path: root/modules/user
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Patch #1031686 by rschwab: User_load() documentation should reference drupa...Dries Buytaert2011-02-04
* - Patch #1019710 by stephenh: Changed Standardize @file comments in .test files.Dries Buytaert2011-02-04
* #690980 by Dave Reid, grendzy, cwgordon7: Security hardening: Ensure password...Angie Byron2011-01-29
* - Patch #1037416 by Jody Lynn: typos in user-picture.tpl comment.Dries Buytaert2011-01-24
* - Patch #1023742 by pillarsdotnet: remove cruft from user_save().Dries Buytaert2011-01-12
* #987384 by h_peter, jhodgdon: Fixed Topics/groups in D7 need cleanupAngie Byron2011-01-02
* #1007504 by carlos8f, pioterw: Fixed Rehashed passwords after Drupal 6 upgrad...Angie Byron2010-12-28
* #915174 follow-up by David_Rothstein: More .module files that no longer need ...Angie Byron2010-12-21
* #915174 by sdboyer, sun: Remove pointless files[] declarations on files that ...Angie Byron2010-12-20
* #1002708 by sun: Robustify instance settings instantiation to prevent fatal e...Angie Byron2010-12-20
* - Patch #991270 by carlos8f, chx: password_count_log2 var out of bounds is a ...Dries Buytaert2010-12-18
* #968458 by Dave Reid, sun, fago: Add Missing hook_entity_presave().Angie Byron2010-12-15
* #954804 follow-up by ksenzee, mfer: Add missing dependency on jquery.cookie f...Angie Byron2010-12-15
* #965004 by johnbarclay, mr.baileys: Fixed Mismatched argument/variables in ho...Angie Byron2010-12-11
* #991340 follow-up: Committed missing test files.Angie Byron2010-12-11
* - Patch #991340 by alexpott: user_validate_current_pass() uses global and no...Dries Buytaert2010-12-11
* #967330 by Dave Reid: Fixed The [current-user:?] token should provide the act...Angie Byron2010-12-09
* #705306 follow-up by sun: Improved documentation for hook_user_cancel().Angie Byron2010-12-01
* #501408 by flobruit, PieterDC, yched: Allow user fields to be displayed on re...Angie Byron2010-11-30
* - Patch #651240 by fago, sun: allow modules to react to changes to an entity.Dries Buytaert2010-11-30
* - Patch #954804 by ksenzee, merlinofchaos: all .js in /misc should be registe...Dries Buytaert2010-11-30
* #947844 by sun: Clean up filter-related tests that load text formats by their...Angie Byron2010-11-29
* #608894 follow-up by mr.baileys: Better method of hiding Profile module from ...Angie Byron2010-11-26
* #853954 by Gábor Hojtsy, joachim: Fix misleading 'all content' on user cance...Angie Byron2010-11-24
* - Patch #968466 by Dave Reid: user search does not use format_username().Dries Buytaert2010-11-21
* #955414 by bfroehle: Fixedd user_get_authmaps: respect proper key-value order...Angie Byron2010-11-21
* #920600 by bojanz, solotandem: Fixed Document the deprecated parameter in en...Angie Byron2010-11-20
* - Patch #953914 by chx, yched, pifantastic: #limit_validation_errors() fails ...Dries Buytaert2010-11-17
* #787684 by sivaji: Role admin page should say something when you saveAngie Byron2010-11-15
* #938536 by David_Rothstein: Fixed User account tokens in _user_mail_text() sh...Angie Byron2010-11-14
* #740258 by coltrane, mr.baileys: Fixed Permissions not shown when module huma...Angie Byron2010-11-14
* #923826 by catch, carlos8f, moshe weitzman: Fixed entity delete operations sh...Angie Byron2010-11-14
* - Patch #171117 by earnie, sun, JirkaRybka, catch, beginner: regression: user...Dries Buytaert2010-11-12
* #601932 by David_Rothstein, carlos8f, yoroy, Bojhan, et al: Allow dashboard t...Angie Byron2010-11-06
* - Patch #924154 by fago: user account fields appear on all categories.Dries Buytaert2010-10-25
* #949576 by sun: Add missing hook_entity_view() and hook_entity_view_alter().Angie Byron2010-10-23
* #925778 follow-up by manarth, sun: Fix phantom my account link for anon users...Angie Byron2010-10-23
* #608894 by chx, catch: Resolve the conflict between the fieldable users UI an...Angie Byron2010-10-20
* - Patch #882694 by mgifford, sun, ksenzee, bleen18, yched: add missing form e...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #934050 by sun, alex_b: change format into string.Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #923850 by mr.baileys, joachim: fixed documentation problem with user...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* #943056 by Dave Reid: Fixed Incorrect capitalization of 'URL' in description ...Angie Byron2010-10-16
* #709892 by drunken monkey, Yorirou: Complete entity CRUD hook invocations: Ad...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* - Patch #937562 by tim.plunkett, chx, justinrandell: fatal Error Call to a me...Dries Buytaert2010-10-11
* #925778 by mradcliffe, chx, sun, manarth: Fixed user edit title incorrectly s...Angie Byron2010-10-08
* - Patch #932098 by sun: various bogus theme variables.Dries Buytaert2010-10-06
* #438224 by dww, sun, netsensei, vordude, et al: 'Post comments without approv...Angie Byron2010-10-05
* #928790 by David_Rothstein: Make menu descriptions consistent.Angie Byron2010-10-04
* - Patch #922824 by plach: no way to specify the language to view entities in.Dries Buytaert2010-10-03
* #358437 follow-up by David_Rothstein, sun, chx: Disallow invalid text format ...Angie Byron2010-09-28