na"; function check_textfield($message) { return strip_tags(str_replace("\"", """, stripslashes($message))); } function check_select($message) { return check_textfield($message); } function check_export($message) { return check_textfield($message); } function check_textarea($message) { global $allowed_html; return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($message), $allowed_html)); } function check_input($message) { global $allowed_html, $submission_size; return strip_tags(addslashes(stripslashes(substr($message, 0, $submission_size))), $allowed_html); } function check_code($message) { return $message; } function check_output($message, $nl2br = 0) { global $allowed_html, $na; $var = strip_tags(stripslashes(format_text($message)), $allowed_html); return ($var) ? (($nl2br) ? nl2br($var) : $var) : $na; } function format_plural($count, $singular, $plural) { return ($count == 1) ? "$count ". t($singular) : "$count ". t($plural); } function format_interval($timestamp) { if ($timestamp >= 86400) { $output .= format_plural(floor($timestamp / 86400), "day", "days"); $timestamp = $timestamp % 86400; } if ($timestamp >= 3600) { $output .= " ". format_plural(floor($timestamp / 3600), "hour", "hours"); $timestamp = $timestamp % 3600; } if ($timestamp >= 60) { $output .= " ". floor($timestamp / 60) ." min"; $timestamp = $timestamp % 60; } if ($timestamp > 0) { $output .= " $timestamp sec"; } return ($output) ? $output : "0 sec"; } function format_date($timestamp, $type = "medium") { global $user; $timestamp += ($user->timezone) ? $user->timezone - date("Z") : 0; switch ($type) { case "small": $date = date("m/d/y - H:i", $timestamp); break; case "medium": $date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". date("m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp); break; case "large": $date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". t(date("F", $timestamp)) ." ". date("d, Y - H:i", $timestamp); break; default: $date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". date("m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp); } return $date; } function format_username($username) { global $user; if ($username) return (user_access($user, "account") ? "$username" : "$username"); else { global $anonymous; return $anonymous; } } function format_email($address) { global $na; return ($address) ? "$address" : $na; } function format_url($address, $description = "") { global $na; $description = ($description) ? $description : $address; return ($address) ? "". check_output($description) ."" : $na; } function format_tag($link, $text) { return "''. ('$text' ? '$text' : '$link') .''"; } function format_text($text) { $src = array( // "/(<\/?)(\w+)([^>]*>)/e", // convert HTML to lower case "/\[\[(([^\|]*?)(\|([^\|]*?))?)\]\]/e"); // [link|description] $dst = array( // "'\\1'. strtolower('\\2') .'\\3'", // convert HTML to lower case format_tag('\\2', '\\4')); // [link|description] return preg_replace($src, $dst, $text); } ?>