path: root/inc
diff options
authorMatthias Schulte <>2011-09-11 14:18:04 +0200
committerMatthias Schulte <>2011-09-11 14:18:04 +0200
commit8bfdbb5efd72c2e708d005a977444400c7affcfa (patch)
tree2d3bd07085d8ba68c9d487cc90dae8132bdd5824 /inc
parent29d511bfa507384ae0872f75fb54acb44b1e915e (diff)
de/de-informal/en language file updates
This commit adds new strings to the de/de-informals files which have been introduced through the new Media-Manager. All lang.php-files in inside en/de/de-informal have been reordered and reformatted.
Diffstat (limited to 'inc')
6 files changed, 534 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php b/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php
index 16686bc4c..4f762b55d 100644
--- a/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
* @author Alexander Fischer <>
* @author Juergen Schwarzer <>
* @author Marcel Metz <>
- * @author Matthias Schulte <>
+ * @author Matthias Schulte <>
* @author Christian Wichmann <>
$lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
$lang['direction'] = 'ltr';
$lang['doublequoteopening'] = '„';
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ $lang['doublequoteclosing'] = '“';
$lang['singlequoteopening'] = '‚';
$lang['singlequoteclosing'] = '‘';
$lang['apostrophe'] = '’';
$lang['btn_edit'] = 'Diese Seite bearbeiten';
$lang['btn_source'] = 'Zeige Quelltext';
$lang['btn_show'] = 'Seite anzeigen';
@@ -59,6 +61,9 @@ $lang['btn_recover'] = 'Entwurf wiederherstellen';
$lang['btn_draftdel'] = 'Entwurf löschen';
$lang['btn_revert'] = 'Wiederherstellen';
$lang['btn_register'] = 'Registrieren';
+$lang['btn_apply'] = 'Übernehmen';
+$lang['btn_media'] = 'Medien-Manager';
$lang['loggedinas'] = 'Angemeldet als';
$lang['user'] = 'Benutzername';
$lang['pass'] = 'Passwort';
@@ -73,6 +78,7 @@ $lang['badlogin'] = 'Nutzername oder Passwort sind falsch.';
$lang['minoredit'] = 'kleine Änderung';
$lang['draftdate'] = 'Entwurf gespeichert am';
$lang['nosecedit'] = 'Diese Seite wurde in der Zwischenzeit geändert, da das Sektionsinfo veraltet ist. Die ganze Seite wird stattdessen geladen.';
$lang['regmissing'] = 'Alle Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden';
$lang['reguexists'] = 'Der Nutzername existiert leider schon.';
$lang['regsuccess'] = 'Der neue Nutzer wurde angelegt und das Passwort per E-Mail versandt.';
@@ -82,10 +88,12 @@ $lang['regbadmail'] = 'Die angegebene Mail-Adresse scheint ungültig
$lang['regbadpass'] = 'Die beiden eingegeben Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.';
$lang['regpwmail'] = 'Ihr DokuWiki Passwort';
$lang['reghere'] = 'Du hast noch keinen Zugang? Hier registrieren';
$lang['profna'] = 'Änderung des Benutzerprofils in diesem Wiki nicht möglich.';
$lang['profnochange'] = 'Keine Änderungen, nichts zu tun.';
$lang['profnoempty'] = 'Es muss ein Name oder eine E-Mail Adresse angegeben werden.';
$lang['profchanged'] = 'Benutzerprofil erfolgreich geändert.';
$lang['pwdforget'] = 'Passwort vergessen? Fordere ein neues an';
$lang['resendna'] = 'Passwörter versenden ist in diesem Wiki nicht möglich.';
$lang['resendpwd'] = 'Neues Passwort senden für';
@@ -94,8 +102,10 @@ $lang['resendpwdnouser'] = 'Es tut mir Leid, aber der Benutzer existiert n
$lang['resendpwdbadauth'] = 'Es tut mir Leid, aber dieser Authentifizierungscode ist ungültig. Stelle sicher, dass du den kompletten Bestätigungslink verwendet haben.';
$lang['resendpwdconfirm'] = 'Ein Bestätigungslink wurde per E-Mail versandt.';
$lang['resendpwdsuccess'] = 'Dein neues Passwort wurde per E-Mail versandt.';
$lang['license'] = 'Falls nicht anders bezeichnet, ist der Inhalt dieses Wikis unter der folgenden Lizenz veröffentlicht:';
$lang['licenseok'] = 'Hinweis: Durch das Bearbeiten dieser Seite gibst du dein Einverständnis, dass dein Inhalt unter der folgenden Lizenz veröffentlicht wird:';
$lang['searchmedia'] = 'Suche nach Datei:';
$lang['searchmedia_in'] = 'Suche in %s';
$lang['txt_upload'] = 'Datei zum Hochladen auswählen';
@@ -103,6 +113,7 @@ $lang['txt_filename'] = 'Hochladen als (optional)';
$lang['txt_overwrt'] = 'Bestehende Datei überschreiben';
$lang['lockedby'] = 'Momentan gesperrt von';
$lang['lockexpire'] = 'Sperre läuft ab am';
$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Die Sperre zur Bearbeitung dieser Seite läuft in einer Minute ab.\nUm Bearbeitungskonflikte zu vermeiden, solltest du sie durch einen Klick auf den Vorschau-Knopf verlängern.';
$lang['js']['notsavedyet'] = 'Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren!';
$lang['js']['searchmedia'] = 'Suche nach Dateien';
@@ -134,8 +145,21 @@ $lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link-Assistent';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link zu:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Die ausgewählten Dateien wirklich löschen?';
$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig hochladen';
+$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Really restore this version?';
+$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Unterschiede anzeigen:';
+$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side by Side';
+$lang['js']['media_diff_opacity'] = 'Überblenden';
+$lang['js']['media_diff_portions'] = 'Übergang';
+$lang['js']['media_select'] = 'Dateien auswählen…';
+$lang['js']['media_upload_btn'] = 'Hochladen';
+$lang['js']['media_done_btn'] = 'Fertig';
+$lang['js']['media_drop'] = 'Dateien hier draufziehen um sie hochzuladen';
+$lang['js']['media_cancel'] = 'Entfernen';
