fields('m', array('vid', 'foo')) ->condition('m.vid', array_keys($vocabularies), 'IN') ->execute(); foreach ($result as $record) { $vocabularies[$record->vid]->foo = $record->foo; } } /** * Act on taxonomy vocabularies before they are saved. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the vocabulary object before it is * inserted or updated. * * @param $vocabulary * A taxonomy vocabulary object. */ function hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_presave($vocabulary) { $vocabulary->foo = 'bar'; } /** * Act on taxonomy vocabularies when inserted. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the vocabulary object when saved * to the database. * * @param $vocabulary * A taxonomy vocabulary object. */ function hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_insert($vocabulary) { if ($vocabulary->machine_name == 'my_vocabulary') { $vocabulary->weight = 100; } } /** * Act on taxonomy vocabularies when updated. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the vocabulary object when updated. * * @param $vocabulary * A taxonomy vocabulary object. */ function hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_update($vocabulary) { db_update('mytable') ->fields(array('foo' => $vocabulary->foo)) ->condition('vid', $vocabulary->vid) ->execute(); } /** * Respond to the deletion of taxonomy vocabularies. * * Modules implementing this hook can respond to the deletion of taxonomy * vocabularies from the database. * * @param $vocabulary * A taxonomy vocabulary object. */ function hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocabulary) { db_delete('mytable') ->condition('vid', $vocabulary->vid) ->execute(); } /** * Act on taxonomy terms when loaded. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the term objects returned by * taxonomy_term_load_multiple(). * * For performance reasons, information to be added to term objects should be * loaded in a single query for all terms where possible. * * Since terms are stored and retrieved from cache during a page request, avoid * altering properties provided by the {taxonomy_term_data} table, since this * may affect the way results are loaded from cache in subsequent calls. * * @param $terms * An array of term objects, indexed by tid. */ function hook_taxonomy_term_load($terms) { $result = db_select('mytable', 'm') ->fields('m', array('tid', 'foo')) ->condition('m.tid', array_keys($terms), 'IN') ->execute(); foreach ($result as $record) { $terms[$record->tid]->foo = $record->foo; } } /** * Act on taxonomy terms before they are saved. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the term object before it is * inserted or updated. * * @param $term * A term object. */ function hook_taxonomy_term_presave($term) { $term->foo = 'bar'; } /** * Act on taxonomy terms when inserted. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the term object when saved to * the database. * * @param $term * A taxonomy term object. */ function hook_taxonomy_term_insert($term) { db_insert('mytable') ->fields(array( 'tid' => $term->tid, 'foo' => $term->foo, )) ->execute(); } /** * Act on taxonomy terms when updated. * * Modules implementing this hook can act on the term object when updated. * * @param $term * A taxonomy term object. */ function hook_taxonomy_term_update($term) { db_update('mytable') ->fields(array('foo' => $term->foo)) ->condition('tid', $term->tid) ->execute(); } /** * Respond to the deletion of taxonomy terms. * * Modules implementing this hook can respond to the deletion of taxonomy * terms from the database. * * @param $term * A taxonomy term object. */ function hook_taxonomy_term_delete($term) { db_delete('mytable') ->condition('tid', $term->tid) ->execute(); } /** * Act on a taxonomy term that is being assembled before rendering. * * The module may add elements to $term->content prior to rendering. The * structure of $term->content is a renderable array as expected by * drupal_render(). * * @param $term * The term that is being assembled for rendering. * @param $view_mode * The $view_mode parameter from taxonomy_term_view(). * @param $langcode * The language code used for rendering. * * @see hook_entity_view() */ function hook_taxonomy_term_view($term, $view_mode, $langcode) { $term->content['my_additional_field'] = array( '#markup' => $additional_field, '#weight' => 10, '#theme' => 'mymodule_my_additional_field', ); } /** * Alter the results of taxonomy_term_view(). * * This hook is called after the content has been assembled in a structured * array and may be used for doing processing which requires that the complete * taxonomy term content structure has been built. * * If the module wishes to act on the rendered HTML of the term rather than the * structured content array, it may use this hook to add a #post_render * callback. Alternatively, it could also implement * hook_preprocess_taxonomy_term(). See drupal_render() and theme() * documentation respectively for details. * * @param $build * A renderable array representing the node content. * * @see hook_entity_view_alter() */ function hook_taxonomy_term_view_alter(&$build) { if ($build['#view_mode'] == 'full' && isset($build['an_additional_field'])) { // Change its weight. $build['an_additional_field']['#weight'] = -10; } // Add a #post_render callback to act on the rendered HTML of the term. $build['#post_render'][] = 'my_module_node_post_render'; } /** * @} End of "addtogroup hooks". */