path: root/modules/field/tests
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Issue #1823306 by mkalkbrenner, p-neyens, webflo, swentel, zuuperman: Languag...David Rothstein2015-03-29
* Issue #2278583 by nlisgo, Berdir, joshi.rohit100 | Fabianx: Fixed field_has_d...David Rothstein2014-11-03
* Issue #1859084 by Jorrit, David_Rothstein, attiks: Improved database queries ...David Rothstein2014-09-02
* Issue #2145077 by TR: Fix spelling errors in D7 tests and commentsJennifer Hodgdon2013-12-03
* Issue #1416506 by yched, Damien Tournoud, swentel: Fixed Field schema foreign...David Rothstein2013-08-04
* Issue #1797106 by dcam, izus, xjm, lazysoundsystem, zuuperman, Lars Toomre: R...Jennifer Hodgdon2013-04-26
* Issue #1943664 by joachim: Use new standards to document entity info callback...Jennifer Hodgdon2013-04-04
* Issue #1821906 by Wim Leers, nod_: Allow more Field API public API functions ...David Rothstein2013-03-30
* Issue #1040790 by yched, swentel, geerlingguy, justin.randell, Berdir | catch...David Rothstein2013-01-27
* Issue #1812822 by larowlan, _wdm_: Fixed field_test_entity_info() does not se...David Rothstein2012-11-05
* Issue #1325628 by damien_vancouver, xjm, Damien Tournoud, TravisCarden | jbov...David Rothstein2012-07-29
* Issue #1560028 by bleen18, sun, thehong: Remove all calls to rand() from tests.David Rothstein2012-07-08
* Issue #822418 by catch, marcingy, davidjdagino, no_commit_credit, tim.plunket...David Rothstein2012-06-03
* Issue #811542 by bojanz, sun, mlncn, chx, pillarsdotnet, loganfsmyth, xjm: Fi...webchick2012-03-13
* Issue #1245332 by Dave Reid, rfay, willvincent: Fixed Warning when all bundle...webchick2012-03-11
* Issue #1264728 by yched, Albert Volkman: Refresh field 'active' state in modu...webchick2012-03-01
* Issue #1391426 by yched: Fixed Wrong bundles in EntityFieldQueryTestCase.webchick2012-01-21
* Issue #1371938 by yched, Everett Zufelt, xjm, casey: Fixed hook_field_delete(...webchick2012-01-21
* Issue #1273722 by bfroehle: Fix FieldAttachTestCase::setUp() signature.webchick2011-12-31
* Issue #1380660 by aspilicious, loganfsmyth: Fixed field_available_languages()...webchick2011-12-31
* - Patch #1146088 by lyricnz: label always visible for table formatter.Dries2011-12-19
* Issue #1301522 by xjm, Rob Loach, David_Rothstein: Fixed field_ui_default_val...webchick2011-12-10
* Issue #1226796 by sun, catch, Damien Tournoud: Fixed Not equal operator '!=' ...webchick2011-09-27
* Issue #943772 by jpsoto, yched, catch, bojanz, pillarsdotnet, steinmb: Fixed ...webchick2011-08-29
* Issue #1169426 by plach, fietserwin, sun: Fixed Field invoke multiple does no...webchick2011-06-21
* Issue #1089174 follow-up by plach: Fix notices and expand tests.webchick2011-05-23
* Stripping CVS keywordsThe Great Git Migration2011-02-25
* - Patch #1056108 by 1V: consistent use of 'JavaScript' and 'Ajax'.Dries Buytaert2011-02-19
* - Patch #1019710 by stephenh: Changed Standardize @file comments in .test files.Dries Buytaert2011-02-04
* #934726 by yched, jinglemansweep: Fixed Undefined index: taxonomy_term in tax...Angie Byron2011-01-28
* - Patch #1024840 by Jody Lynn: whitespace fixes for field module.Dries Buytaert2011-01-18
* #915174 by sdboyer, sun: Remove pointless files[] declarations on files that ...Angie Byron2010-12-20
* #915906 by jbrown, yched: Fixed Deleting node type with only instance of a fi...Angie Byron2010-12-15
* #990814 by yched, jhodgdon: Fixed Intermittent test failures in field.testAngie Byron2010-12-07
* #990148 by chx, jhodgdon: Provide context to hook_field_attach_view_alter().Angie Byron2010-12-07
* #501408 by flobruit, PieterDC, yched: Allow user fields to be displayed on re...Angie Byron2010-11-30
* #942310 by an.droid, yched, fago, sun: Fixed Field form cannot be attached mo...Angie Byron2010-11-20
* #830704 by fago, effulgentsia, Frando: Fixed entity forms cannot be properly ...Angie Byron2010-11-20
* - Patch #938462 by bojanz: Fix EntityFieldQuery fatal error in certain cases ...Dries Buytaert2010-11-05
* - Patch #940668 by yched: Fixed 'Manage display' : Formatter change not refle...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* #876762 by Dave Reid, yched: Fixed modules have no way of knowing if vocabula...Angie Byron2010-10-13
* - Patch #924686 by mikey_p, munzirtaha: space required after foreach construct.Dries Buytaert2010-09-28
* - Patch #921606 by munzirtaha, bleen18: various code uses is_null().Dries Buytaert2010-09-26
* - Patch #907690 by sun, pwolanin: breadcrumbs don't work for dynamic paths an...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* #629484 by Amitaibu, fago, et al: Added Add entity 'label' key info (e.g. tit...Angie Byron2010-09-11
* - Patch #902264 by Damien Tournoud: move hook_field_schema() to .install file...Dries Buytaert2010-09-04
* - Rollback of #447816 -- didn't meant to commit that just yet.Dries Buytaert2010-08-18
* - Patch #879910 by plach: fixed text_field_prepare_translation() broken.Dries Buytaert2010-08-17
* - Patch #423888 by mikeryan, Crell, drunken monkey: use subqueries for ->coun...Dries Buytaert2010-08-08
* Reverting #500866. Needs more discussion.Angie Byron2010-08-05