+$lang['js']['media_overwrt'] = 'Existierende Dateien überschreiben';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Es ist ein Fehler beim Laden des Feeds aufgetreten: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nichts gefunden.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Dateiauswahl';
$lang['fileupload'] = 'Datei hochladen';
$lang['uploadsucc'] = 'Datei wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen';
@@ -160,6 +184,7 @@ $lang['mediaextchange'] = 'Dateiendung vom .%s nach .%s geändert!';
$lang['reference'] = 'Verwendung von';
$lang['ref_inuse'] = 'Diese Datei kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie noch von folgenden Seiten benutzt wird:';
$lang['ref_hidden'] = 'Einige Verweise sind auf Seiten, für die du keine Leseberechtigung hast.';
$lang['hits'] = 'Treffer';
$lang['quickhits'] = 'Passende Seitennamen';
$lang['toc'] = 'Inhaltsverzeichnis';
@@ -183,11 +208,18 @@ $lang['external_edit'] = 'Externe Bearbeitung';
$lang['summary'] = 'Zusammenfassung';
$lang['noflash'] = 'Das <a href="">Adobe Flash Plugin</a> wird benötigt, um diesen Inhalt anzuzeigen.';
$lang['download'] = 'Download-Teil';
$lang['mail_newpage'] = 'Neue Seite:';
$lang['mail_changed'] = 'Seite geändert:';
$lang['mail_subscribe_list'] = 'Seite hat sich im Namespace geändert:';
$lang['mail_new_user'] = 'Neuer Benutzer:';
$lang['mail_upload'] = 'Datei hochgeladen:';
+$lang['changes_type'] = 'Änderungen anzeigen von';
+$lang['pages_changes'] = 'Seiten';
+$lang['media_changes'] = 'Mediendateien';
+$lang['both_changes'] = 'Beides, Seiten- und Mediendateien';
$lang['qb_bold'] = 'Fetter Text';
$lang['qb_italic'] = 'Kursiver Text';
$lang['qb_underl'] = 'Unterstrichener Text';
@@ -212,8 +244,11 @@ $lang['qb_media'] = 'Bilder und andere Dateien hinzufügen';
$lang['qb_sig'] = 'Unterschrift einfügen';
$lang['qb_smileys'] = 'Smileys';
$lang['qb_chars'] = 'Sonderzeichen';
$lang['upperns'] = 'Gehe zum übergeordneten Namensraum';
$lang['admin_register'] = 'Neuen Benutzer anmelden';
$lang['metaedit'] = 'Metadaten bearbeiten';
$lang['metasaveerr'] = 'Die Metadaten konnten nicht gesichert werden';
$lang['metasaveok'] = 'Metadaten gesichert';
@@ -228,6 +263,10 @@ $lang['img_copyr'] = 'Copyright';
$lang['img_format'] = 'Format';
$lang['img_camera'] = 'Kamera';
$lang['img_keywords'] = 'Schlagwörter';
+$lang['img_width'] = 'Breite';
+$lang['img_height'] = 'Höhe';
+$lang['img_manager'] = 'Im Medien-Manager anzeigen';
$lang['subscr_subscribe_success'] = 'Die Seite %s wurde zur Abonnementenliste von %s hinzugefügt';
$lang['subscr_subscribe_error'] = 'Fehler beim Hinzufügen von %s zur Abonnementenliste von %s';
$lang['subscr_subscribe_noaddress'] = 'In deinem Account ist keine E-Mail-Adresse hinterlegt. Dadurch kann die Seite nicht abonniert werden';
@@ -235,6 +274,7 @@ $lang['subscr_unsubscribe_success'] = 'Die Seite %s wurde von der Abonnementenli
$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_error'] = 'Fehler beim Entfernen von %s von der Abonnementenliste von %s';
$lang['subscr_already_subscribed'] = '%s ist bereits auf der Abonnementenliste von %s';
$lang['subscr_not_subscribed'] = '%s ist nicht auf der Abonnementenliste von %s';
+// Manage page for subscriptions
$lang['subscr_m_not_subscribed'] = 'Du hast kein Abonnement von dieser Seite oder dem Namensraum.';
$lang['subscr_m_new_header'] = 'Abonnementen hinzufügen';
$lang['subscr_m_current_header'] = 'Aktive Abonnements';
@@ -244,8 +284,12 @@ $lang['subscr_m_receive'] = 'Erhalten';
$lang['subscr_style_every'] = 'E-Mail bei jeder Änderung';
$lang['subscr_style_digest'] = 'E-Mail mit zusammengefasster Übersicht der Seitenänderungen (alle %.2f Tage)';
$lang['subscr_style_list'] = 'Auflistung aller geänderten Seiten seit der letzten E-Mail (alle %.2f Tage)';
+/* auth.class language support */
$lang['authmodfailed'] = 'Benutzerüberprüfung nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich an den Admin.';
$lang['authtempfail'] = 'Benutzerüberprüfung momentan nicht möglich. Falls das Problem andauert, wende dich an den Admin.';
+/* installer strings */
$lang['i_chooselang'] = 'Wähle deine Sprache';
$lang['i_installer'] = 'DokuWiki-Installation';
$lang['i_wikiname'] = 'Wiki-Name';
@@ -268,6 +312,7 @@ $lang['i_pol1'] = 'Öffentliches Wiki (lesen für alle, schreiben
$lang['i_pol2'] = 'Geschlossenes Wiki (lesen, schreiben, hochladen nur für registrierte Nutzer)';
$lang['i_retry'] = 'Wiederholen';
$lang['i_license'] = 'Bitte wähle die Lizenz aus unter der die Wiki-Inhalte veröffentlicht werden sollen:';
$lang['mu_intro'] = 'In diesem Bereich kannst du mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig hochladen. Benutze die Schaltfläche "Durchsuchen", um sie der Warteschlange zuzufügen. Betätige die Schaltfläche "Hochladen", um die Übertragung zu starten.';
$lang['mu_gridname'] = 'Dateiname';
$lang['mu_gridsize'] = 'Größe';
@@ -283,6 +328,7 @@ $lang['mu_progress'] = '@PCT@% hochgeladen';
$lang['mu_filetypes'] = 'Erlaubte Dateitypen';
$lang['mu_info'] = 'Dateien hochgeladen.';
$lang['mu_lasterr'] = 'Letzter Fehler:';
$lang['recent_global'] = 'Im Moment siehst du die Änderungen im Namensraum <b>%s</b>. Du kannst auch <a href="%s">die Änderungen im gesamten Wiki sehen</a>.';
$lang['years'] = 'vor %d Jahren';
$lang['months'] = 'vor %d Monaten';
@@ -291,4 +337,29 @@ $lang['days'] = 'vor %d Tagen';
$lang['hours'] = 'vor %d Stunden';
$lang['minutes'] = 'vor %d Minuten';
$lang['seconds'] = 'vor %d Sekunden';
$lang['wordblock'] = 'Deine Bearbeitung wurde nicht gespeichert, da sie gesperrten Text enthielt (Spam).';
