path: root/includes/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #349504 by keith.smith: clean up sentence spacing in code comments.Dries Buytaert2008-12-20
* - Patch #345167 by JacobSignh, pwolanin, jlkreiss, keith.smith et al: fix som...Dries Buytaert2008-12-12
* - Patch #328781 by Damien Tournoud and Dave Reid: fixed simpletest error repo...Dries Buytaert2008-12-09
* #305653 follow-up by sun: Prevent themes from being disabled during update.Angie Byron2008-12-07
* - Patch #336115 by Dave Reid: fixing line endings.Dries Buytaert2008-12-03
* - Patch #336115 by nedjo: additional documentation for t().Dries Buytaert2008-12-02
* #337794 by Damien Tournoud: Make SimpleTest work under PosthreSQL again.Angie Byron2008-11-30
* - Patch #332980 by scor and keith.smith: documentation improvements + typo fi...Dries Buytaert2008-11-23
* #315801 by Rob Loach, Grugnoh2, mfer and dmitrig01: Add a hook_js_alter() to ...Angie Byron2008-11-23
* - Patch #332980 by scor: added an RDF namespace registry. Oh my ... :-)Dries Buytaert2008-11-22
* #11077 by mfb, KarenS, macgirvin, and jjkd: Can you say Daylight Savings Time...Angie Byron2008-11-20
* - Patch #74645 by drewish, roychri et al: modify file_scan_directory to use a...Dries Buytaert2008-11-16
* - Patch #328781 by chx, Damien Tournoud: made sure that all error messages sh...Dries Buytaert2008-11-16
* - Patch #267883 by MadHarold, boombatower: parse_size() and format_size() do ...Dries Buytaert2008-11-16
* - Patch #325665 by chx, Damien Tournoud, justinrandell et al: improved the ca...Dries Buytaert2008-11-11
* #315798 by Rob Loach, mfer, Grugnog2, and sun: Add weighting to drupal_add_js().Angie Byron2008-11-10
* - Rollback of patch #74645 -- breaks installer.Dries Buytaert2008-11-08
* - Patch #74645 by drewish, Robin Monks, tayknight: clean up file_scan_directo...Dries Buytaert2008-11-08
* - Patch #255293 by Gribnif, maartenvg: incorrect regex causes some aggregated...Dries Buytaert2008-11-08
* #243532 follow-up by c960657: Make SimpleTest work again with prefixes.Angie Byron2008-11-08
* - Patch #279516 by c960657: remove workarounds for PHP versions less than 5.2.xDries Buytaert2008-11-07
* #321828 by Damien Tournoud: November Make-All-Tests-Pass-Again-Extravaganza: ...Angie Byron2008-11-07
* - Patch #243532 by Damien Tournoud et al: catch notices, warnings and fatal e...Dries Buytaert2008-11-05
* - Patch #328719 by c960657: make the module list tests succeed again.Dries Buytaert2008-11-01
* - Patch #299088 by hswong3i, Moshe, Keith et al: modernize drupal_write_recor...Dries Buytaert2008-10-31
* - Patch #298600 by chx, justinrandell, Damien, et al: make module_implements ...Dries Buytaert2008-10-31
* - Patch #319407 by Crell: convert to the new database API.Dries Buytaert2008-10-29
* - Patch #266358 by Rob Loach, mfer: use array in drupal_add_css().Dries Buytaert2008-10-26
* - Patch #315797 by mfer, Rob Loach, et al: rework the parameter of drupal_ad...Dries Buytaert2008-10-22
* - Patch #304924 by Damien Tournoud: extend error handler to manage exceptions...Dries Buytaert2008-10-15
* Removing left-over from drupal_set_title() roll-back.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* Roll-back of #242873: This caused horrendous problems with SimpleTest on some...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #242873 follow-up by pwolanin: Move new check_plain() check constants to boot...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #242873 by pwolanin and bjaspan: Make drupal_set_title() do check_plain() by ...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #318984 by Xano and Dave Reid: Change 'Core - optional' to 'Core' in modules UI.Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #294742 by axyjo: Doxygen correction for drupal_alter().Angie Byron2008-10-09
* #142995 by dopry, drewish, quicksketch, jpetso, and flobruit: Adding hook_fil...Angie Byron2008-10-09
* - Patch #180137 by c960657: added type hinting to make it easier to track dow...Dries Buytaert2008-10-06
* #259623 by dopry and Damien Tournoud: Convert includes/requires to use absolu...Angie Byron2008-09-20
* #64967 follow-up by drewish: Replace ereg with preg in file_scan_directory().Angie Byron2008-09-20
* - Patch #232931 by mikey_p, flobruit et al: clarified the PHPdoc of drupal_ad...Dries Buytaert2008-09-18
* #279657 by zeta ζ: Code style improvement to locale module.Angie Byron2008-09-17
* - Patch #305645 by pwolanin: ['REQUEST_TIME'] -> REQUEST_TIME. Improved deve...Dries Buytaert2008-09-17
* - Patch #308138 by mfer, Dave Reid: replace valid_email_address with filter_v...Dries Buytaert2008-09-16
* #308399 by Damien Tournoud: Fix SimpleTest error handler to not spaz out and ...Angie Byron2008-09-14
* #305077 by DamZ, boombatower, and cwgordon7: Rework SimpleTest backend.Angie Byron2008-09-10
* - Patch #208793 by kbahey, Damien Tournoud: stop hardcoding the HTTP protocol...Dries Buytaert2008-09-08
* #296310 by DamZ: Fixes to drupal_http_request() and accompanying tests.Angie Byron2008-09-06
* - Patch #302763 by Dave Reid, Rob Loach: replace time() by ['REQUEST_TIME'] a...Dries Buytaert2008-09-06