path: root/inc/fulltext.php
diff options
authorKazutaka Miyasaka <>2009-09-20 14:11:16 +0200
committerKazutaka Miyasaka <>2009-09-20 14:11:16 +0200
commit865c268791a99fa57aa818528c6f2473b26d954f (patch)
treec0ce7e9a19513a8aa613e1b2a8c762b45f33c21e /inc/fulltext.php
parenta3cecc7a9764a1c21507c5fb130c637b3669da15 (diff)
enhanced full-text search function
Ignore-this: cb05f50ca4de12e1cdf3a6cfb0e1b8bc - better search experience in Asian language - sophisticated search query syntax (OR, grouping, etc.) darcs-hash:20090920121116-9b77a-2718be7a043374669037b10d94101fc70efb95e3.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'inc/fulltext.php')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/inc/fulltext.php b/inc/fulltext.php
index a1b8a1541..636eb3f76 100644
--- a/inc/fulltext.php
+++ b/inc/fulltext.php
@@ -25,105 +25,89 @@ function ft_pageSearch($query,&$highlight){
return trigger_event('SEARCH_QUERY_FULLPAGE', $data, '_ft_pageSearch');
-function _ft_pageSearch(&$data){
- // split out original parameters
- $query = $data['query'];
- $highlight =& $data['highlight'];
- $q = ft_queryParser($query);
- $highlight = array();
+ * Returns a list of matching documents for the given query
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @author Kazutaka Miyasaka <>
+ */
+function _ft_pageSearch(&$data) {
+ // parse the given query
+ $q = ft_queryParser($data['query']);
+ $data['highlight'] = $q['highlight'];
- // remember for hilighting later
- foreach($q['words'] as $wrd){
- $highlight[] = str_replace('*','',$wrd);
- }
+ if (empty($q['parsed_ary'])) return array();
// lookup all words found in the query
- $words = array_merge($q['and'],$q['not']);
- if(!count($words)) return array();
- $result = idx_lookup($words);
- if(!count($result)) return array();
- // merge search results with query
- foreach($q['and'] as $pos => $w){
- $q['and'][$pos] = $result[$w];
- }
- // create a list of unwanted docs
- $not = array();
- foreach($q['not'] as $pos => $w){
- $not = array_merge($not,array_keys($result[$w]));
- }
+ $lookup = idx_lookup($q['words']);
- // combine and-words
- if(count($q['and']) > 1){
- $docs = ft_resultCombine($q['and']);
- }else{
- $docs = $q['and'][0];
- }
- if(!count($docs)) return array();
- // create a list of hidden pages in the result
- $hidden = array();
- $hidden = array_filter(array_keys($docs),'isHiddenPage');
- $not = array_merge($not,$hidden);
- // filter unmatched namespaces
- if(!empty($q['ns'])) {
- $pattern = implode('|^',$q['ns']);
- foreach($docs as $key => $val) {
- if(!preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'/',$key)) {
- unset($docs[$key]);
- }
- }
+ // get all pages in this dokuwiki site (!: includes nonexistent pages)
+ $pages_all = array();
+ foreach (idx_getIndex('page', '') as $id) {
+ $pages_all[trim($id)] = 0; // base: 0 hit
- // filter unwanted namespaces
- if(!empty($q['notns'])) {
- $pattern = implode('|^',$q['notns']);
- foreach($docs as $key => $val) {
- if(preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'/',$key)) {
- unset($docs[$key]);
- }
- }
- }
- // remove negative matches
- foreach($not as $n){
- unset($docs[$n]);
- }
- if(!count($docs)) return array();
- // handle phrases
- if(count($q['phrases'])){
- $q['phrases'] = array_map('utf8_strtolower',$q['phrases']);
- // use this for higlighting later:
- $highlight = array_merge($highlight,$q['phrases']);
- $q['phrases'] = array_map('preg_quote_cb',$q['phrases']);
- // check the source of all documents for the exact phrases
- foreach(array_keys($docs) as $id){
- $text = utf8_strtolower(rawWiki($id));
- foreach($q['phrases'] as $phrase){
- if(!preg_match('/'.$phrase.'/usi',$text)){
- unset($docs[$id]); // no hit - remove
- break;
+ // process the query
+ $stack = array();
+ foreach ($q['parsed_ary'] as $token) {
+ switch (substr($token, 0, 3)) {
