path: root/includes
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #327271 by hswong3i, Crell: proper use of AS keyword so it works on P...Dries Buytaert2008-10-29
* - Patch #319408 by Crell: converted queries to new database abstraction layer.Dries Buytaert2008-10-27
* - Patch #266358 by Rob Loach, mfer: use array in drupal_add_css().Dries Buytaert2008-10-26
* #318440 by Crell: Make it easier to add multiple fields in a dynamic SELECT s...Angie Byron2008-10-25
* #325895 follow-up by chx: We love PostgreSQL.Angie Byron2008-10-25
* #325895 by chx: Fix queryTemporary, which was missing a required argument.Angie Byron2008-10-25
* #324875: SA-2008-067 (#324824): Fix file inclusion vulnerability.Angie Byron2008-10-25
* - Patch #323854 by c960657: made DatabaseLog::findCaller() work on Windows. ...Dries Buytaert2008-10-24
* - Patch #302596 by dropcube: remove glob() because it is not available on all...Dries Buytaert2008-10-24
* Roll-back of #310144: Still needs some work.Angie Byron2008-10-24
* #258089 by merlinofchaos and dvessel: Allow themes to have preprocess functio...Angie Byron2008-10-24
* - Patch #323391 by Damien Tournoud: made initialization of the variables an e...Dries Buytaert2008-10-22
* - Patch #315797 by mfer, Rob Loach, et al: rework the parameter of drupal_ad...Dries Buytaert2008-10-22
* #316868 by Crell: Make addField() alias to the field name, rather than the ta...Angie Byron2008-10-22
* #310144 by dvessel: Clarify sort parameter in theme_table() documentation.Angie Byron2008-10-22
* - Patch #323182 by chx and Damien Tournoud: a working code simplification.Dries Buytaert2008-10-20
* - Patch #323372 by Damien Tournoud: fixed bootstrap phase issue that broke in...Dries Buytaert2008-10-20
* - Patch #319769 by Dave Reid: fixed php notice on _db_error_page.Dries Buytaert2008-10-20
* - Patch #323372 by chx: clean up drupal_bootstrap().Dries Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Patch #302638 by pwolanin: no-op queries during menu rebuild.Dries Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Rollback of #323182; parse error.Dries Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Forgot to commit Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Patch #322777 by Damien Tournoud: file_check_directory() was badly documented.Dries Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Patch #323182 by chx: code cleanup.Dries Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Patch #321337 by gpk: optmized timer_start() and timer_read() thanks to PHP5.Dries Buytaert2008-10-16
* - Patch #298669 by Crell, moshe et al: add query logging per connection.Dries Buytaert2008-10-16
* - Patch #316753 by dvessel: exanded PHP doc of path_to_theme().Dries Buytaert2008-10-16
* - Patch #304924 by Damien Tournoud: extend error handler to manage exceptions...Dries Buytaert2008-10-15
* - Patch #320374 by Damien Tournoud, pwolanin et al: worked around a max_allow...Dries Buytaert2008-10-15
* - Patch #321165 by Dave Reid: fixed exceptions in XML-RPC library and its tests.Dries Buytaert2008-10-15
* - Patch #285165 by Damien Tournoud, pwolanin, chx: fixed wildcard loader problemDries Buytaert2008-10-14
* - Patch #285165 by Heine, Gabor: fixed wildcard loader names with numbers.Dries Buytaert2008-10-14
* #242873 follow-up: Missed a couple files with drupal_set_title().Angie Byron2008-10-14
* - Patch #315656 by Damien Tournoud: fixed bug in drupal_lookup_path('wipe').Dries Buytaert2008-10-13
* - Patch #320146 by pwolanin: when in offline mode, link to the admin page to ...Dries Buytaert2008-10-13
* #249571 by pwolanin: Fix bug with 'active-trail' class in Primary/Secondary l...Angie Byron2008-10-13
* #242873 follow-up: Missed adding constants to Byron2008-10-13
* Removing left-over from drupal_set_title() roll-back.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #320171 by Dave Reid: Fix exception in ip_address() test.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* Roll-back of #242873: This caused horrendous problems with SimpleTest on some...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #320009 by Dave Reid: Remove notice about missing files[] array and prevent i...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #231298 by Crell and rednahead: Allow for aliased multi-site support.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #320024 by Dave Reid: Replace hardcoded drupal_required_modules() with requir...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #253569 by aaron, agentrickard, and Dave Reid: Add hook_modules_X to allow mo...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* Grrr. Didn't mean to commit that yet.Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #242873 follow-up by pwolanin: Move new check_plain() check constants to boot...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #242873 by pwolanin and bjaspan: Make drupal_set_title() do check_plain() by ...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #205227 by mpare and mfb: Fix logic in file_transfer with ob_end_clean().Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #319405 by Crell: Code style clean-up for registry queries.Angie Byron2008-10-11