path: root/includes
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* #892568 by chx: Add pointer from docs to the handbook docs for...Angie Byron2010-09-29
* - Patch #924554 by quicksketch, paul.lovvik: an exception is being thrown in ...Dries Buytaert2010-09-28
* - Patch #924686 by mikey_p, munzirtaha: space required after foreach construct.Dries Buytaert2010-09-28
* #907690 follow-up by sun: Fix PostgreSQL error in breadcrumb logic by removin...Angie Byron2010-09-27
* - Patch #922008 by davehimself, litwol: drupal_get_filename() does not respec...Dries Buytaert2010-09-27
* - Patch #756762 by effulgentsia, fago, sun: AJAX should follow same rules for...Dries Buytaert2010-09-27
* - Patch #921606 by munzirtaha, bleen18: various code uses is_null().Dries Buytaert2010-09-26
* - Patch #909272 by chx: remove stub update functions and renumber the remaini...Dries Buytaert2010-09-25
* - Patch #909256 by drunken monkey: improved documentation of file_save().Dries Buytaert2010-09-25
* - Patch #910156 by sun: remove 'description' keys from schema cache.Dries Buytaert2010-09-25
* - Patch #921582 by munzirtaha: is_null() should be replaced by !isset because...Dries Buytaert2010-09-25
* - Patch #140783 by sun: a select list without #default_value() always passes ...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* #890994 by Berdir: Entity query tests fail on PostgreSQL.Angie Byron2010-09-24
* - Patch #921802 by solotandem: eliminate PHP Notice: Undefined variable: outp...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* - Patch #921098 by munzirtaha: !is_null() should be replaced by isset because...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* - Patch #921098 by munzirtaha: !is_null() should be replaced by isset() becau...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* - Patch #844186 by chx: clarify merge queries.Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* - Patch #907690 by sun, pwolanin: breadcrumbs don't work for dynamic paths an...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* #882164 follow-up by Gábor Hojtsy, reglogge: Further clarifications to local...Angie Byron2010-09-23
* #418302 follow-up by David_Rothstein, reglogge, dww: Deal with obscure edge c...Angie Byron2010-09-22
* - Patch #168722 by sun, bleen18: hidden input elements contain invalid charac...Dries Buytaert2010-09-22
* - Patch #908282 by jbrown: theme_image() performs I/O.Dries Buytaert2010-09-22
* - Patch #910388 by mikl: installation fails on PostgreSQL 8.4: Invalid escape...Dries Buytaert2010-09-22
* #882164 by aschiwi, Gábor Hojtsy, David_Rothstein, reglogge, et al: Fix the ...Angie Byron2010-09-22
* - Patch #885228 by sun, Jacine, mverbaar: CSS Files are in major need of clea...Dries Buytaert2010-09-19
* - Patch #909230 by chx: better db_query() docs.Dries Buytaert2010-09-18
* - Patch #846330 by sun: proper wrapping of phpDoc.Dries Buytaert2010-09-17
* - Patch #732914 by Jacine, sun, reglogge, cosmicdreams: improve the markup/CS...Dries Buytaert2010-09-17
* - Patch #914312 by sdboyer: classes marked 'final' are not picked up by the r...Dries Buytaert2010-09-17
* - Patch #909272 by moshe weitzman, David_Rothstein: remove stub update functi...Dries Buytaert2010-09-17
* - Patch #740834 by makononov, sun: form elements cannot be rendered without f...Dries Buytaert2010-09-16
* - Patch #883092 by Everett Zufelt, mgifford, Jacine: add heading before local...Dries Buytaert2010-09-16
* - Patch #809616 by catch: fixed notice in menu rebuild.Dries Buytaert2010-09-16
* Back to 7.0-devAngie Byron2010-09-16
* Drupal 7.0-alpha7Angie Byron2010-09-16
* #910190 by sun: Remove schema cache from needlessly being loaded on all pages...Angie Byron2010-09-15
* - Patch #910572 by sun, David_Rothstein: command line installations are broke...Dries Buytaert2010-09-14
* #418302 by David_Rothstein, dww, reglogge, and lots and lots of other people:...Angie Byron2010-09-14
* #763376 follow-up by andypost: Fix typo.Angie Byron2010-09-13
* #734234 by quicksketch, moonray, Melissamcewen, ekes, flobruit: Fixed Radio b...Angie Byron2010-09-13
* #898520 follow-up by Damien Tournoud, chx, David Rothstein: Clean-up the upgr...Angie Byron2010-09-13
* - Patch #756762 by effulgentsia, fago, sun, rfay, pwolanin: AJAX should follo...Dries Buytaert2010-09-13
* #874326 by rfay, pwolanin, chx: Fixed Invalid scheme fails to halt processing...Angie Byron2010-09-11
* - Patch #240828 by sun, yoroy: fixed 'Validation error, please try again...' ...Dries Buytaert2010-09-11
* #818418 by Amitaibu: Fixed Notices on language negotiation callback when tryi...Angie Byron2010-09-11
* #629484 by Amitaibu, fago, et al: Added Add entity 'label' key info (e.g. tit...Angie Byron2010-09-11
* #898036 by Berdir: Fixed Private images broken. (with tests)Angie Byron2010-09-11
* - Patch #904994 by douggreen, chx: watchdog should always use replaceable arg...Dries Buytaert2010-09-11
* #616240 follow-up by yched, dereine, marvil07: Make Field UI screens extensib...Angie Byron2010-09-11
* #763376 follow-up by fago, sun, effulgentsia: Minor adjustments to drupal_arr...Angie Byron2010-09-10