path: root/modules/taxonomy
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Issue #2619816 by AshwiniPatil: Fix code style problem with array spacing in ↵David Rothstein2016-02-01
| | | | taxonomy_help()
* Issue #2392543 by awm: Fix documentation for hook_taxonomy_term_view_alterJennifer Hodgdon2015-02-17
* Issue #1968348 by znerol, David_Rothstein, peximo, DuaelFr: Fixed ↵David Rothstein2014-11-01
| | | | hook_field_formatter_prepare_view does not make use of hook_entity_view_mode_alter causing major errors.
* Issue #1525176 by klausi, amateescu, David_Rothstein, dlu, goldenboy, ↵David Rothstein2014-05-06
| | | | lucascaro, naveko, Georgique, webchick: Using array_diff_assoc() for multilevel arrays in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet().
* Issue #2182187 by izus: Clarify documentation for taxonomy_vocabulary_delete()Jennifer Hodgdon2014-03-12
* Issue #2183461 by siliconmeadow: Fix reference to nonexistent function in ↵Jennifer Hodgdon2014-02-12
| | | | taxonomy docs
* Issue #2174551 by David_Rothstein, mikeytown2, hswong3i: ↵David Rothstein2014-01-31
| | | | Taxonomy_update_7011 runs out of memory.
* Drupal 7.26David Rothstein2014-01-15
* Issue #1759144 by rondp, Josh Waihi, jweowu, David_Rothstein | plachance: ↵David Rothstein2013-08-06
| | | | Fixed taxonomy_update_7005 on pgsql returns error 'column 'td' of relation 'taxonomy_update_7005' does not exist'.
* Issue #2011780 by pdrake: Fixed Taxonomy vocabulary interface test assumes ↵David Rothstein2013-08-05
| | | | auto-increment increment of 1.
* Issue #1831540 by orb, sergeypavlenko, Berdir, andypost, podarok, cam8001, ↵Jennifer Hodgdon2013-06-20
| | | | Gaelan: Rewrite examples for taxonomy hooks in taxonomy.api.php
* Issue #1943664 by joachim: Use new standards to document entity info ↵Jennifer Hodgdon2013-04-04
| | | | callback functions
* Issue #1242602 by swentel, JvE, babruix | Chi: Fixed Notices in ↵David Rothstein2013-03-30
| | | | taxonomy_autocomplete().
* Issue #1751054 by borisbaldinger, Berdir, vomiand: Fixed serious ↵David Rothstein2013-03-10
| | | | documentation problem with the $name variable in taxonomy-term.tpl.php (incorrectly documented as being sanitized when in fact it is not).
* Issue #1067120 followup by David_Rothstein, Berdir: Fix backwards ↵David Rothstein2012-11-07
| | | | compatibility issues for Drupal 7 on the taxonomy term page, and small documentation fixes.
* Issue #1154382 followup by plach: Fixed several issues with the newly-added ↵David Rothstein2012-11-06
| | | | hook_entity_view_mode_alter().
* Issue #1134088 by Cottser, catch: Properly document update-api functionsJennifer Hodgdon2012-10-09
* Issue #1067120 by BTMash, DamienMcKenna, corvus_ch, valthebald, mrfelton, ↵webchick2012-10-06
| | | | fgm, Dave Reid: Fixed Missing hook_taxonomy_term_view() or hook_entity_view() when viewing a term.
* Issue #1154382 by Berdir, barraponto, acouch, swentel, LoMo, DamienMcKenna, ↵webchick2012-09-30
| | | | chx: Fixed View mode no longer can be changed.
* Issue #1742958 by DamienMcKenna: Fix capitalization of URL and other acronymsJennifer Hodgdon2012-09-17
* Issue #1555294 by Pol, tim.plunkett, oriol_e9g, cristinawithout, gagarine, ↵webchick2012-09-05
| | | | dcam: Fixed Vocabulary title HTML entities are double encoded.
* Issue #716496 by killtheliterate, rootwork: Make sure all core template ↵Jennifer Hodgdon2012-08-28
| | | | files are in themeable group
* - Patch #1577938 by m-abshir, trogels, jhodgdon: taxonomy_vocabulary_save() ↵Dries2012-08-24
| | | | documentation needs clarification: new vocabulary versus updating vocabulary.
