: Allow external CSS files through drupa...Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #519046 by catch, pwolanin: Fix how toolbar_get_menu_tree() determines menu t...Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #549182 by catch: Move logging and errors to admin/config/development.Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #549230 by sun: Changed Use drupal_static() in _node_revision_access().Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #547702 by Damien Tournoud: Add a 'user experience' section to MAINTAINERS.txt.Angie Byron2009-08-14
* - Patch #531476 by JohnAlbin: corrected some favicon mime-type behavior.Dries Buytaert2009-08-14
* - Patch #548308 by dropcube: remove hook_filter_tips() as part of the hook_fi...Dries Buytaert2009-08-14
* - Patch #546694 by pwolanin: renamed 'back to site' to 'back to front page'Dries Buytaert2009-08-14
* - Patch #548870 by deekayen: blog.png is no longer used.Dries Buytaert2009-08-14
* #491190 follow-up by bangpound: Add CHANGELOG.txt entry for taxonomy term fie...Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #548630 by bjaspan: Document hook_field_is_empty().Angie Byron2009-08-14
* #336627 by Tresler and jhodgdon: Fix incorrect documentation in node_type_for...Angie Byron2009-08-14
* - Patch #546336 by dropcube: transform hook_filter from having a paramater t...Dries Buytaert2009-08-13
* - Patch #547290 by David_Rothstein: corrected behavior of new forum topics, a...Dries Buytaert2009-08-13
* - Patch #546882 by Gabor Hojtsy: moving simpletest over to the new IA.Dries Buytaert2009-08-13
* #167112 by evil_marty and deekayen: Add support for 'wildcard' .tpl.php files...Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #533586 by dww and chx: Refactor dependency checks into sharable helper funct...Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #546070 by ksenzee: un-double-escape default front page title.Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #540798 by kjy07 and Jody Lynn: Require image style names.Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #547528 by dww: Fixed Trailing whitespace in system_ip_blocking().Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #529756 by yched: Allow fields to be weighted per context.Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #547756 by yched: Remove some whitespace.Angie Byron2009-08-13
* #545952 by yoroy and Gábor Hojtsy: move modules to config/modules.Angie Byron2009-08-12
* #508458 follow-up by Josh Waihi: Fix menu access argument.Angie Byron2009-08-12
* - Patch #547290 by Xano: removed unused variable.Dries Buytaert2009-08-12
* - Patch #510782 by David_Rothstein, Jody Lynn: fixed broken links.Dries Buytaert2009-08-12
* - Patch #491972 by Berdir, webchick: clean-up of user/profile related hooks a...Dries Buytaert2009-08-12
* - Patch #546568 by quicksketch: consistently pass in to #value_callback func...Dries Buytaert2009-08-12
* - Patch #459980 by Xano: rework admin/settings/performance.Dries Buytaert2009-08-12
* - Patch #544400 by yched, bjaspan: wrong unique key in {field_config_instance}.Dries Buytaert2009-08-12
* - Patch #546878 by Gábor Hojtsy, yoroy: move performance settings.Dries Buytaert2009-08-12