path: root/themes/bartik/images
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* #928776 by Jeff Burnz, mgifford, jensimmons, tim.plunkett, amateescu: Fixed ↵Angie Byron2010-12-06
| | | | Unpublished comments have a styling issue
* #552000 follow-up by philbar: Smush all remaining core images to cut down on ↵Angie Byron2010-11-22
| | | | filesize.
* #922034 by deekayen, amateescu: Optimize Bartik's images to make them ↵Angie Byron2010-10-15
| | | | smaller in size.
* - Patch #923242 by reglogge, Jeff Burnz: search button has no hover state.Dries Buytaert2010-10-02
* #683026 by jensimmons, JohnAlbin, Jeff Burnz, Jacine, stephthegeek, bleen18, ↵Angie Byron2010-07-06
smerrill, et al: New core theme: Bartik, a flexible, re-colorable theme with many regions that shows off what Drupal can do. Truly a team effort. :)