+$lang['media_uploadtab'] = 'Hochladen';
+$lang['media_searchtab'] = 'Suchen';
+$lang['media_viewtab'] = 'Anzeigen';
+$lang['media_edittab'] = 'Bearbeiten';
+$lang['media_historytab'] = 'Verlauf';
+$lang['media_thumbsview'] = 'Miniaturansicht';
+$lang['media_listview'] = 'Detailansicht';
+$lang['media_sort'] = 'Sortieren';
+$lang['media_sort_name'] = 'nach Name';
+$lang['media_sort_date'] = 'nach Datum';
+$lang['media_upload'] = 'In den <strong>%s</strong> Namespace hochladen.';
+$lang['media_search'] = 'Im Namespace <strong>%s</strong> suchen.';
+$lang['media_edit'] = 'Bearbeiten';
+$lang['media_history'] = 'Versionsverlauf der Datei.';
+$lang['media_meta_edited'] = 'Meta-Informationen bearbeitet';
+$lang['media_perm_read'] = 'Du besitzt nicht die notwendigen Berechtigungen um die Datei anzuzeigen.';
+$lang['media_perm_upload'] = 'Du besitzt nicht die notwendigen Berechtigungen um Dateien hochzuladen.';
+$lang['media_update'] = 'Neue Version hochladen';
+$lang['media_restore'] = 'Diese Version wiederherstellen';
+$lang['plugin_install_err'] = "Plugin nicht korrekt installiert. Plugin-Verzeichnis von '%s' nach '%s' umbenennen.";
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 : \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/lang/de-informal/uploadmail.txt b/inc/lang/de-informal/uploadmail.txt
index 7239cc10c..69f11400f 100644
--- a/inc/lang/de-informal/uploadmail.txt
+++ b/inc/lang/de-informal/uploadmail.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
Eine Datei wurde in deinem Wiki hochgeladen. Hier sind die Details:
-Datei : @MEDIA@
-Datum : @DATE@
-Browser : @BROWSER@
-IP-Adresse : @IPADDRESS@
-Hostname : @HOSTNAME@
-Größe : @SIZE@
-MIME-Typ : @MIME@
-Benutzer : @USER@
+Datei : @MEDIA@
+Alte Version: @OLD@
+Datum : @DATE@
+Browser : @BROWSER@
+IP-Adresse : @IPADDRESS@
+Hostname : @HOSTNAME@
+Größe : @SIZE@
+MIME-Typ : @MIME@
+Benutzer : @USER@
Diese Mail wurde vom DokuWiki auf
diff --git a/inc/lang/de/lang.php b/inc/lang/de/lang.php
index 3ae06dc71..a289f9987 100644
--- a/inc/lang/de/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/de/lang.php
@@ -18,14 +18,16 @@
* @author Robert Bogenschneider <>
* @author Niels Lange <>
* @author Christian Wichmann <>
+ * @author Matthias Schulte <>
$lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
$lang['direction'] = 'ltr';
-$lang['doublequoteopening'] = '„';
-$lang['doublequoteclosing'] = '“';
-$lang['singlequoteopening'] = '‚';
-$lang['singlequoteclosing'] = '‘';
-$lang['apostrophe'] = '’';
+$lang['doublequoteopening'] = '„'; //&ldquo;
+$lang['doublequoteclosing'] = '“'; //&rdquo;
+$lang['singlequoteopening'] = '‚'; //&lsquo;
+$lang['singlequoteclosing'] = '‘'; //&rsquo;
+$lang['apostrophe'] = '’'; //&rsquo;
$lang['btn_edit'] = 'Diese Seite bearbeiten';
$lang['btn_source'] = 'Zeige Quelltext';
$lang['btn_show'] = 'Seite anzeigen';
@@ -59,6 +61,9 @@ $lang['btn_recover'] = 'Entwurf wiederherstellen';
$lang['btn_draftdel'] = 'Entwurf löschen';
$lang['btn_revert'] = 'Wiederherstellen';
$lang['btn_register'] = 'Registrieren';
+$lang['btn_apply'] = 'Übernehmen';
+$lang['btn_media'] = 'Medien-Manager';
$lang['loggedinas'] = 'Angemeldet als';
$lang['user'] = 'Benutzername';
$lang['pass'] = 'Passwort';
@@ -71,8 +76,9 @@ $lang['email'] = 'E-Mail';
$lang['profile'] = 'Benutzerprofil';
$lang['badlogin'] = 'Nutzername oder Passwort sind falsch.';
$lang['minoredit'] = 'kleine Änderung';
-$lang['draftdate'] = 'Entwurf gespeichert am';
+$lang['draftdate'] = 'Entwurf gespeichert am'; // full dformat date will be added
$lang['nosecedit'] = 'Diese Seite wurde in der Zwischenzeit geändert, Sektionsinfo ist veraltet, lade stattdessen volle Seite.';
$lang['regmissing'] = 'Alle Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.';
$lang['reguexists'] = 'Der Nutzername existiert leider schon.';
$lang['regsuccess'] = 'Der neue Nutzer wurde angelegt und das Passwort per E-Mail versandt.';
@@ -82,10 +88,12 @@ $lang['regbadmail'] = 'Die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse scheint ungülti
$lang['regbadpass'] = 'Die beiden eingegeben Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.';
$lang['regpwmail'] = 'Ihr DokuWiki Passwort';
$lang['reghere'] = 'Sie haben noch keinen Zugang? Hier registrieren';
$lang['profna'] = 'Änderung des Benutzerprofils in diesem Wiki nicht möglich.';
$lang['profnochange'] = 'Keine Änderungen, nichts zu tun.';
$lang['profnoempty'] = 'Es muss ein Name und eine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben werden.';
$lang['profchanged'] = 'Benutzerprofil erfolgreich geändert.';
$lang['pwdforget'] = 'Passwort vergessen? Fordere ein neues an';
$lang['resendna'] = 'Passwörter versenden ist in diesem Wiki nicht möglich.';
$lang['resendpwd'] = 'Neues Passwort senden für';
@@ -94,8 +102,10 @@ $lang['resendpwdnouser'] = 'Es tut mir Leid, aber der Benutzer existiert n
$lang['resendpwdbadauth'] = 'Es tut mir Leid, aber dieser Authentifizierungscode ist ungültig. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den kompletten Bestätigungslink verwendet haben.';
$lang['resendpwdconfirm'] = 'Ein Bestätigungslink wurde per E-Mail versandt.';
$lang['resendpwdsuccess'] = 'Ihr neues Passwort wurde per E-Mail versandt.';
$lang['license'] = 'Falls nicht anders bezeichnet, ist der Inhalt dieses Wikis unter der folgenden Lizenz veröffentlicht:';
$lang['licenseok'] = 'Hinweis: Durch das Bearbeiten dieser Seite geben Sie Ihr Einverständnis, dass Ihr Inhalt unter der folgenden Lizenz veröffentlicht wird:';
