1 $context['finished'] = 3.14; } /** * Batch operation setting up its own batch. */ function _batch_test_nested_batch_callback() { batch_test_stack('setting up batch 2'); batch_set(_batch_test_batch_2()); } /** * Common 'finished' callbacks for batches 1 to 4. */ function _batch_test_finished_helper($batch_id, $success, $results, $operations) { $messages = array("results for batch $batch_id"); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $op => $op_results) { $messages[] = 'op '. $op . ': processed ' . count($op_results) . ' elements'; } } else { $messages[] = 'none'; } if (!$success) { // A fatal error occurred during the processing. $error_operation = reset($operations); $messages[] = t('An error occurred while processing @op with arguments:
@args', array('@op' => $error_operation[0], '@args' => print_r($error_operation[1], TRUE))); } drupal_set_message(implode('
', $messages)); } /** * 'finished' callback for batch 0. */ function _batch_test_finished_0($success, $results, $operations) { _batch_test_finished_helper(0, $success, $results, $operations); } /** * 'finished' callback for batch 1. */ function _batch_test_finished_1($success, $results, $operations) { _batch_test_finished_helper(1, $success, $results, $operations); } /** * 'finished' callback for batch 2. */ function _batch_test_finished_2($success, $results, $operations) { _batch_test_finished_helper(2, $success, $results, $operations); } /** * 'finished' callback for batch 3. */ function _batch_test_finished_3($success, $results, $operations) { _batch_test_finished_helper(3, $success, $results, $operations); } /** * 'finished' callback for batch 4. */ function _batch_test_finished_4($success, $results, $operations) { _batch_test_finished_helper(4, $success, $results, $operations); } /** * 'finished' callback for batch 5. */ function _batch_test_finished_5($success, $results, $operations) { _batch_test_finished_helper(5, $success, $results, $operations); }