+ case 'W+:':
+ case 'W-:': // word
+ $word = substr($token, 3);
+ $stack[] = (array) $lookup[$word];
+ break;
+ case 'P_:': // phrase
+ $phrase = substr($token, 3);
+ // since phrases are always parsed as ((W1)(W2)...(P)),
+ // the end($stack) always points the pages that contain
+ // all words in this phrase
+ $pages = end($stack);
+ $pages_matched = array();
+ foreach(array_keys($pages) as $id){
+ $text = utf8_strtolower(rawWiki($id));
+ if (strpos($text, $phrase) !== false) {
+ $pages_matched[$id] = 0; // phrase: always 0 hit
+ }
- }
+ $stack[] = $pages_matched;
+ break;
+ case 'N_:': // namespace
+ $ns = substr($token, 3);
+ $pages_matched = array();
+ foreach (array_keys($pages_all) as $id) {
+ if (strpos($id, $ns) === 0) {
+ $pages_matched[$id] = 0; // namespace: always 0 hit
+ }
+ }
+ $stack[] = $pages_matched;
+ break;
+ case 'AND': // and operation
+ list($pages1, $pages2) = array_splice($stack, -2);
+ $stack[] = ft_resultCombine(array($pages1, $pages2));
+ break;
+ case 'OR': // or operation
+ list($pages1, $pages2) = array_splice($stack, -2);
+ $stack[] = ft_resultUnite(array($pages1, $pages2));
+ break;
+ case 'NOT': // not operation (unary)
+ $pages = array_pop($stack);
+ $stack[] = ft_resultComplement(array($pages_all, $pages));
+ break;
+ $docs = array_pop($stack);
- if(!count($docs)) return array();
+ if (empty($docs)) return array();
- // check ACL permissions
- foreach(array_keys($docs) as $doc){
- if(auth_quickaclcheck($doc) < AUTH_READ){
- unset($docs[$doc]);
+ // check: settings, acls, existence
+ foreach (array_keys($docs) as $id) {
+ if (isHiddenPage($id) || auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ || !page_exists($id, '', false)) {
+ unset($docs[$id]);
- if(!count($docs)) return array();
- // if there are any hits left, sort them by count
+ // sort docs by count
return $docs;
@@ -404,61 +388,290 @@ function ft_resultCombine($args){
- * Builds an array of search words from a query
+ * Unites found documents and sum up their scores
+ *
+ * based upon ft_resultCombine() function
- * @todo support OR and parenthesises?
+ * @param array $args An array of page arrays
+ * @author Kazutaka Miyasaka <>
-function ft_queryParser($query){
- global $conf;
- $swfile = DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/stopwords.txt';
- if(@file_exists($swfile)){
- $stopwords = file($swfile);
- }else{
- $stopwords = array();
+function ft_resultUnite($args) {
+ $array_count = count($args);
+ if ($array_count === 1) {
+ return $args[0];
- $q = array();
- $q['query'] = $query;
- $q['ns'] = array();
- $q['notns'] = array();
- $q['phrases'] = array();
- $q['words'] = array();
- $q['and'] = array();
- $q['not'] = array();
- // handle phrase searches
- while(preg_match('/"(.*?)"/',$query,$match)){
- $q['phrases'][] = $match[1];
- $q['and'] = array_merge($q['and'], idx_tokenizer($match[0],$stopwords));
- $query = preg_replace('/"(.*?)"/','',$query,1);
+ $result = $args[0];
+ for ($i = 1; $i !== $array_count; $i++) {
+ foreach (array_keys($args[$i]) as $id) {
+ $result[$id] += $args[$i][$id];
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ * Computes the difference of documents using page id for comparison
+ *
+ * nearly identical to PHP5's array_diff_key()
+ *
+ * @param array $args An array of page arrays
+ * @author Kazutaka Miyasaka <>
+ */
+function ft_resultComplement($args) {
+ $array_count = count($args);
+ if ($array_count === 1) {
+ return $args[0];
- $words = explode(' ',$query);
- foreach($words as $w){
- if($w{0} == '-'){
- $token = idx_tokenizer($w,$stopwords,true);
- if(count($token)) $q['not'] = array_merge($q['not'],$token);
- } else if ($w{0} == '@') { // Namespace to search?
- $w = substr($w,1);
- $q['ns'] = array_merge($q['ns'],(array)$w);
- } else if ($w{0} == '^') { // Namespace not to search?