$lang['searchmedia'] = 'Suche Dateinamen:';
$lang['searchmedia_in'] = 'Suche in %s';
$lang['txt_upload'] = 'Datei zum Hochladen auswählen';
@@ -103,7 +113,8 @@ $lang['txt_filename'] = 'Hochladen als (optional)';
$lang['txt_overwrt'] = 'Bestehende Datei überschreiben';
$lang['lockedby'] = 'Momentan gesperrt von';
$lang['lockexpire'] = 'Sperre läuft ab am';
-$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Die Sperre zur Bearbeitung dieser Seite läuft in einer Minute ab.\nUm Bearbeitungskonflikte zu vermeiden, sollten Sie sie durch einen Klick auf den Vorschau-Knopf verlängern.';
+$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Die Sperre zur Bearbeitung dieser Seite läuft in einer Minute ab.\nUm Bearbeitungskonflikte zu vermeiden, sollten Sie sie durch einen Klick auf den Vorschau-Knopf verlängern.';
$lang['js']['notsavedyet'] = 'Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren!';
$lang['js']['searchmedia'] = 'Suche Dateien';
$lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'Fenster nach Auswahl nicht schließen';
@@ -129,14 +140,26 @@ $lang['js']['medialeft'] = 'Das Bild links anordnen.';
$lang['js']['mediaright'] = 'Das Bild rechts anordnen.';
$lang['js']['mediacenter'] = 'Das Bild in der Mitte anordnen.';
$lang['js']['medianoalign'] = 'Keine Anordnung benutzen.';
-$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Das Verlinken von Windows-Freigaben funktioniert nur im Microsoft Internet Explorer.
-Der Link kann jedoch durch Kopieren und Einfügen verwendet werden.';
+$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Das Verlinken von Windows-Freigaben funktioniert nur im Microsoft Internet Explorer.\nDer Link kann jedoch durch Kopieren und Einfügen verwendet werden.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link-Assistent';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link nach:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Eintrag wirklich löschen?';
$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig hochladen';
+$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Really restore this version?';
+$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Unterschiede anzeigen:';
+$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side by Side';
+$lang['js']['media_diff_opacity'] = 'Überblenden';
+$lang['js']['media_diff_portions'] = 'Übergang';
+$lang['js']['media_select'] = 'Dateien auswählen…';
+$lang['js']['media_upload_btn'] = 'Hochladen';
+$lang['js']['media_done_btn'] = 'Fertig';
+$lang['js']['media_drop'] = 'Dateien hier draufziehen um sie hochzuladen';
+$lang['js']['media_cancel'] = 'Entfernen';
+$lang['js']['media_overwrt'] = 'Existierende Dateien überschreiben';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Es ist ein Fehler beim Laden des Feeds aufgetreten: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nichts gefunden.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Dateiauswahl';
$lang['fileupload'] = 'Datei hochladen';
$lang['uploadsucc'] = 'Datei wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen';
@@ -161,6 +184,7 @@ $lang['mediaextchange'] = 'Dateiendung vom .%s nach .%s geändert!';
$lang['reference'] = 'Verwendung von';
$lang['ref_inuse'] = 'Diese Datei kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie noch von folgenden Seiten benutzt wird:';
$lang['ref_hidden'] = 'Einige Verweise sind auf Seiten, für die Sie keine Leseberechtigung haben.';
$lang['hits'] = 'Treffer';
$lang['quickhits'] = 'Passende Seitennamen';
$lang['toc'] = 'Inhaltsverzeichnis';
@@ -184,11 +208,18 @@ $lang['external_edit'] = 'Externe Bearbeitung';
$lang['summary'] = 'Zusammenfassung';
$lang['noflash'] = 'Das <a href="">Adobe Flash Plugin</a> wird benötigt, um diesen Inhalt anzuzeigen.';
$lang['download'] = 'Schnipsel herunterladen';
$lang['mail_newpage'] = 'Neue Seite:';
$lang['mail_changed'] = 'Seite geändert:';
$lang['mail_subscribe_list'] = 'Geänderte Seiten im Namensraum:';
$lang['mail_new_user'] = 'Neuer Benutzer:';
$lang['mail_upload'] = 'Datei hochgeladen:';
+$lang['changes_type'] = 'Änderungen anzeigen von';
+$lang['pages_changes'] = 'Seiten';
+$lang['media_changes'] = 'Mediendateien';
+$lang['both_changes'] = 'Beides, Seiten- und Mediendateien';
$lang['qb_bold'] = 'Fetter Text';
$lang['qb_italic'] = 'Kursiver Text';
$lang['qb_underl'] = 'Unterstrichener Text';
@@ -213,8 +244,11 @@ $lang['qb_media'] = 'Bilder und andere Dateien hinzufügen';
$lang['qb_sig'] = 'Unterschrift einfügen';
$lang['qb_smileys'] = 'Smileys';
$lang['qb_chars'] = 'Sonderzeichen';
$lang['upperns'] = 'zum übergeordneten Namensraum springen';
$lang['admin_register'] = 'Neuen Benutzer anmelden';
$lang['metaedit'] = 'Metadaten bearbeiten';
$lang['metasaveerr'] = 'Die Metadaten konnten nicht gesichert werden';
$lang['metasaveok'] = 'Metadaten gesichert';
@@ -229,24 +263,33 @@ $lang['img_copyr'] = 'Copyright';
$lang['img_format'] = 'Format';
$lang['img_camera'] = 'Kamera';
$lang['img_keywords'] = 'Schlagwörter';
-$lang['subscr_subscribe_success'] = '%s hat nun Änderungen der Seite %s abonniert';
-$lang['subscr_subscribe_error'] = '%s kann die Änderungen der Seite %s nicht abonnieren';
+$lang['img_width'] = 'Breite';
+$lang['img_height'] = 'Höhe';
+$lang['img_manager'] = 'Im Medien-Manager anzeigen';
+$lang['subscr_subscribe_success'] = '%s hat nun Änderungen der Seite %s abonniert';
+$lang['subscr_subscribe_error'] = '%s kann die Änderungen der Seite %s nicht abonnieren';
