path: root/inc/utf8.php
diff options
authorAndreas Gohr <>2006-02-17 23:20:40 +0100
committerAndreas Gohr <>2006-02-17 23:20:40 +0100
commit98c868589ee0757f176239cf289cbd007bb74852 (patch)
treeeb48a172b0f1a423b93ffff35f8adf8d579383c1 /inc/utf8.php
parent1c73890c5027011d808d38c583561abc309e8086 (diff)
file cleanups
This patch cleans up the source code to satisfy the coding guidelines (see It converts files to UNIX lineendings and removes tabs and trailing whitespace. Not all files were cleaned yet. darcs-hash:20060217222040-7ad00-bba3d2bee3b5aa7cbb5184258abd50805cd071bf.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'inc/utf8.php')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/inc/utf8.php b/inc/utf8.php
index 723c470bb..3a223d3fb 100644
--- a/inc/utf8.php
+++ b/inc/utf8.php
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function utf8_substr($str,$start,$length=null){
} else {
return join("",array_slice($ar[0],$start));
* Unicode aware replacement for substr_replace()
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function utf8_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start , $length=0 ){
* Unicode aware replacement for explode
- * @TODO support third limit arg
+ * @TODO support third limit arg
* @author Harry Fuecks <>
* @see explode();
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ function utf8_str_replace($s,$r,$str){
function utf8_ltrim($str,$charlist=''){
if($charlist == '') return ltrim($str);
//quote charlist for use in a characterclass
$charlist = preg_replace('!([\\\\\\-\\]\\[/])!','\\\${1}',$charlist);
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ function utf8_ltrim($str,$charlist=''){
function utf8_rtrim($str,$charlist=''){
if($charlist == '') return rtrim($str);
//quote charlist for use in a characterclass
$charlist = preg_replace('!([\\\\\\-\\]\\[/])!','\\\${1}',$charlist);
return preg_replace('/['.$charlist.']+$/u','',$str);
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ function utf8_strtolower($string){
return mb_strtolower($string,'utf-8');
- $uni = utf8_to_unicode($string);
+ $uni = utf8_to_unicode($string);
$cnt = count($uni);
for ($i=0; $i < $cnt; $i++){
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ function utf8_strpos($haystack, $needle,$offset=0) {
trigger_error('Offset must be an integer',E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$str = utf8_substr($str, $offset);
if ( false !== ($pos = utf8_strpos($str,$needle))){
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ function utf8_tohtml ($str) {
return $ret . substr($str, $last, $i); // append the last batch of regular characters
* This function returns any UTF-8 encoded text as a list of
@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ function utf8_tohtml ($str) {
* @see unicode_to_utf8()
function utf8_to_unicode( &$str ) {
- $unicode = array();
+ $unicode = array();
$values = array();
$lookingFor = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen( $str ); $i++ ) {
$thisValue = ord( $str[ $i ] );
if ( $thisValue < 128 ) $unicode[] = $thisValue;
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ function utf8_to_unicode( &$str ) {
if ( count( $values ) == $lookingFor ) {
$number = ( $lookingFor == 3 ) ?
