path: root/modules/filter
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #674626 by asimmonds: fixed text format filter list not being ordered...Dries Buytaert2010-02-05
* #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, ...Angie Byron2010-02-03
* #504076 follow-up by jhodgdon, yoroy, sun, et al: Scare the living bejeebus o...Angie Byron2010-01-30
* #612870 by asimmonds: Fixed Weight fields should be int, not tinyint.Angie Byron2010-01-30
* - Patch #563106 by adrian, David_Rothstein: more upgrade path fixes to help c...Dries Buytaert2010-01-25
* - Patch #693614 by asimmonds: fixed PHPDoc spelling typos.Dries Buytaert2010-01-25
* #542972 by Shai, David_Rothstein, yoroy, et al: Change Name of 'Page' Content...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #563106 by quicksketch, scor, andypost, ctmattice1, catch, yched, adrian: Fix...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #571654 follow-up by chx, peximo, plach, sun, et al:Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #482816 by sun and Rob Loach: Add a consistent wrapper around submit buttons.Angie Byron2010-01-03
* #645784 follow-up by jhodgdon and David_Rothstein: Minor adjustments to Filte...Angie Byron2009-12-28
* - Patch #601548 by Damien Tournoud, moshe weitzman: loosen the dependency bet...Dries Buytaert2009-12-22
* #653940 follow-up by Damien Tournoud: Clean-up of error handling from first s...Angie Byron2009-12-15
* - Patch #558666 by sun, dropcube: revamp text format/filter configuration for...Dries Buytaert2009-12-14
* - Patch #658692 by Arancaytar: fixed documentation of hook_filter_info().Dries Buytaert2009-12-13
* - Patch #653940 by sun: tests weren't reporting all errors.Dries Buytaert2009-12-10
* #645784 follow-up by jhodgdon and David_Rothstein: Put back accidentally roll...Angie Byron2009-12-08
* #654014 by moshe weitzman: Fix broken update functions.Angie Byron2009-12-08
* - Patch #653864 by sun: fixed bugs in filter administration and tableDrag.Dries Buytaert2009-12-08
* #645784 by arianek, lisarex, and tobiasb: Update Filter module to new help st...Angie Byron2009-12-07
* - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of ...Dries Buytaert2009-12-04
* - Patch #626024 by sun, catch: fixed filter_list_format() hits database too o...Dries Buytaert2009-12-03
* - Patch #635094 by plach: unify 'language neutral' language codes.Dries Buytaert2009-12-02
* - Patch #620446 by Xano: rewrite permission titles and descriptions.Dries Buytaert2009-12-01
* - Patch #504076 by eigentor, David_Rothstein, dcor, heather, lisarex: improve...Dries Buytaert2009-11-30
* - Patch #562932 by sun, dropcube, ugerhard: filter cache settings not saved p...Dries Buytaert2009-11-30
* - Patch #582378 by sun, David_Rothstein: fixes for the filter system and addi...Dries Buytaert2009-11-22
* - Patch #598758 by stBorchert, sun, pwolanin, eigentor, TheRec, seutje: add l...Dries Buytaert2009-11-17
* #606526 by axyjo and scor: Remove trailing whitespace and add newlines at end...Angie Byron2009-11-10
* - Patch #625942 by catch: added index to avoid filesort in filter_formats().Dries Buytaert2009-11-07
* #602522 by effulgentsia, sun, and moshe weitzman: Make links in renderable ar...Angie Byron2009-11-03
* #600974 by effulgentsia, JohnAlbin, sun, and Damien Tournoud: Allow theme fun...Angie Byron2009-10-23
* - Patch #606796 by jhodgdon: fixed documentation inaccuracy with filter_form().Dries Buytaert2009-10-23
* - Patch #593746 by #593746 by sun, andypost: prepare Drupal core for dynamic ...Dries Buytaert2009-10-16
* - Patch #582378 by sun: more filter system clean-up.Dries Buytaert2009-10-13
* #557292 by peximo, plach, catch, and yched: Convert node title to Field API.Angie Byron2009-10-11
* #569238 by sun, swentel, catch: Changed Make check_markup() not cache by defa...Angie Byron2009-10-10
* #562908 by sun and dropcube: Fixed issue where {filter}.module is not saved.Angie Byron2009-10-09
* - Patch #572618 by effulgentsia, pwolanin, sun: all theme functions should ta...Dries Buytaert2009-10-09
* #464862 follow-up by kkaefer: Rename drupal_css_class() to drupal_html_class_...Angie Byron2009-10-05
* - Patch #464862 by JohnAlbin, sun, dereine | dvessel, Jacine, Zarabadoo: adde...Dries Buytaert2009-10-03
* - Patch #570900 by Crell | asimmonds: Changed Destroy remnants of update_sql().Dries Buytaert2009-09-29
* - Patch #560738 by sun, noahb, David_Rothstein | dropcube: trying to delete a...Dries Buytaert2009-09-25
* - Patch #11218 by David_Rothstein, sun, quicksketch, duncf, awood456, dropcub...Dries Buytaert2009-09-20
* #571086 by sun and merlinofchaos: Added a 'wrapper callback' that executesAngie Byron2009-09-18
* - Patch #470840 by salvis, sinasquax, sun: fixed bug in node_access() if we s...Dries Buytaert2009-09-12
* - Patch #570930 by sun: allow to retrieve all filters (including disabled) in...Dries Buytaert2009-09-11
* #568224 by Josh Waihi and chx: Fixed missing constant in filter value. (all p...Angie Byron2009-09-05
* - Patch #563272 by David_Rothstein: renamed parameter for readability.Dries Buytaert2009-08-30
* #560740 by sun and David_Rothstein: 'Escape all HTML' filter did not escape a...Angie Byron2009-08-29