$lang['subscr_subscribe_noaddress'] = 'Weil Ihre E-Mail-Adresse fehlt, können Sie das Thema nicht abonnieren';
$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_success'] = 'Das Abonnement von %s für die Seite %s wurde aufgelöst';
-$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_error'] = 'Das Abonnement von %s für die Seite %s konnte nicht aufgelöst werden';
-$lang['subscr_already_subscribed'] = '%s hat %s bereits abonniert';
-$lang['subscr_not_subscribed'] = '%s hat %s nicht abonniert';
-$lang['subscr_m_not_subscribed'] = 'Sie haben die aktuelle Seite und ihre Namensräume nicht abonniert.';
-$lang['subscr_m_new_header'] = 'Abonnement hinzufügen';
-$lang['subscr_m_current_header'] = 'Aktuelle Abonnements';
-$lang['subscr_m_unsubscribe'] = 'Löschen';
-$lang['subscr_m_subscribe'] = 'Abonnieren';
-$lang['subscr_m_receive'] = 'Benachrichtigung';
-$lang['subscr_style_every'] = 'E-Mail bei jeder Bearbeitung';
-$lang['subscr_style_digest'] = 'Zusammenfassung der Änderungen für jede veränderte Seite (Alle %.2f Tage)';
-$lang['subscr_style_list'] = 'Liste der geänderten Seiten (Alle %.2f Tage)';
+$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_error'] = 'Das Abonnement von %s für die Seite %s konnte nicht aufgelöst werden';
+$lang['subscr_already_subscribed'] = '%s hat %s bereits abonniert';
+$lang['subscr_not_subscribed'] = '%s hat %s nicht abonniert';
+// Manage page for subscriptions
+$lang['subscr_m_not_subscribed'] = 'Sie haben die aktuelle Seite und ihre Namensräume nicht abonniert.';
+$lang['subscr_m_new_header'] = 'Abonnement hinzufügen';
+$lang['subscr_m_current_header'] = 'Aktuelle Abonnements';
+$lang['subscr_m_unsubscribe'] = 'Löschen';
+$lang['subscr_m_subscribe'] = 'Abonnieren';
+$lang['subscr_m_receive'] = 'Benachrichtigung';
+$lang['subscr_style_every'] = 'E-Mail bei jeder Bearbeitung';
+$lang['subscr_style_digest'] = 'Zusammenfassung der Änderungen für jede veränderte Seite (Alle %.2f Tage)';
+$lang['subscr_style_list'] = 'Liste der geänderten Seiten (Alle %.2f Tage)';
+/* auth.class language support */
$lang['authmodfailed'] = 'Benutzerüberprüfung nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Systembetreuer.';
$lang['authtempfail'] = 'Benutzerüberprüfung momentan nicht möglich. Falls das Problem andauert, wenden Sie sich an den Systembetreuer.';
+/* installer strings */
$lang['i_chooselang'] = 'Wählen Sie Ihre Sprache';
$lang['i_installer'] = 'DokuWiki Installation';
$lang['i_wikiname'] = 'Wiki-Name';
@@ -269,6 +312,7 @@ $lang['i_pol1'] = 'Öffentliches Wiki (lesen für alle, schreiben
$lang['i_pol2'] = 'Geschlossenes Wiki (lesen, schreiben, hochladen nur für registrierte Nutzer)';
$lang['i_retry'] = 'Wiederholen';
$lang['i_license'] = 'Bitte wählen Sie die Lizenz, unter die Sie Ihre Inhalte stellen möchten:';
$lang['mu_intro'] = 'In diesem Bereich können Sie mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig hochladen. Benutzen Sie die Schaltfläche "Durchsuchen" um sie der Warteschlange zuzufügen. Betätigen Sie die Schaltfläche "Hochladen" um die Übertragung zu starten.';
$lang['mu_gridname'] = 'Dateiname';
$lang['mu_gridsize'] = 'Größe';
@@ -284,6 +328,7 @@ $lang['mu_progress'] = '@PCT@% hochgeladen';
$lang['mu_filetypes'] = 'Erlaubte Dateitypen';
$lang['mu_info'] = 'Dateien hochgeladen!';
$lang['mu_lasterr'] = 'Letzter Fehler:';
$lang['recent_global'] = 'Im Moment sehen Sie die Änderungen im Namensraum <b>%s</b>. Sie können auch <a href="%s">die Änderungen im gesamten Wiki sehen</a>.';
$lang['years'] = 'vor %d Jahren';
$lang['months'] = 'vor %d Monaten';
@@ -292,4 +337,29 @@ $lang['days'] = 'vor %d Tagen';
$lang['hours'] = 'vor %d Stunden';
$lang['minutes'] = 'vor %d Minuten';
$lang['seconds'] = 'vor %d Sekunden';
$lang['wordblock'] = 'Ihre Bearbeitung wurde nicht gespeichert, da sie gesperrten Text enthielt (Spam).';
+$lang['media_uploadtab'] = 'Hochladen';
+$lang['media_searchtab'] = 'Suchen';
+$lang['media_viewtab'] = 'Anzeigen';
+$lang['media_edittab'] = 'Bearbeiten';
+$lang['media_historytab'] = 'Verlauf';
+$lang['media_thumbsview'] = 'Miniaturansicht';
+$lang['media_listview'] = 'Detailansicht';
+$lang['media_sort'] = 'Sortieren';
+$lang['media_sort_name'] = 'nach Name';
+$lang['media_sort_date'] = 'nach Datum';
+$lang['media_upload'] = 'In den <strong>%s</strong> Namespace hochladen.';
+$lang['media_search'] = 'Im Namespace <strong>%s</strong> suchen.';
+$lang['media_edit'] = 'Bearbeiten';
+$lang['media_history'] = 'Versionsverlauf der Datei.';
+$lang['media_meta_edited'] = 'Meta-Informationen bearbeitet';
+$lang['media_perm_read'] = 'Sie besitzen nicht die notwendigen Berechtigungen um die Datei anzuzeigen.';
+$lang['media_perm_upload'] = 'Sie besitzen nicht die notwendigen Berechtigungen um Dateien hochzuladen.';
+$lang['media_update'] = 'Neue Version hochladen';
+$lang['media_restore'] = 'Diese Version wiederherstellen';
+$lang['plugin_install_err'] = "Plugin nicht korrekt installiert. Plugin-Verzeichnis von '%s' nach '%s' umbenennen.";
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 : \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/lang/de/uploadmail.txt b/inc/lang/de/uploadmail.txt
index 757729804..977e7561c 100644
--- a/inc/lang/de/uploadmail.txt
+++ b/inc/lang/de/uploadmail.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
Eine Datei wurde in Ihrem Wiki hochgeladen. Hier sind die Details:
-Datei : @MEDIA@
-Datum : @DATE@
-Browser : @BROWSER@
-IP-Adresse : @IPADDRESS@
-Hostname : @HOSTNAME@
-Größe : @SIZE@
-MIME-Typ : @MIME@
-Benutzer : @USER@
+Datei : @MEDIA@
