path: root/modules
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* #679830 by casey and Kiphaas7: Fixed Regression: Jumping page heights in Over...Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #653620 follow-up by eMPee584, sun, yoroy, et al: Make progressbar slightly v...Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #675414 by quicksketch: Use #limit_validation_errors() on File upload and rem...Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #546356 by jhodgdon and threexk: Change 'login' verb to 'log in' in user inte...Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #337947 by codycraven, cwgordon7, yoroy, et al: Add a 'recent content block' ...Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #679960 by aspilicious: Fixed 'Notice: undefined variable cids' when there ar...Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #538164 follow-up by yched: Fix notice in update.php.Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #609122 by fabsor: Fix 404 errors when adding certain pages as shortcuts.Angie Byron2010-01-11
* #676008 by casey and mrfelton: Fixed Overlay's Loading 'spinner' graphic ofte...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #542972 by Shai, David_Rothstein, yoroy, et al: Change Name of 'Page' Content...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #637712 by c960657 and Dave Reid: Fixed Fieldset is back in user registration...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #680380 by alpritt: Fixed Shortcut bar not properly adding shortcuts.Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #604002 by chx, naxoc, Heine, and kaakuu: Support more Unicode scripts by mor...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #680256 by reglogge, Bojhan, and greg.harvey: Add descriptive text to Taxonom...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #480424 by JamesAn: Update locale module to use drupal_static().Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #678564 by jhodgdon, Bojhan, and aspilicious: Gave menu descriptions need som...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #587634 by mr.baileys and TacoV: Fixed Actions infinite loop test fails.Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #680454 by Amitaibu: Initalize variable in _options_properties().Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #674854 by flobruit: Fixed block help text misleading for translators.Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #679830 by casey: Fixed IE8 shows no content in the overlay on the 'manage fi...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #560608 by pounard, plach, and yched: Fixed missing calls to field_attach_pre...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #680032 by agentrickard and Bojhan: Replace 'update.php' with 'update script'...Angie Byron2010-01-10
* #479368 by Heine and asimmonds: Fixed drupal_to_js() provides bad unicode con...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #679374 by casey: Fixed The 'Manage fields' dropdown box not updated instantl...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #678102 by Magnity and jhodgdon: Remove weird pseudo-t() thing in Dashboard m...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #679894 by Bojhan: Fix remaining instances of Input format => Text format.Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #678536 by jhodgdon: Improve error message when adding forum topic directly t...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #679890 follow-up by Bojhan, aspilicious, and agentrickard: Remove more extra...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #563106 by quicksketch, scor, andypost, ctmattice1, catch, yched, adrian: Fix...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #299308 by redndahead, Dave Reid, dropcube, catch, redndahead, and dbabbage: ...Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #571654 follow-up by chx, peximo, plach, sun, et al:Angie Byron2010-01-09
* - Patch #394544 by berenddeboer, Xano, chrisshattuck, karschsp, asimmonds: mo...Dries Buytaert2010-01-09
* - Patch #678526 by jhodgdon: Fixed edit links in forum structure page.Dries Buytaert2010-01-09
* - Patch #678504 by heyrocker: fixed Incorrect menu argument for ip address bl...Dries Buytaert2010-01-09
* #629794 follow-up by yched: Fixed batch API in update.php.Angie Byron2010-01-09
* #677520 by Magnity: Fixed Minor UI text error in Dashboard module.Angie Byron2010-01-08
* - Patch #674988 by jhodgdon: fixed search module watchdog entry.Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #678586 by jhodgdon: help text improvements.Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #678570 by jhodgdon: help text improvements.Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #662322 by scor, andypost: remove the 'relations' column from taxonom...Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #187398 by andypost, Crell, lilou, Gábor Hojtsy, sun: re-split local...Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #677562 by jhodgdon: massaging of block administration page help texts.Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #673462 by heyrocker: added API documentation for hook_tokens(), hook...Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #564686 by mustafau, alex_b: fetcher should not update aggregator_fee...Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* - Patch #142051 by catch, moonray: static cache for taxonomy_get_parents() an...Dries Buytaert2010-01-08
* #601768 by Crell and Damien Tournoud: Add a DatabaseStatementEmpty to allow c...Angie Byron2010-01-08
* #588148 by JohnAlbin, sun, and effulgentsia: Make theme_links() actually them...Angie Byron2010-01-08
* #609140 by mcarbone: Rewrite outdated references to taxonomy_term_node().Angie Byron2010-01-08
* #608036 follow-up by scor: Add attributes variable for profile.tpl.php. (with...Angie Byron2010-01-08
* #629794 by yched: Fix Scaling issues with batch API. (with tests)Angie Byron2010-01-08