path: root/modules
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* #937850 by sivaji, bleen18: Fix PHP notice in menu settings page.Angie Byron2010-10-20
* #934050 follow-up by catch: Revert removal of unique index on filter_format.n...Angie Byron2010-10-20
* #608894 by chx, catch: Resolve the conflict between the fieldable users UI an...Angie Byron2010-10-20
* - Patch #882694 by mgifford, sun, ksenzee, bleen18, yched: add missing form e...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #934050 by sun, alex_b: change format into string.Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #795268 by mgifford, cha0s, kat3_drx, yoroy, aspilicious: shortcut 'E...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #942718 by joachim: drupal_get_form() and hook_form_alter() should me...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #943558 by joachim: 'block_callback()' in menu_router() table has no ...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #923850 by mr.baileys, joachim: fixed documentation problem with user...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch ##864020 by Jose Reyero, catch, sun: locale upgrade to D7 fails due t...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #118108 by bleen18: node delete does not clean up node_access() table.Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* - Patch #940668 by yched: Fixed 'Manage display' : Formatter change not refle...Dries Buytaert2010-10-20
* #731044 by sivaji: Fixed ambiguous column name changed in certain database sy...Angie Byron2010-10-18
* #935140 by ygerasimov, drunken monkey: Fixed enabling Book navigation block r...Angie Byron2010-10-18
* - Patch #919644 by scor, amateescu: fix documentation for assertOptionSelecte...Dries Buytaert2010-10-18
* - Patch #731518 by Damien Tournoud, Dave Reid: allow alteration of token values.Dries Buytaert2010-10-18
* - Patch #943112 by ksenzee: file_file_download() should delegate header check...Dries Buytaert2010-10-18
* #943056 by Dave Reid: Fixed Incorrect capitalization of 'URL' in description ...Angie Byron2010-10-16
* #642160 by boombatower, Damien Tournoud: Make debug() message more usable.Angie Byron2010-10-16
* #931754 by duellj: Fixed Color module missing hook_requirements docblockAngie Byron2010-10-15
* #931762 by duellj: Fixed Missing docblocks in simpletest.installAngie Byron2010-10-15
* #920112 by mr.baileys: Fixed Documentation problem with hook_elementsAngie Byron2010-10-15
* #915020 by asimmonds: Fixed Documentation problem with aggregator-summary-ite...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #938614 follow-up by chx: Abort abort\! Back to 5.2.4.Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #876762 follow-up by yched: Move taxonomy vocabulary rename checking logic to...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #296115 by naxoc, dereine: Tests for menu router item titles.Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #742972 follow-up by klausi, sun: Fix documentation and tests regarding entit...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #902644 follow-up by sun: Remove accidentally doubly committed stuff.Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #664042 by coltrane, effulgentsia: Fixed TableSort order error when no sort s...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #939918 by joetsuihk: Remove unused variable in system_ip_blocking().Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #901404 by bleen18, David_Rothstein: Fixed Saving a shortcut from the admin s...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #744384 by c960657: Do not write unchanged sessions to the database.Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #784792 by Jacine: Add Field type template suggestions for more granular fiel...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #709892 by drunken monkey, Yorirou: Complete entity CRUD hook invocations: Ad...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #556842 by mh86, bangpound, Francewhoa, catch: Fixed taxonomy_get_tree() memo...Angie Byron2010-10-15
* #938672 follow-up by tim.plunkett: Fix typo in t() string.Angie Byron2010-10-14
* #938672 by Jeff Burnz: Stop thousands of red Xs from appearing on field UI er...Angie Byron2010-10-13
* #902644 follow-up: Committing missing JS file.Angie Byron2010-10-13
* - Patch #902644 by sun, tobiasb: machine names are too hard to implement. Dat...Dries Buytaert2010-10-13
* #876762 by Dave Reid, yched: Fixed modules have no way of knowing if vocabula...Angie Byron2010-10-13
* - Patch #852470 by dagmar, sun, catch: cache filter/format queries.Dries Buytaert2010-10-13
* #937564 by duellj: Fix link to batch operations page in API docs.Angie Byron2010-10-13
* #936836 by swentel: Fixed critical issue Autocomplete term widget doesn't ret...Angie Byron2010-10-13
* - Patch #938560 by Damien Tournoud: fixed {system} records of installed modul...Dries Buytaert2010-10-12
* - Patch #818374 by Damien Tournoud, ksenzee, Dave Reid: add a requirements ch...Dries Buytaert2010-10-12
* - Patch #934790 by agentrickard: use _node_custom_theme() for revision callba...Dries Buytaert2010-10-11
* - Patch #913528 by chx, Berdir, catch, tstoeckler, yched, dereine: create new...Dries Buytaert2010-10-11
* - Patch #937562 by tim.plunkett, chx, justinrandell: fatal Error Call to a me...Dries Buytaert2010-10-11
* - Patch #936582 by Haza, joachim: fixed empty block at foot of dashboard bloc...Dries Buytaert2010-10-10
* - Patch #937026 by sun: needless cache clearing in simpletest_run_tests().Dries Buytaert2010-10-10