+Alte Version: @OLD@
+Datum : @DATE@
+Browser : @BROWSER@
+IP-Adresse : @IPADDRESS@
+Hostname : @HOSTNAME@
+Größe : @SIZE@
+MIME-Typ : @MIME@
+Benutzer : @USER@
Diese Mail kommt vom DokuWiki auf
diff --git a/inc/lang/en/lang.php b/inc/lang/en/lang.php
index ab6a88497..d97de87d5 100644
--- a/inc/lang/en/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/en/lang.php
@@ -6,361 +6,352 @@
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Anika Henke <>
* @author Matthias Grimm <>
+ * @author Matthias Schulte <>
-$lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
-$lang['direction'] = 'ltr';
-$lang['doublequoteopening'] = '“';//&ldquo;
-$lang['doublequoteclosing'] = '”';//&rdquo;
-$lang['singlequoteopening'] = '‘';//&lsquo;
-$lang['singlequoteclosing'] = '’';//&rsquo;
-$lang['apostrophe'] = '’';//&rsquo;
-$lang['btn_edit'] = 'Edit this page';
-$lang['btn_source'] = 'Show pagesource';
-$lang['btn_show'] = 'Show page';
-$lang['btn_create'] = 'Create this page';
-$lang['btn_search'] = 'Search';
-$lang['btn_save'] = 'Save';
-$lang['btn_preview']= 'Preview';
-$lang['btn_top'] = 'Back to top';
-$lang['btn_newer'] = '<< more recent';
-$lang['btn_older'] = 'less recent >>';
-$lang['btn_revs'] = 'Old revisions';
-$lang['btn_recent'] = 'Recent changes';
-$lang['btn_upload'] = 'Upload';
-$lang['btn_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$lang['btn_index'] = 'Sitemap';
-$lang['btn_secedit']= 'Edit';
-$lang['btn_login'] = 'Login';
-$lang['btn_logout'] = 'Logout';
-$lang['btn_admin'] = 'Admin';
-$lang['btn_update'] = 'Update';
-$lang['btn_delete'] = 'Delete';
-$lang['btn_back'] = 'Back';
-$lang['btn_backlink'] = "Backlinks";
-$lang['btn_backtomedia'] = 'Back to Mediafile Selection';
-$lang['btn_subscribe'] = 'Manage Subscriptions';
-$lang['btn_profile'] = 'Update Profile';
-$lang['btn_reset'] = 'Reset';
-$lang['btn_resendpwd'] = 'Send new password';
-$lang['btn_draft'] = 'Edit draft';
-$lang['btn_recover'] = 'Recover draft';
-$lang['btn_draftdel'] = 'Delete draft';
-$lang['btn_revert'] = 'Restore';
-$lang['btn_register'] = 'Register';
-$lang['btn_apply'] = 'Apply';
-$lang['btn_media'] = 'Media Manager';
-$lang['loggedinas'] = 'Logged in as';
-$lang['user'] = 'Username';
-$lang['pass'] = 'Password';
-$lang['newpass'] = 'New password';
-$lang['oldpass'] = 'Confirm current password';
-$lang['passchk'] = 'once again';
-$lang['remember'] = 'Remember me';
-$lang['fullname'] = 'Real name';
-$lang['email'] = 'E-Mail';
-$lang['profile'] = 'User Profile';
-$lang['badlogin'] = 'Sorry, username or password was wrong.';
-$lang['minoredit'] = 'Minor Changes';
-$lang['draftdate'] = 'Draft autosaved on'; // full dformat date will be added
-$lang['nosecedit'] = 'The page was changed in the meantime, section info was out of date loaded full page instead.';
-$lang['regmissing'] = 'Sorry, you must fill in all fields.';
-$lang['reguexists'] = 'Sorry, a user with this login already exists.';
-$lang['regsuccess'] = 'The user has been created and the password was sent by email.';
-$lang['regsuccess2']= 'The user has been created.';
-$lang['regmailfail']= 'Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. Please contact the admin!';
-$lang['regbadmail'] = 'The given email address looks invalid - if you think this is an error, contact the admin';
-$lang['regbadpass'] = 'The two given passwords are not identical, please try again.';
-$lang['regpwmail'] = 'Your DokuWiki password';
-$lang['reghere'] = 'You don\'t have an account yet? Just get one';
-$lang['profna'] = 'This wiki does not support profile modification';
-$lang['profnochange'] = 'No changes, nothing to do.';
-$lang['profnoempty'] = 'An empty name or email address is not allowed.';
-$lang['profchanged'] = 'User profile successfully updated.';
-$lang['pwdforget'] = 'Forgotten your password? Get a new one';
-$lang['resendna'] = 'This wiki does not support password resending.';
-$lang['resendpwd'] = 'Send new password for';
-$lang['resendpwdmissing'] = 'Sorry, you must fill in all fields.';
-$lang['resendpwdnouser'] = 'Sorry, we can\'t find this user in our database.';
-$lang['resendpwdbadauth'] = 'Sorry, this auth code is not valid. Make sure you used the complete confirmation link.';
-$lang['resendpwdconfirm'] = 'A confirmation link has been sent by email.';
-$lang['resendpwdsuccess'] = 'Your new password has been sent by email.';
-$lang['license'] = 'Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license:';
-$lang['licenseok'] = 'Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license:';
-$lang['searchmedia'] = 'Search file name:';
-$lang['searchmedia_in'] = 'Search in %s';
-$lang['txt_upload'] = 'Select file to upload';
-$lang['txt_filename'] = 'Upload as (optional)';
-$lang['txt_overwrt'] = 'Overwrite existing file';
-$lang['lockedby'] = 'Currently locked by';
-$lang['lockexpire'] = 'Lock expires at';
-$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Your lock for editing this page is about to expire in a minute.\nTo avoid conflicts use the preview button to reset the locktimer.';
-$lang['js']['notsavedyet'] = "Unsaved changes will be lost.";
-$lang['rssfailed'] = 'An error occurred while fetching this feed: ';
-$lang['nothingfound']= 'Nothing was found.';
-$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Media Files';
-$lang['fileupload'] = 'Media File Upload';
-$lang['uploadsucc'] = 'Upload successful';
-$lang['uploadfail'] = 'Upload failed. Maybe wrong permissions?';
-$lang['uploadwrong'] = 'Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!';
