// $Id$ /** * Attaches the batch behavior to progress bars. */ Drupal.behaviors.batch = { attach: function(context) { // This behavior attaches by ID, so is only valid once on a page. if ($('#progress.batch-processed').size()) { return; } $('#progress', context).addClass('batch-processed').each(function () { var holder = this; var uri = Drupal.settings.batch.uri; var initMessage = Drupal.settings.batch.initMessage; var errorMessage = Drupal.settings.batch.errorMessage; // Success: redirect to the summary. var updateCallback = function (progress, status, pb) { if (progress == 100) { pb.stopMonitoring(); window.location = uri+'&op=finished'; } }; var errorCallback = function (pb) { var div = document.createElement('p'); div.className = 'error'; $(div).html(errorMessage); $(holder).prepend(div); $('#wait').hide(); }; var progress = new Drupal.progressBar('updateprogress', updateCallback, "POST", errorCallback); progress.setProgress(-1, initMessage); $(holder).append(progress.element); progress.startMonitoring(uri+'&op=do', 10); }); } };