( ( $values[0] % 16 ) * 4096 ) + ( ( $values[1] % 64 ) * 64 ) + ( $values[2] % 64 ):
- ( ( $values[0] % 32 ) * 64 ) + ( $values[1] % 64 );
+ ( ( $values[0] % 32 ) * 64 ) + ( $values[1] % 64 );
$unicode[] = $number;
$values = array();
$lookingFor = 1;
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ static $UTF8_LOWER_TO_UPPER = array(
0x0074=>0x0054, 0x006A=>0x004A, 0x045B=>0x040B, 0x0456=>0x0406, 0x0103=>0x0102,
0x03BB=>0x039B, 0x00F1=>0x00D1, 0x043D=>0x041D, 0x03CC=>0x038C, 0x00E9=>0x00C9,
0x00F0=>0x00D0, 0x0457=>0x0407, 0x0123=>0x0122,
* UTF-8 Case lookup table
@@ -540,20 +540,20 @@ $UTF8_UPPER_TO_LOWER = @array_flip($UTF8_LOWER_TO_UPPER);
* @see utf8_deaccent()
- 'à' => 'a', 'ô' => 'o', 'ď' => 'd', 'ḟ' => 'f', 'ë' => 'e', 'š' => 's', 'ơ' => 'o',
- 'ß' => 'ss', 'ă' => 'a', 'ř' => 'r', 'ț' => 't', 'ň' => 'n', 'ā' => 'a', 'ķ' => 'k',
- 'ŝ' => 's', 'ỳ' => 'y', 'ņ' => 'n', 'ĺ' => 'l', 'ħ' => 'h', 'ṗ' => 'p', 'ó' => 'o',
- 'ú' => 'u', 'ě' => 'e', 'é' => 'e', 'ç' => 'c', 'ẁ' => 'w', 'ċ' => 'c', 'õ' => 'o',
- 'ṡ' => 's', 'ø' => 'o', 'ģ' => 'g', 'ŧ' => 't', 'ș' => 's', 'ė' => 'e', 'ĉ' => 'c',
- 'ś' => 's', 'î' => 'i', 'ű' => 'u', 'ć' => 'c', 'ę' => 'e', 'ŵ' => 'w', 'ṫ' => 't',
- 'ū' => 'u', 'č' => 'c', 'ö' => 'oe', 'è' => 'e', 'ŷ' => 'y', 'ą' => 'a', 'ł' => 'l',
- 'ų' => 'u', 'ů' => 'u', 'ş' => 's', 'ğ' => 'g', 'ļ' => 'l', 'ƒ' => 'f', 'ž' => 'z',
- 'ẃ' => 'w', 'ḃ' => 'b', 'å' => 'a', 'ì' => 'i', 'ï' => 'i', 'ḋ' => 'd', 'ť' => 't',
- 'ŗ' => 'r', 'ä' => 'ae', 'í' => 'i', 'ŕ' => 'r', 'ê' => 'e', 'ü' => 'ue', 'ò' => 'o',
- 'ē' => 'e', 'ñ' => 'n', 'ń' => 'n', 'ĥ' => 'h', 'ĝ' => 'g', 'đ' => 'd', 'ĵ' => 'j',
- 'ÿ' => 'y', 'ũ' => 'u', 'ŭ' => 'u', 'ư' => 'u', 'ţ' => 't', 'ý' => 'y', 'ő' => 'o',
- 'â' => 'a', 'ľ' => 'l', 'ẅ' => 'w', 'ż' => 'z', 'ī' => 'i', 'ã' => 'a', 'ġ' => 'g',
- 'ṁ' => 'm', 'ō' => 'o', 'ĩ' => 'i', 'ù' => 'u', 'į' => 'i', 'ź' => 'z', 'á' => 'a',
+ 'à' => 'a', 'ô' => 'o', 'ď' => 'd', 'ḟ' => 'f', 'ë' => 'e', 'š' => 's', 'ơ' => 'o',
+ 'ß' => 'ss', 'ă' => 'a', 'ř' => 'r', 'ț' => 't', 'ň' => 'n', 'ā' => 'a', 'ķ' => 'k',
+ 'ŝ' => 's', 'ỳ' => 'y', 'ņ' => 'n', 'ĺ' => 'l', 'ħ' => 'h', 'ṗ' => 'p', 'ó' => 'o',
+ 'ú' => 'u', 'ě' => 'e', 'é' => 'e', 'ç' => 'c', 'ẁ' => 'w', 'ċ' => 'c', 'õ' => 'o',
+ 'ṡ' => 's', 'ø' => 'o', 'ģ' => 'g', 'ŧ' => 't', 'ș' => 's', 'ė' => 'e', 'ĉ' => 'c',
+ 'ś' => 's', 'î' => 'i', 'ű' => 'u', 'ć' => 'c', 'ę' => 'e', 'ŵ' => 'w', 'ṫ' => 't',
+ 'ū' => 'u', 'č' => 'c', 'ö' => 'oe', 'è' => 'e', 'ŷ' => 'y', 'ą' => 'a', 'ł' => 'l',
+ 'ų' => 'u', 'ů' => 'u', 'ş' => 's', 'ğ' => 'g', 'ļ' => 'l', 'ƒ' => 'f', 'ž' => 'z',
+ 'ẃ' => 'w', 'ḃ' => 'b', 'å' => 'a', 'ì' => 'i', 'ï' => 'i', 'ḋ' => 'd', 'ť' => 't',
+ 'ŗ' => 'r', 'ä' => 'ae', 'í' => 'i', 'ŕ' => 'r', 'ê' => 'e', 'ü' => 'ue', 'ò' => 'o',
+ 'ē' => 'e', 'ñ' => 'n', 'ń' => 'n', 'ĥ' => 'h', 'ĝ' => 'g', 'đ' => 'd', 'ĵ' => 'j',
+ 'ÿ' => 'y', 'ũ' => 'u', 'ŭ' => 'u', 'ư' => 'u', 'ţ' => 't', 'ý' => 'y', 'ő' => 'o',
+ 'â' => 'a', 'ľ' => 'l', 'ẅ' => 'w', 'ż' => 'z', 'ī' => 'i', 'ã' => 'a', 'ġ' => 'g',
+ 'ṁ' => 'm', 'ō' => 'o', 'ĩ' => 'i', 'ù' => 'u', 'į' => 'i', 'ź' => 'z', 'á' => 'a',
'û' => 'u', 'þ' => 'th', 'ð' => 'dh', 'æ' => 'ae', 'µ' => 'u',
@@ -567,20 +567,20 @@ $UTF8_LOWER_ACCENTS = array(
* @see utf8_deaccent()
- 'À' => 'A', 'Ô' => 'O', 'Ď' => 'D', 'Ḟ' => 'F', 'Ë' => 'E', 'Š' => 'S', 'Ơ' => 'O',
- 'Ă' => 'A', 'Ř' => 'R', 'Ț' => 'T', 'Ň' => 'N', 'Ā' => 'A', 'Ķ' => 'K',
- 'Ŝ' => 'S', 'Ỳ' => 'Y', 'Ņ' => 'N', 'Ĺ' => 'L', 'Ħ' => 'H', 'Ṗ' => 'P', 'Ó' => 'O',
- 'Ú' => 'U', 'Ě' => 'E', 'É' => 'E', 'Ç' => 'C', 'Ẁ' => 'W', 'Ċ' => 'C', 'Õ' => 'O',
- 'Ṡ' => 'S', 'Ø' => 'O', 'Ģ' => 'G', 'Ŧ' => 'T', 'Ș' => 'S', 'Ė' => 'E', 'Ĉ' => 'C',
- 'Ś' => 'S', 'Î' => 'I', 'Ű' => 'U', 'Ć' => 'C', 'Ę' => 'E', 'Ŵ' => 'W', 'Ṫ' => 'T',
- 'Ū' => 'U', 'Č' => 'C', 'Ö' => 'Oe', 'È' => 'E', 'Ŷ' => 'Y', 'Ą' => 'A', 'Ł' => 'L',
- 'Ų' => 'U', 'Ů' => 'U', 'Ş' => 'S', 'Ğ' => 'G', 'Ļ' => 'L', 'Ƒ' => 'F', 'Ž' => 'Z',
- 'Ẃ' => 'W', 'Ḃ' => 'B', 'Å' => 'A', 'Ì' => 'I', 'Ï' => 'I', 'Ḋ' => 'D', 'Ť' => 'T',
- 'Ŗ' => 'R', 'Ä' => 'Ae', 'Í' => 'I', 'Ŕ' => 'R', 'Ê' => 'E', 'Ü' => 'Ue', 'Ò' => 'O',
- 'Ē' => 'E', 'Ñ' => 'N', 'Ń' => 'N', 'Ĥ' => 'H', 'Ĝ' => 'G', 'Đ' => 'D', 'Ĵ' => 'J',
- 'Ÿ' => 'Y', 'Ũ' => 'U', 'Ŭ' => 'U', 'Ư' => 'U', 'Ţ' => 'T', 'Ý' => 'Y', 'Ő' => 'O',
- 'Â' => 'A', 'Ľ' => 'L', 'Ẅ' => 'W', 'Ż' => 'Z', 'Ī' => 'I', 'Ã' => 'A', 'Ġ' => 'G',
- 'Ṁ' => 'M', 'Ō' => 'O', 'Ĩ' => 'I', 'Ù' => 'U', 'Į' => 'I', 'Ź' => 'Z', 'Á' => 'A',
+ 'À' => 'A', 'Ô' => 'O', 'Ď' => 'D', 'Ḟ' => 'F', 'Ë' => 'E', 'Š' => 'S', 'Ơ' => 'O',
+ 'Ă' => 'A', 'Ř' => 'R', 'Ț' => 'T', 'Ň' => 'N', 'Ā' => 'A', 'Ķ' => 'K',
+ 'Ŝ' => 'S', 'Ỳ' => 'Y', 'Ņ' => 'N', 'Ĺ' => 'L', 'Ħ' => 'H', 'Ṗ' => 'P', 'Ó' => 'O',
+ 'Ú' => 'U', 'Ě' => 'E', 'É' => 'E', 'Ç' => 'C', 'Ẁ' => 'W', 'Ċ' => 'C', 'Õ' => 'O',
+ 'Ṡ' => 'S', 'Ø' => 'O', 'Ģ' => 'G', 'Ŧ' => 'T', 'Ș' => 'S', 'Ė' => 'E', 'Ĉ' => 'C',
+ 'Ś' => 'S', 'Î' => 'I', 'Ű' => 'U', 'Ć' => 'C', 'Ę' => 'E', 'Ŵ' => 'W', 'Ṫ' => 'T',
+ 'Ū' => 'U', 'Č' => 'C', 'Ö' => 'Oe', 'È' => 'E', 'Ŷ' => 'Y', 'Ą' => 'A', 'Ł' => 'L',
+ 'Ų' => 'U', 'Ů' => 'U', 'Ş' => 'S', 'Ğ' => 'G', 'Ļ' => 'L', 'Ƒ' => 'F', 'Ž' => 'Z',
+ 'Ẃ' => 'W', 'Ḃ' => 'B', 'Å' => 'A', 'Ì' => 'I', 'Ï' => 'I', 'Ḋ' => 'D', 'Ť' => 'T',
+ 'Ŗ' => 'R', 'Ä' => 'Ae', 'Í' => 'I', 'Ŕ' => 'R', 'Ê' => 'E', 'Ü' => 'Ue', 'Ò' => 'O',
+ 'Ē' => 'E', 'Ñ' => 'N', 'Ń' => 'N', 'Ĥ' => 'H', 'Ĝ' => 'G', 'Đ' => 'D', 'Ĵ' => 'J',
+ 'Ÿ' => 'Y', 'Ũ' => 'U', 'Ŭ' => 'U', 'Ư' => 'U', 'Ţ' => 'T', 'Ý' => 'Y', 'Ő' => 'O',
+ 'Â' => 'A', 'Ľ' => 'L', 'Ẅ' => 'W', 'Ż' => 'Z', 'Ī' => 'I', 'Ã' => 'A', 'Ġ' => 'G',
+ 'Ṁ' => 'M', 'Ō' => 'O', 'Ĩ' => 'I', 'Ù' => 'U', 'Į' => 'I', 'Ź' => 'Z', 'Á' => 'A',
'Û' => 'U', 'Þ' => 'Th', 'Ð' => 'Dh', 'Æ' => 'Ae',
@@ -605,50 +605,50 @@ $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS = array(
0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x0060, 0x007b, 0x007c, 0x007d, 0x007e,
0x007f, 0x0080, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0x0083, 0x0084, 0x0085, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0088,
0x0089, 0x008a, 0x008b, 0x008c, 0x008d, 0x008e, 0x008f, 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0092,
- 0x0093, 0x0094, 0x0095, 0x0096, 0x0097, 0x0098, 0x0099, 0x009a, 0x009b, 0x009c,
- 0x009d, 0x009e, 0x009f, 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6,
- 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00aa, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, 0x00b0,
- 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x00ba,
- 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00bf, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, 0x02d9,
- 0x02da, 0x02db, 0x02dc, 0x02dd, 0x0300, 0x0301, 0x0303, 0x0309, 0x0323, 0x0384,
- 0x0385, 0x0387, 0x03b2, 0x03c6, 0x03d1, 0x03d2, 0x03d5, 0x03d6, 0x05b0, 0x05b1,
- 0x05b2, 0x05b3, 0x05b4, 0x05b5, 0x05b6, 0x05b7, 0x05b8, 0x05b9, 0x05bb, 0x05bc,
- 0x05bd, 0x05be, 0x05bf, 0x05c0, 0x05c1, 0x05c2, 0x05c3, 0x05f3, 0x05f4, 0x060c,
- 0x061b, 0x061f, 0x0640, 0x064b, 0x064c, 0x064d, 0x064e, 0x064f, 0x0650, 0x0651,
- 0x0652, 0x066a, 0x0e3f, 0x200c, 0x200d, 0x200e, 0x200f, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x2015,
- 0x2017, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201a, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x201e, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2022,
- 0x2026, 0x2030, 0x2032, 0x2033, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x2044, 0x20a7, 0x20aa, 0x20ab,
- 0x20ac, 0x2116, 0x2118, 0x2122, 0x2126, 0x2135, 0x2190, 0x2191, 0x2192, 0x2193,
- 0x2194, 0x2195, 0x21b5, 0x21d0, 0x21d1, 0x21d2, 0x21d3, 0x21d4, 0x2200, 0x2202,
- 0x2203, 0x2205, 0x2206, 0x2207, 0x2208, 0x2209, 0x220b, 0x220f, 0x2211, 0x2212,
- 0x2215, 0x2217, 0x2219, 0x221a, 0x221d, 0x221e, 0x2220, 0x2227, 0x2228, 0x2229,
- 0x222a, 0x222b, 0x2234, 0x223c, 0x2245, 0x2248, 0x2260, 0x2261, 0x2264, 0x2265,
- 0x2282, 0x2283, 0x2284, 0x2286, 0x2287, 0x2295, 0x2297, 0x22a5, 0x22c5, 0x2310,
- 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x2329, 0x232a, 0x2469, 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514,
- 0x2518, 0x251c, 0x2524, 0x252c, 0x2534, 0x253c, 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2552, 0x2553,
- 0x2554, 0x2555, 0x2556, 0x2557, 0x2558, 0x2559, 0x255a, 0x255b, 0x255c, 0x255d,
- 0x255e, 0x255f, 0x2560, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2563, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2566, 0x2567,
- 0x2568, 0x2569, 0x256a, 0x256b, 0x256c, 0x2580, 0x2584, 0x2588, 0x258c, 0x2590,
- 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x25a0, 0x25b2, 0x25bc, 0x25c6, 0x25ca, 0x25cf, 0x25d7,
- 0x2605, 0x260e, 0x261b, 0x261e, 0x2660, 0x2663, 0x2665, 0x2666, 0x2701, 0x2702,
- 0x2703, 0x2704, 0x2706, 0x2707, 0x2708, 0x2709, 0x270c, 0x270d, 0x270e, 0x270f,
- 0x2710, 0x2711, 0x2712, 0x2713, 0x2714, 0x2715, 0x2716, 0x2717, 0x2718, 0x2719,
- 0x271a, 0x271b, 0x271c, 0x271d, 0x271e, 0x271f, 0x2720, 0x2721, 0x2722, 0x2723,
- 0x2724, 0x2725, 0x2726, 0x2727, 0x2729, 0x272a, 0x272b, 0x272c, 0x272d, 0x272e,
- 0x272f, 0x2730, 0x2731, 0x2732, 0x2733, 0x2734, 0x2735, 0x2736, 0x2737, 0x2738,
- 0x2739, 0x273a, 0x273b, 0x273c, 0x273d, 0x273e, 0x273f, 0x2740, 0x2741, 0x2742,
- 0x2743, 0x2744, 0x2745, 0x2746, 0x2747, 0x2748, 0x2749, 0x274a, 0x274b, 0x274d,
- 0x274f, 0x2750, 0x2751, 0x2752, 0x2756, 0x2758, 0x2759, 0x275a, 0x275b, 0x275c,
- 0x275d, 0x275e, 0x2761, 0x2762, 0x2763, 0x2764, 0x2765, 0x2766, 0x2767, 0x277f,
- 0x2789, 0x2793, 0x2794, 0x2798, 0x2799, 0x279a, 0x279b, 0x279c, 0x279d, 0x279e,
- 0x279f, 0x27a0, 0x27a1, 0x27a2, 0x27a3, 0x27a4, 0x27a5, 0x27a6, 0x27a7, 0x27a8,
- 0x27a9, 0x27aa, 0x27ab, 0x27ac, 0x27ad, 0x27ae, 0x27af, 0x27b1, 0x27b2, 0x27b3,
- 0x27b4, 0x27b5, 0x27b6, 0x27b7, 0x27b8, 0x27b9, 0x27ba, 0x27bb, 0x27bc, 0x27bd,
- 0x27be, 0xf6d9, 0xf6da, 0xf6db, 0xf8d7, 0xf8d8, 0xf8d9, 0xf8da, 0xf8db, 0xf8dc,
- 0xf8dd, 0xf8de, 0xf8df, 0xf8e0, 0xf8e1, 0xf8e2, 0xf8e3, 0xf8e4, 0xf8e5, 0xf8e6,
- 0xf8e7, 0xf8e8, 0xf8e9, 0xf8ea, 0xf8eb, 0xf8ec, 0xf8ed, 0xf8ee, 0xf8ef, 0xf8f0,
- 0xf8f1, 0xf8f2, 0xf8f3, 0xf8f4, 0xf8f5, 0xf8f6, 0xf8f7, 0xf8f8, 0xf8f9, 0xf8fa,
- 0xf8fb, 0xf8fc, 0xf8fd, 0xf8fe, 0xfe7c, 0xfe7d,
+ 0x0093, 0x0094, 0x0095, 0x0096, 0x0097, 0x0098, 0x0099, 0x009a, 0x009b, 0x009c,
+ 0x009d, 0x009e, 0x009f, 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6,
+ 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00aa, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, 0x00b0,
+ 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x00ba,
+ 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00bf, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, 0x02d9,
+ 0x02da, 0x02db, 0x02dc, 0x02dd, 0x0300, 0x0301, 0x0303, 0x0309, 0x0323, 0x0384,
+ 0x0385, 0x0387, 0x03b2, 0x03c6, 0x03d1, 0x03d2, 0x03d5, 0x03d6, 0x05b0, 0x05b1,
+ 0x05b2, 0x05b3, 0x05b4, 0x05b5, 0x05b6, 0x05b7, 0x05b8, 0x05b9, 0x05bb, 0x05bc,
+ 0x05bd, 0x05be, 0x05bf, 0x05c0, 0x05c1, 0x05c2, 0x05c3, 0x05f3, 0x05f4, 0x060c,
+ 0x061b, 0x061f, 0x0640, 0x064b, 0x064c, 0x064d, 0x064e, 0x064f, 0x0650, 0x0651,
+ 0x0652, 0x066a, 0x0e3f, 0x200c, 0x200d, 0x200e, 0x200f, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x2015,
+ 0x2017, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201a, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x201e, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2022,
+ 0x2026, 0x2030, 0x2032, 0x2033, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x2044, 0x20a7, 0x20aa, 0x20ab,
+ 0x20ac, 0x2116, 0x2118, 0x2122, 0x2126, 0x2135, 0x2190, 0x2191, 0x2192, 0x2193,
+ 0x2194, 0x2195, 0x21b5, 0x21d0, 0x21d1, 0x21d2, 0x21d3, 0x21d4, 0x2200, 0x2202,
+ 0x2203, 0x2205, 0x2206, 0x2207, 0x2208, 0x2209, 0x220b, 0x220f, 0x2211, 0x2212,
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@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ $UTF8_ROMANIZATION = array(
// "Greeklish"