-$lang['uploadexist'] = 'File already exists. Nothing done.';
-$lang['uploadbadcontent'] = 'The uploaded content did not match the %s file extension.';
-$lang['uploadspam'] = 'The upload was blocked by the spam blacklist.';
-$lang['uploadxss'] = 'The upload was blocked for possibly malicious content.';
-$lang['uploadsize'] = 'The uploaded file was too big. (max. %s)';
-$lang['deletesucc'] = 'The file "%s" has been deleted.';
-$lang['deletefail'] = '"%s" couldn\'t be deleted - check permissions.';
-$lang['mediainuse'] = 'The file "%s" hasn\'t been deleted - it is still in use.';
-$lang['namespaces'] = 'Namespaces';
-$lang['mediafiles'] = 'Available files in';
-$lang['accessdenied'] = 'You are not allowed to view this page.';
-$lang['js']['searchmedia'] = 'Search for files';
-$lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'Keep window open on selection';
-$lang['js']['hidedetails'] = 'Hide Details';
-$lang['mediausage'] = 'Use the following syntax to reference this file:';
-$lang['mediaview'] = 'View original file';
-$lang['mediaroot'] = 'root';
-$lang['mediaupload'] = 'Upload a file to the current namespace here. To create subnamespaces, prepend them to your "Upload as" filename separated by colons. Files also can be selected by drag and drop.';
-$lang['mediaextchange'] = 'Filextension changed from .%s to .%s!';
-$lang['js']['mediatitle'] = 'Link settings';
-$lang['js']['mediadisplay'] = 'Link type';
-$lang['js']['mediaalign'] = 'Alignment';
-$lang['js']['mediasize'] = 'Image size';
-$lang['js']['mediatarget'] = 'Link target';
-$lang['js']['mediaclose'] = 'Close';
-$lang['js']['mediainsert'] = 'Insert';
-$lang['js']['mediadisplayimg'] = 'Show the image.';
-$lang['js']['mediadisplaylnk'] = 'Show only the link.';
-$lang['js']['mediasmall'] = 'Small version';
-$lang['js']['mediamedium'] = 'Medium version';
-$lang['js']['medialarge'] = 'Large version';
-$lang['js']['mediaoriginal'] = 'Original version';
-$lang['js']['medialnk'] = 'Link to detail page';
-$lang['js']['mediadirect'] = 'Direct link to original';
-$lang['js']['medianolnk'] = 'No link';
-$lang['js']['medianolink'] = 'Do not link the image';
-$lang['js']['medialeft'] = 'Align the image on the left.';
-$lang['js']['mediaright'] = 'Align the image on the right.';
-$lang['js']['mediacenter'] = 'Align the image in the middle.';
-$lang['js']['medianoalign'] = 'Use no align.';
-$lang['reference'] = 'References for';
-$lang['ref_inuse'] = 'The file can\'t be deleted, because it\'s still used by the following pages:';
-$lang['ref_hidden'] = 'Some references are on pages you don\'t have permission to read';
-$lang['hits'] = 'Hits';
-$lang['quickhits'] = 'Matching pagenames';
-$lang['toc'] = 'Table of Contents';
-$lang['current'] = 'current';
-$lang['yours'] = 'Your Version';
-$lang['diff'] = 'Show differences to current revisions';
-$lang['diff2'] = 'Show differences between selected revisions';
-$lang['difflink'] = 'Link to this comparison view';
-$lang['diff_type'] = 'View differences:';
-$lang['diff_inline']= 'Inline';
-$lang['diff_side'] = 'Side by Side';
-$lang['line'] = 'Line';
-$lang['breadcrumb'] = 'Trace';
-$lang['youarehere'] = 'You are here';
-$lang['lastmod'] = 'Last modified';
-$lang['by'] = 'by';
-$lang['deleted'] = 'removed';
-$lang['created'] = 'created';
-$lang['restored'] = 'old revision restored';
-$lang['external_edit'] = 'external edit';
-$lang['summary'] = 'Edit summary';
-$lang['noflash'] = 'The <a href="">Adobe Flash Plugin</a> is needed to display this content.';
-$lang['download'] = 'Download Snippet';
-$lang['changes_type'] = 'View changes of';
-$lang['pages_changes'] = 'Pages';
-$lang['media_changes'] = 'Media files';
-$lang['both_changes'] = 'Both pages and media files';
-$lang['mail_newpage'] = 'page added:';
-$lang['mail_changed'] = 'page changed:';
-$lang['mail_subscribe_list'] = 'pages changed in namespace:';
-$lang['mail_new_user'] = 'new user:';
-$lang['mail_upload'] = 'file uploaded:';
-$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = "Linking to Windows shares only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer.\nYou still can copy and paste the link.";
-$lang['qb_bold'] = 'Bold Text';
-$lang['qb_italic'] = 'Italic Text';
-$lang['qb_underl'] = 'Underlined Text';
-$lang['qb_code'] = 'Code Text';
-$lang['qb_strike'] = 'Strike-through Text';
-$lang['qb_h1'] = 'Level 1 Headline';
-$lang['qb_h2'] = 'Level 2 Headline';
-$lang['qb_h3'] = 'Level 3 Headline';
-$lang['qb_h4'] = 'Level 4 Headline';
-$lang['qb_h5'] = 'Level 5 Headline';
-$lang['qb_h'] = 'Headline';
-$lang['qb_hs'] = 'Select Headline';
-$lang['qb_hplus'] = 'Higher Headline';
-$lang['qb_hminus'] = 'Lower Headline';
-$lang['qb_hequal'] = 'Same Level Headline';
-$lang['qb_link'] = 'Internal Link';
-$lang['qb_extlink'] = 'External Link';
-$lang['qb_hr'] = 'Horizontal Rule';
-$lang['qb_ol'] = 'Ordered List Item';
-$lang['qb_ul'] = 'Unordered List Item';
-$lang['qb_media'] = 'Add Images and other files';
-$lang['qb_sig'] = 'Insert Signature';
-$lang['qb_smileys'] = 'Smileys';
-$lang['qb_chars'] = 'Special Chars';
-$lang['upperns'] = 'jump to parent namespace';
-$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link Wizard';
-$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link to:';
-$lang['js']['del_confirm']= 'Really delete selected item(s)?';
-$lang['js']['restore_confirm']= 'Really restore this version?';
-$lang['admin_register']= 'Add new user';
-$lang['metaedit'] = 'Edit Metadata';
