path: root/misc/form.js
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* #444402 follow-up by kkaefer: Fix autocomplete, enforce code style for anonym...Angie Byron2009-04-27
* #444402 by kkaefer and RobLoach: Enforce coding standards on all core JavaScr...Angie Byron2009-04-26
* #323112 by dmitrig01, kkaefer, quicksketch, frando and many many more: Now pr...Angie Byron2009-04-11
* #304330 follow-up by sun: Clean-up of text format widget patch.Angie Byron2009-03-30
* #360081 by quicksketch: Stop using global variables for JavaScript settings.Angie Byron2009-03-13
* #304330 by ximo, alpritt, Amitaibu, edmund.kwok, Xano, ff1, BrightLoudNoise, ...Angie Byron2009-03-08
* #125030 by kkaefer, quicksketch, dvessel, Steven, and John Resig: Allow compa...Angie Byron2009-02-18
* - Patch #316225 by sun et al: allow behaviors to detach from AHAH/AJAX.Dries Buytaert2008-10-29
* #174708 by multiple contributors: update jQuery to 1.2Gábor Hojtsy2007-09-12