path: root/modules/contextual/contextual.module
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Issue #1483662 by rdickert, Psikik: Update URLs for module help pagesJennifer Hodgdon2012-03-26
* Issue #1332648 by sven.lauer, jhodgdon, xjm: Clean up API docs for ↵webchick2011-11-24
| | | | contextual module.
* Issue #1011614 by catch, pillarsdotnet: Fixed Theme registry can grow too ↵webchick2011-10-29
| | | | large for MySQL max_allowed_packet() and memcache default slab size.
* Stripping CVS keywordsThe Great Git Migration2011-02-25
* - Patch #939398 by merlinofchaos: undefined offset: 0 in contextual_preprocess()Dries Buytaert2010-10-31
* - Patch #627288 by sun, David_Rothstein: contextual links are not alterable.Dries Buytaert2010-09-11
* - Patch #850152 by kiamlaluno: use 'elseif' in place of 'else if'.Dries Buytaert2010-07-24
* - Patch #765830 by rfay: E_NOTICE if block is themed without an argument.Dries Buytaert2010-06-13
* #588148 by JohnAlbin, sun, and effulgentsia: Make theme_links() actually ↵Angie Byron2010-01-08
| | | | themable.
* #646874 by sun and David_Rothstein: Remove assumptions about Contextual ↵Angie Byron2010-01-04
| | | | links and Shortcut modules from template files.
* - Patch #658364 by effulgentsia: made the build/view/formatter terminology ↵Dries Buytaert2009-12-21
| | | | more consistent.
* - Patch #653000 by jhodgdon, arianek: create help page for Overlay module ↵Dries Buytaert2009-12-11
| | | | following new standard.
* - Patch #626286 by sun, David_Rothstein, Rob Loach: make contextual links a ↵Dries Buytaert2009-12-06