- $w = substr($w,1);
- $q['notns'] = array_merge($q['notns'],(array)$w);
- }else{
- // asian "words" need to be searched as phrases
- if(@preg_match_all('/(('.IDX_ASIAN.')+)/u',$w,$matches)){
- $q['phrases'] = array_merge($q['phrases'],$matches[1]);
+ $result = $args[0];
+ foreach (array_keys($result) as $id) {
+ for ($i = 1; $i !== $array_count; $i++) {
+ if (isset($args[$i][$id])) unset($result[$id]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ * Parses a search query and builds an array of search formulas
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @author Kazutaka Miyasaka <>
+ */
+function ft_queryParser($query){
+ global $conf;
+ $swfile = DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/stopwords.txt';
+ $stopwords = @file_exists($swfile) ? file($swfile) : array();
+ /**
+ * parse a search query and transform it into intermediate representation
+ *
+ * in a search query, you can use the following expressions:
+ *
+ * words:
+ * include
+ * -exclude
+ * phrases:
+ * "phrase to be included"
+ * -"phrase you want to exclude"
+ * namespaces:
+ * @include:namespace (or ns:include:namespace)
+ * ^exclude:namespace (or -ns:exclude:namespace)
+ * groups:
+ * ()
+ * -()
+ * operators:
+ * and ('and' is the default operator: you can always omit this)
+ * or (lower precedence than 'and')
+ *
+ * e.g. a query [ aa "bb cc" @dd:ee ] means "search pages which contain
+ * a word 'aa', a phrase 'bb cc' and are within a namespace 'dd:ee'".
+ * this query is equivalent to [ -(-aa or -"bb cc" or -ns:dd:ee) ]
+ * as long as you don't mind hit counts.
+ *
+ * intermediate representation consists of the following parts:
+ *
+ * ( ) - group
+ * AND - logical and
+ * OR - logical or
+ * NOT - logical not
+ * W+: - word (needs to be highlighted)
+ * W-: - word (no need to highlight)
+ * P_: - phrase
+ * N_: - namespace
+ */
+ $parsed_query = '';
+ $parens_level = 0;
+ $terms = preg_split('/(-?".*?")/u', utf8_strtolower($query), -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ foreach ($terms as $term) {
+ $parsed = '';
+ if (preg_match('/^(-?)"(.+)"$/u', $term, $matches)) {
+ // phrase-include and phrase-exclude
+ $not = $matches[1] ? 'NOT' : '';
+ $parsed = $not.ft_termParser($matches[2], $stopwords, false, true);
+ } else {
+ // fix incomplete phrase
+ $term = str_replace('"', ' ', $term);
+ // fix parentheses
+ $term = str_replace(')' , ' ) ', $term);
+ $term = str_replace('(' , ' ( ', $term);
+ $term = str_replace('- (', ' -(', $term);
+ // treat ideographic spaces (U+3000) as search term separators
+ // FIXME: some more separators?
+ $term = preg_replace('/[ \x{3000}]+/u', ' ', $term);
+ $term = trim($term);
+ if ($term === '') continue;
+ $tokens = explode(' ', $term);
+ foreach ($tokens as $token) {
+ if ($token === '(') {
+ // parenthesis-include-open
+ $parsed .= '(';
+ ++$parens_level;
+ } elseif ($token === '-(') {
+ // parenthesis-exclude-open
+ $parsed .= 'NOT(';
+ ++$parens_level;
+ } elseif ($token === ')') {
+ // parenthesis-any-close
+ if ($parens_level === 0) continue;
+ $parsed .= ')';
+ $parens_level--;
+ } elseif ($token === 'and') {
+ // logical-and (do nothing)
+ } elseif ($token === 'or') {
+ // logical-or
+ $parsed .= 'OR';
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^(?:\^|-ns:)(.+)$/u', $token, $matches)) {
+ // namespace-exclude
+ $parsed .= 'NOT(N_:'.$matches[1].')';
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^(?:@|ns:)(.+)$/u', $token, $matches)) {
+ // namespace-include
+ $parsed .= '(N_:'.$matches[1].')';
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^-(.+)$/', $token, $matches)) {
+ // word-exclude
+ $parsed .= 'NOT('.ft_termParser($matches[1], $stopwords).')';
+ } else {
+ // word-include
+ $parsed .= ft_termParser($token, $stopwords);
+ }
- $token = idx_tokenizer($w,$stopwords,true);
- if(count($token)){
- $q['and'] = array_merge($q['and'],$token);
- $q['words'] = array_merge($q['words'],$token);
+ }
+ $parsed_query .= $parsed;
+ }
+ // cleanup (very sensitive)
+ $parsed_query .= str_repeat(')', $parens_level);
+ do {
+ $parsed_query_old = $parsed_query;
+ $parsed_query = preg_replace('/(NOT)?\(\)/u', '', $parsed_query);
