path: root/misc/ahah.js
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #396466 by quicksketch: support custom success callbacks in ahah.js.Dries Buytaert2009-07-16
* - Patch #507108 by quicksketch: allow AHAH to reset Drupal.settings after loa...Dries Buytaert2009-07-14
* #444402 follow-up by kkaefer: Fix autocomplete, enforce code style for anonym...Angie Byron2009-04-27
* #444402 by kkaefer and RobLoach: Enforce coding standards on all core JavaScr...Angie Byron2009-04-26
* - Patch #439038 by JeremyFrench: fixed typo in CSS file.Dries Buytaert2009-04-20
* #360081 by quicksketch: Stop using global variables for JavaScript settings.Angie Byron2009-03-13
* #350275 by Rob Loach, starbow, and quicksketch: Upgrade to jQuery 1.3.2 and j...Angie Byron2009-03-08
* #125030 by kkaefer, quicksketch, dvessel, Steven, and John Resig: Allow compa...Angie Byron2009-02-18
* - Patch #316225 by sun et al: allow behaviors to detach from AHAH/AJAX.Dries Buytaert2008-10-29
* - Patch #216059 by nedjo, theborg, karens, goba, webchick et al: AHAH trigger...Dries Buytaert2008-02-12
* #201141 by yched: instead of 'HTTP error 200' messages when a PHP error occur...Gábor Hojtsy2008-01-04
* #193274 by dmitrig01 and quicksketch: send submit button data with AHAH submi...Gábor Hojtsy2007-11-19
* #184867 by deekayen, catch and keith.smith: fix some spelling errors in our s...Gábor Hojtsy2007-10-21
* #181741 by quicksketch: fix AHAH throbber/progress bar issues and generalize ...Gábor Hojtsy2007-10-10
* #157752 by quicksketch: extend AHAH functionality to most types of form eleme...Gábor Hojtsy2007-10-05
* #174708 by multiple contributors: update jQuery to 1.2Gábor Hojtsy2007-09-12
* - Patch #154398 by quicksketch et al: add dynamic AHAH submission properties ...Dries Buytaert2007-07-04