path: root/modules/system
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #248205 by Damien Tournoud: up requirement for PostgreSQL to PostgreS...Dries Buytaert2008-11-28
* Reverting #337820 once more, as it causes mysterious test failures.Angie Byron2008-11-27
* - Patch #314870 by drewish: removed some code that accidentically got committ...Dries Buytaert2008-11-26
* - Patch #325908 by kbahey: removed redundant cache flusing.Dries Buytaert2008-11-26
* - Patch #263445 by Dave Reid, merlinofchaos: replace improper use of drupal_t...Dries Buytaert2008-11-26
* - Patch #337820 by Dave Reid: rename menu path logout to user/logout.Dries Buytaert2008-11-25
* #314870 by Rob Loach, drewish, catch, and sun: Add hook API documentation to ...Angie Byron2008-11-25
* - Patch #332980 by scor: RDF namespace registry clean-ups.Dries Buytaert2008-11-24
* - Patch #333143 by justinrandell: cleaning up the Drupal bootstrap code, remo...Dries Buytaert2008-11-24
* Reverting #337820 which causes menu tests to fail, unbeknownst to testing bot...Angie Byron2008-11-24
* Removing #137932 which was committed prematurely.Angie Byron2008-11-24
* #337820 by Dave Reid: Rename menu path 'logout' to 'user/logout' for consiste...Angie Byron2008-11-23
* #337820 follow-up: Reverting conflict cruft that somehow got introduced the l...Angie Byron2008-11-23
* - Patch #332980 by scor and keith.smith: documentation improvements + typo fi...Dries Buytaert2008-11-23
* - Patch #332980 by scor: added an RDF namespace registry. Oh my ... :-)Dries Buytaert2008-11-22
* - Patch #337660 by dmitrig01: usability improvement - show a preview for the ...Dries Buytaert2008-11-22
* - Patch #245504 by David Rothstein: throttle module is gone now. For real.Dries Buytaert2008-11-22
* - Patch #319831 by keith.smitch, Workfflow et al: remove redundant help text.Dries Buytaert2008-11-21
* #11077 by mfb, KarenS, macgirvin, and jjkd: Can you say Daylight Savings Time...Angie Byron2008-11-20
* - Patch #332123 by webchick, lilou: remove t() function from schema descripti...Dries Buytaert2008-11-15
* - Patch #331570 by recidive: rename block module tables to singular. Require...Dries Buytaert2008-11-15
* - Patch #297225 by keith.smith: massaged the text on the modules page a bit.Dries Buytaert2008-11-13
* - Patch #325665 by chx, Damien Tournoud, justinrandell et al: improved the ca...Dries Buytaert2008-11-11
* #315798 by Rob Loach, mfer, Grugnog2, and sun: Add weighting to drupal_add_js().Angie Byron2008-11-10
* - Patch #93509 by catch: automatically run cron after installation, improve t...Dries Buytaert2008-11-05
* #257910 follow-up by Damien Tournoud: Fix location of search.install update c...Angie Byron2008-11-03
* #303889 by David_Rothstein, kbahey, and chx: Make it possible to update D6 ->...Angie Byron2008-11-03
* - Patch #257910 by Damien Tournoud: use primary key instead.Dries Buytaert2008-11-02
* - Patch #257910 by douggreen et al: Performance Issue during Indexing - searc...Dries Buytaert2008-11-02
* - Patch #328719 by c960657: make the module list tests succeed again.Dries Buytaert2008-11-01
* - Patch #327480 by chx: remove DB specific code from simpletest.Dries Buytaert2008-10-31
* - Patch #298600 by chx, justinrandell, Damien, et al: make module_implements ...Dries Buytaert2008-10-31
* - Patch #316225 by sun et al: allow behaviors to detach from AHAH/AJAX.Dries Buytaert2008-10-29
* - Patch #298047 by keith.smith et al: make description correct.Dries Buytaert2008-10-29
* - Patch #266358 by Rob Loach, mfer: use array in drupal_add_css().Dries Buytaert2008-10-26
* - Patch #199870 by alpritt et al: beter password strength checker. Really cool.Dries Buytaert2008-10-19
* - Patch #320793 by hass: fixed translation issue.Dries Buytaert2008-10-16
* - Patch #320747 by lilou, UltimateBoy: removed double semicolons.Dries Buytaert2008-10-14
* - Patch #296321 by pwolanin, swentel: link to cron.php broken when clean URLs...Dries Buytaert2008-10-13
* - Patch #320000 by lilou: unify doxygen @file documentation in tpl.Dries Buytaert2008-10-13
* Re-commit of #242873 by pwolanin and bjaspan: Make drupal_set_title() check_p...Angie Byron2008-10-13
* Roll-back of #242873: This caused horrendous problems with SimpleTest on some...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif.Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #320009 by Dave Reid: Remove notice about missing files[] array and prevent i...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #320024 by Dave Reid: Replace hardcoded drupal_required_modules() with requir...Angie Byron2008-10-12
* #253569 by aaron, agentrickard, and Dave Reid: Add hook_modules_X to allow mo...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #242873 by pwolanin and bjaspan: Make drupal_set_title() do check_plain() by ...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #305566 by agentrickard and moshe weitzman: Split 'bypass node access' from '...Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #296306 by swentel: Test for custom 403 page.Angie Byron2008-10-11
* #319699 follow-up by Dave Reid: Simplify required module hiding in admin/buil...Angie Byron2008-10-11