* Reverting because I got the commit message wrong.Dries2012-08-24
| | | | This reverts commit c44e3e9790885dfab38fbeef96e52b8c5491910e.
* - PatchDries2012-08-24
* Issue #1715326 by kid_icarus, oriol_e9g, dsdeiz: Fixed taxonomy_get_tree() ↵webchick2012-08-19
| | | | typo on comments...
* Issue #1054162 by tim.plunkett, Transition, Dave Reid, joachim, ↵webchick2012-08-18
| | | | no_commit_credit, Berdir, marcingy, damiankloip: Taxonomy bundles not supported by EntityFieldQuery (followup).
* Issue #1689426 by mjonesdinero, ronan.orb: Fix return value docs for ↵Jennifer Hodgdon2012-07-20
| | | | taxonomy_term_load function
* Issue #1525138 by twistor, Georgique: Fixed Illegal string offset 'field' in ↵David Rothstein2012-07-08
| | | | function TaxonomyTermController->buildQuery().
* Issue #1195254 follow-up by David_Rothstein: Fix indentation.David Rothstein2012-06-23
* Issue #1195254 by trrroy, underq, kid_icarus, tim.plunkett, oriol_e9g, xjm: ↵David Rothstein2012-06-23
| | | | Taxonomy test cleanup.
* Issue #1549390 by drumm, BTMash: Taxonomy_update_7005() can be faster.David Rothstein2012-06-09
* Issue #1495648 by plach: Introduce entity language support.David Rothstein2012-06-09
* Issue #1054162 by tim.plunkett, Dave Reid, joachim, no_commit_credit, ↵David Rothstein2012-06-03
| | | | Berdir: Taxonomy bundles not supported by EntityFieldQuery.
* Issue #1358944 by wulff: Fix misuse of ingroup in documentation blocksJennifer Hodgdon2012-05-23
* Issue #1542674 by, tim.plunkett, damiankloip: Fixed Wrong count ↵webchick2012-04-30
| | | | assertion in taxonomy.test.
* Issue #277200 by andypost, Damien Tournoud: Add tests for vocabulary hierarchy.webchick2012-04-30
* Issue #1509838 by tim.plunkett, cosmicdreams klausi: Use elseif not else ifJennifer Hodgdon2012-04-27
* Issue #1541792 by tim.plunkett, chx, Amitaibu: Enable dynamic allowed list ↵webchick2012-04-25
| | | | values function with additional context
* Issue #1504226 by kim.pepper: Add detail to return value docs of ↵Jennifer Hodgdon2012-04-02
| | | | taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names
* Issue #1483662 by rdickert, Psikik: Update URLs for module help pagesJennifer Hodgdon2012-03-26
* Issue #93854 by pillarsdotnet, Steven Jones, Dave Reid, ericduran, xjm, ↵webchick2012-03-13
| | | | das-peter, e2thex, axel.rutz, mstrelan, mikestefff | moonray: Fixed Allow autocompletion requests to include slashes.
* Issue #1264728 by yched, Albert Volkman: Refresh field 'active' state in ↵webchick2012-03-01
| | | | module_enable() / _disable().
* Issue #336697 by oriol_e9g, xjm, jbomb, Davy Van Den Bremt, coltrane, ↵webchick2012-03-01
| | | | lyricnz: Added Optional vocabulary argument for taxonomy_get_term_by_name().
* Issue #687180 by Island Usurper, catch, Berdir, Damien Tournoud, xjm, ↵webchick2012-03-01
| | | | anthbel: Fixed Deleting a taxonomy vocabulary leaves term reference fields still pointing to it, and a PDO Exception when creating content.
* Issue #814804 by JacobSingh, ksenzee, xjm, draenen, paul.lovvik, ↵webchick2012-02-29
| | | | David_Rothstein, Gábor Hojtsy, Yorirou: Fixed taxonomy_autocomplete() produces SQL error for nonexistent field.
* Issue #1446366 by xjm: Multiple web test classes mislabeled as unit tests.webchick2012-02-29
* Issue #872488 by acouch, Albert Volkman, mfb, musicnode, no_commit_credit: ↵webchick2012-02-28
| | | | Regression: no way to get taxonomy tags into RSS feeds.
* Issue #1346914 by droplet: Use .length instead of jQuery.size().webchick2012-02-14
* - Patch #1428498 by linclark: Docblock syntax error for taxonomy_select_nodes().Dries2012-02-06