// $Id$ /** * Toggle the visibility of a fieldset using smooth animations */ Drupal.toggleFieldset = function(fieldset) { if ($(fieldset).is('.collapsed')) { var content = $('> div', fieldset); $(fieldset).removeClass('collapsed'); content.hide(); content.slideDown( { duration: 'fast', easing: 'linear', complete: function() { Drupal.collapseScrollIntoView(this.parentNode); this.parentNode.animating = false; }, step: function() { // Scroll the fieldset into view Drupal.collapseScrollIntoView(this.parentNode); } }); } else { var content = $('> div', fieldset).slideUp('fast', function() { $(this.parentNode).addClass('collapsed'); this.parentNode.animating = false; }); } }; /** * Scroll a given fieldset into view as much as possible. */ Drupal.collapseScrollIntoView = function (node) { var h = self.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || $('body')[0].clientHeight || 0; var offset = self.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || $('body')[0].scrollTop || 0; var pos = Drupal.absolutePosition(node); var fudge = 55; if (pos.y + node.offsetHeight + fudge > h + offset) { if (node.offsetHeight > h) { window.scrollTo(0, pos.y); } else { window.scrollTo(0, pos.y + node.offsetHeight - h + fudge); } } }; Drupal.behaviors.collapse = function (context) { $('fieldset.collapsible > legend:not(.collapse-processed)', context).each(function() { var fieldset = $(this.parentNode); // Expand if there are errors inside if ($('input.error, textarea.error, select.error', fieldset).size() > 0) { fieldset.removeClass('collapsed'); } // Turn the legend into a clickable link and wrap the contents of the fieldset // in a div for easier animation var text = this.innerHTML; $(this).empty().append($(''+ text +'').click(function() { var fieldset = $(this).parents('fieldset:first')[0]; // Don't animate multiple times if (!fieldset.animating) { fieldset.animating = true; Drupal.toggleFieldset(fieldset); } return false; })) .after($('
') .append(fieldset.children(':not(legend)'))) .addClass('collapse-processed'); }); };