+ } while ($parsed_query !== $parsed_query_old);
+ $parsed_query = preg_replace('/(NOT|OR)+\)/u', ')' , $parsed_query);
+ $parsed_query = preg_replace('/(OR)+/u' , 'OR' , $parsed_query);
+ $parsed_query = preg_replace('/\(OR/u' , '(' , $parsed_query);
+ $parsed_query = preg_replace('/^OR|OR$/u' , '' , $parsed_query);
+ $parsed_query = preg_replace('/\)(NOT)?\(/u' , ')AND$1(', $parsed_query);
+ /**
+ * convert infix notation string into postfix (Reverse Polish notation) array
+ * by Shunting-yard algorithm
+ *
+ * see:
+ * see:
+ */
+ $parsed_ary = array();
+ $ope_stack = array();
+ $ope_precedence = array(')' => 1, 'OR' => 2, 'AND' => 3, 'NOT' => 4, '(' => 5);
+ $ope_regex = '/([()]|OR|AND|NOT)/u';
+ $tokens = preg_split($ope_regex, $parsed_query, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ foreach ($tokens as $token) {
+ if (preg_match($ope_regex, $token)) {
+ // operator
+ $last_ope = end($ope_stack);
+ while ($ope_precedence[$token] <= $ope_precedence[$last_ope] && $last_ope != '(') {
+ $parsed_ary[] = array_pop($ope_stack);
+ $last_ope = end($ope_stack);
+ }
+ if ($token == ')') {
+ array_pop($ope_stack); // this array_pop always deletes '('
+ } else {
+ $ope_stack[] = $token;
+ } else {
+ // operand
+ $token_decoded = str_replace(array('OP', 'CP'), array('(', ')'), $token);
+ $parsed_ary[] = $token_decoded;
+ $parsed_ary = array_values(array_merge($parsed_ary, array_reverse($ope_stack)));
+ // cleanup: each double "NOT" in RPN array actually does nothing
+ $parsed_ary_count = count($parsed_ary);
+ for ($i = 1; $i < $parsed_ary_count; ++$i) {
+ if ($parsed_ary[$i] === 'NOT' && $parsed_ary[$i - 1] === 'NOT') {
+ unset($parsed_ary[$i], $parsed_ary[$i - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ $parsed_ary = array_values($parsed_ary);
+ // build return value
+ $q = array();
+ $q['query'] = $query;
+ $q['parsed_str'] = $parsed_query;
+ $q['parsed_ary'] = $parsed_ary;
+ foreach ($q['parsed_ary'] as $token) {
+ if ($token[2] !== ':') continue;
+ $body = substr($token, 3);
+ switch (substr($token, 0, 3)) {
+ case 'N_:':
+ $q['ns'][] = $body; // for backward compatibility
+ break;
+ case 'W-:':
+ $q['words'][] = $body;
+ break;
+ case 'W+:':
+ $q['words'][] = $body;
+ $q['highlight'][] = str_replace('*', '', $body);
+ break;
+ case 'P_:':
+ $q['phrases'][] = $body;
+ $q['highlight'][] = str_replace('*', '', $body);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (array('words', 'phrases', 'highlight', 'ns') as $key) {
+ $q[$key] = empty($q[$key]) ? array() : array_values(array_unique($q[$key]));
+ }
+ // keep backward compatibility (to some extent)
+ // this part can be deleted if no plugins use ft_queryParser() directly
+ $q['and'] = $q['words'];
+ $q['not'] = array(); // difficult to set: imagine [ aaa -(bbb -ccc) ]
+ $q['notns'] = array(); // same as above
return $q;
+ * Transforms given search term into intermediate representation
+ *
+ * This function is used in ft_queryParser() and not for general purpose use.
+ *
+ * @author Kazutaka Miyasaka <>
+ */
+function ft_termParser($term, &$stopwords, $consider_asian = true, $phrase_mode = false) {
+ $parsed = '';
+ if ($consider_asian) {
+ // successive asian characters need to be searched as a phrase
+ $words = preg_split('/('.IDX_ASIAN.'+)/u', $term, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ foreach ($words as $word) {
+ if (preg_match('/'.IDX_ASIAN.'/u', $word)) $phrase_mode = true;
+ $parsed .= ft_termParser($word, $stopwords, false, $phrase_mode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $term_noparen = str_replace(array('(', ')'), ' ', $term);
+ $words = idx_tokenizer($term_noparen, $stopwords, true);
+ // W+: needs to be highlighted, W-: no need to highlight
+ if (empty($words)) {
+ $parsed = '()'; // important: do not remove
+ } elseif ($words[0] === $term) {
+ $parsed = '(W+:'.$words[0].')';
+ } elseif ($phrase_mode) {
+ $term_encoded = str_replace(array('(', ')'), array('OP', 'CP'), $term);
+ $parsed = '((W-:'.implode(')(W-:', $words).')(P_:'.$term_encoded.'))';
+ } else {
+ $parsed = '((W+:'.implode(')(W+:', $words).'))';
+ }
+ }
+ return $parsed;
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :