path: root/modules/field_ui/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Issue #1115106 by Damien Tournoud: Fixed Failures to update a field are not p...webchick2011-10-09
* Issue #1248940 by yched: Fixed 'Manage fields' screens : broken table layout.webchick2011-10-05
* Issue #943772 by jpsoto, yched, catch, bojanz, pillarsdotnet, steinmb: Fixed ...webchick2011-08-29
* Issue #1164852 by plach: Default the 'translatable' bit on fields to FALSE fo...webchick2011-07-20
* Stripping CVS keywordsThe Great Git Migration2011-02-25
* - Patch #1056108 by 1V: consistent use of 'JavaScript' and 'Ajax'.Dries Buytaert2011-02-19
* #1024608 by yched: Move help text setting above field-specific settings on fi...Angie Byron2011-01-28
* #915906 by jbrown, yched: Fixed Deleting node type with only instance of a fi...Angie Byron2010-12-15
* #501408 by flobruit, PieterDC, yched: Allow user fields to be displayed on re...Angie Byron2010-11-30
* #686938 by yched: Fix notice Undefined index: admin in _field_ui_bundle_admin...Angie Byron2010-11-21
* #942310 by an.droid, yched, fago, sun: Fixed Field form cannot be attached mo...Angie Byron2010-11-20
* #964092 by Stalski, yched: Fixed Errors when integrating fieldgroup rows on '...Angie Byron2010-11-20
* - Patch #943742 by Stalski: fields only appearing when custom field is added ...Dries Buytaert2010-11-13
* - Patch #914792 by sun, moshe weitzman, effulgentsia: custom element properti...Dries Buytaert2010-11-12
* - Patch #839556 by jrchamp, dmitrig01: remove pointless usage of array_key_ex...Dries Buytaert2010-10-28
* Trying #886152 again: Fixed All fields are hidden after the administrator new...Angie Byron2010-10-23
* Rollback of #886152. Broke testbot.Angie Byron2010-10-23
* #886152 by yched, pwolanin, hefox, chx, rszrama, ksenzee: Fixed All fields ar...Angie Byron2010-10-23
* - Patch #946646 by yched: move helper #element_functions() out of Field UI.Dries Buytaert2010-10-22
* #936536 by rszrama, sun, yched: Fixed Missing #empty_option on a couple selects.Angie Byron2010-10-20
* - Patch #882694 by mgifford, sun, ksenzee, bleen18, yched: add missing form e...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #940668 by yched: Fixed 'Manage display' : Formatter change not refle...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* #938672 follow-up by tim.plunkett: Fix typo in t() string.Angie Byron2010-10-14
* #938672 by Jeff Burnz: Stop thousands of red Xs from appearing on field UI er...Angie Byron2010-10-13
* - Patch #140783 by sun, chx, effulgentsia, David_Rothstein, webchick: a selec...Dries Buytaert2010-10-04
* - Patch #896584 by tstoeckler: path inconsistency for the field edit form.Dries Buytaert2010-09-29
* - Patch #921606 by munzirtaha, bleen18: various code uses is_null().Dries Buytaert2010-09-26
* - Patch #140783 by sun: a select list without #default_value() always passes ...Dries Buytaert2010-09-24
* #896162 follow-up by effulgentsia: Fix for fatal error in Field UI settings f...Angie Byron2010-09-21
* - Patch #740834 by makononov, sun: form elements cannot be rendered without f...Dries Buytaert2010-09-16
* #616240 follow-up by yched, dereine, marvil07: Make Field UI screens extensib...Angie Byron2010-09-11
* #902738 by jbrown: Fixed No status message when reordering fields.Angie Byron2010-09-07
* #896162 by yched: Fixed Field UI 'formatter settings' form broken.Angie Byron2010-08-28
* - Patch #888438 by yched: field UI 'Manage fields' visual glitch.Dries Buytaert2010-08-22
* - Patch #878952 by sun: () not passed by reference to hook_field_formatter_se...Dries Buytaert2010-08-20
* #878294 by yched: Fixed Field UI reorder on 'Manage fields' affects ordering ...Angie Byron2010-08-10
* - Patch #870292 by sun, yched: hook_field_extra_fields() results are not cached.Dries Buytaert2010-08-03
* - Patch #796658 by yched, andypost: UI for field formatter settings.Dries Buytaert2010-07-17
* #838040 by justinrandell, azriprajwala: Fixed notices thrown when adding a st...Angie Byron2010-06-27
* - Patch #616240 by yched, marcingy: make field UI screens extensible from con...Dries Buytaert2010-06-26
* - Patch #702816 by yched, tstoeckler: mention of content types when it should...Dries Buytaert2010-06-25
* #798292 by casey, David_Rothstein: Fixed Overlay redirect to list of content ...Angie Byron2010-06-21
* #448292 by Frank Ralf, David_Rothstein, mgifford, Everett Zufelt, Bojhan, moh...Angie Byron2010-06-20
* - Patch #813722 by joachim: fixed inconsistent terminology on the new 'Manage...Dries Buytaert2010-05-31
* - Patch #553298 by yched, te-brian, chx, sun: redesign the 'Manage Display' s...Dries Buytaert2010-05-23
* - Patch #680416 by Amitaibu, yched: allow defining fields that can not be add...Dries Buytaert2010-05-18
* - Patch #482816 by sun, Rob Loach: make a consistent wrapper around submit bu...Dries Buytaert2010-04-24
* - Patch #348448 by mfb, c960657, marvil07, cdale, jpmckinney: fixed PHP stric...Dries Buytaert2010-04-11
* - Patch #742318 by sun, yched: fields are editable regardless of whether an b...Dries Buytaert2010-03-28
* #707724 follow-up by yched: Fix more confusing field/entity api arguments.Angie Byron2010-03-27