-$lang['metasaveerr'] = 'Writing metadata failed';
-$lang['metasaveok'] = 'Metadata saved';
-$lang['img_backto'] = 'Back to';
-$lang['img_title'] = 'Title';
-$lang['img_caption'] = 'Caption';
-$lang['img_date'] = 'Date';
-$lang['img_fname'] = 'Filename';
-$lang['img_fsize'] = 'Size';
-$lang['img_artist'] = 'Photographer';
-$lang['img_copyr'] = 'Copyright';
-$lang['img_format'] = 'Format';
-$lang['img_camera'] = 'Camera';
-$lang['img_keywords']= 'Keywords';
-$lang['img_width'] = 'Width';
-$lang['img_height'] = 'Height';
-$lang['img_manager'] = 'View in media manager';
-$lang['subscr_subscribe_success'] = 'Added %s to subscription list for %s';
-$lang['subscr_subscribe_error'] = 'Error adding %s to subscription list for %s';
-$lang['subscr_subscribe_noaddress']= 'There is no address associated with your login, you cannot be added to the subscription list';
-$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_success']= 'Removed %s from subscription list for %s';
-$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_error'] = 'Error removing %s from subscription list for %s';
-$lang['subscr_already_subscribed'] = '%s is already subscribed to %s';
-$lang['subscr_not_subscribed'] = '%s is not subscribed to %s';
-// Manage page for subscriptions
-$lang['subscr_m_not_subscribed'] = 'You are currently not subscribed to the current page or namespace.';
-$lang['subscr_m_new_header'] = 'Add subscription';
-$lang['subscr_m_current_header'] = 'Current subscriptions';
-$lang['subscr_m_unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe';
-$lang['subscr_m_subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';
-$lang['subscr_m_receive'] = 'Receive';
-$lang['subscr_style_every'] = 'email on every change';
-$lang['subscr_style_digest'] = 'digest email of changes for each page (every %.2f days)';
-$lang['subscr_style_list'] = 'list of changed pages since last email (every %.2f days)';
-/* auth.class language support */
-$lang['authmodfailed'] = 'Bad user authentication configuration. Please inform your Wiki Admin.';
-$lang['authtempfail'] = 'User authentication is temporarily unavailable. If this situation persists, please inform your Wiki Admin.';
-/* installer strings */
-$lang['i_chooselang'] = 'Choose your language';
-$lang['i_installer'] = 'DokuWiki Installer';
-$lang['i_wikiname'] = 'Wiki Name';
-$lang['i_enableacl'] = 'Enable ACL (recommended)';
-$lang['i_superuser'] = 'Superuser';
-$lang['i_problems'] = 'The installer found some problems, indicated below. You can not continue until you have fixed them.';
-$lang['i_modified'] = 'For security reasons this script will only work with a new and unmodified Dokuwiki installation.
- You should either re-extract the files from the downloaded package or consult the complete
- <a href="">Dokuwiki installation instructions</a>';
-$lang['i_funcna'] = 'PHP function <code>%s</code> is not available. Maybe your hosting provider disabled it for some reason?';
-$lang['i_phpver'] = 'Your PHP version <code>%s</code> is lower than the needed <code>%s</code>. You need to upgrade your PHP install.';
-$lang['i_permfail'] = '<code>%s</code> is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!';
-$lang['i_confexists'] = '<code>%s</code> already exists';
-$lang['i_writeerr'] = 'Unable to create <code>%s</code>. You will need to check directory/file permissions and create the file manually.';
-$lang['i_badhash'] = 'unrecognised or modified dokuwiki.php (hash=<code>%s</code>)';
-$lang['i_badval'] = '<code>%s</code> - illegal or empty value';
-$lang['i_success'] = 'The configuration was finished successfully. You may delete the install.php file now. Continue to
- <a href="doku.php">your new DokuWiki</a>.';
-$lang['i_failure'] = 'Some errors occurred while writing the configuration files. You may need to fix them manually before
- you can use <a href="doku.php">your new DokuWiki</a>.';
-$lang['i_policy'] = 'Initial ACL policy';
-$lang['i_pol0'] = 'Open Wiki (read, write, upload for everyone)';
-$lang['i_pol1'] = 'Public Wiki (read for everyone, write and upload for registered users)';
-$lang['i_pol2'] = 'Closed Wiki (read, write, upload for registered users only)';
-$lang['i_retry'] = 'Retry';
-$lang['i_license'] = 'Please choose the license you want to put your content under:';
-$lang['mu_intro'] = 'Here you can upload multiple files at once. Click the browse button to add them to the queue. Press upload when done.';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Upload multiple files at once';
-$lang['mu_gridname'] = 'Filename';
-$lang['mu_gridsize'] = 'Size';
-$lang['mu_gridstat'] = 'Status';
-$lang['mu_namespace'] = 'Namespace';
-$lang['mu_browse'] = 'Browse';
-$lang['mu_toobig'] = 'too big';
-$lang['mu_ready'] = 'ready for upload';
-$lang['mu_done'] = 'complete';
-$lang['mu_fail'] = 'failed';
-$lang['mu_authfail'] = 'session expired';
-$lang['mu_progress'] = '@PCT@% uploaded';
-$lang['mu_filetypes'] = 'Allowed Filetypes';
-$lang['mu_info'] = 'files uploaded.';
-$lang['mu_lasterr'] = 'Last error:';
-$lang['recent_global'] = 'You\'re currently watching the changes inside the <b>%s</b> namespace. You can also <a href="%s">view the recent changes of the whole wiki</a>.';
-$lang['years'] = '%d years ago';
-$lang['months'] = '%d months ago';
-$lang['weeks'] = '%d weeks ago';
-$lang['days'] = '%d days ago';
-$lang['hours'] = '%d hours ago';
-$lang['minutes'] = '%d minutes ago';
-$lang['seconds'] = '%d seconds ago';
-$lang['wordblock'] = 'Your change was not saved because it contains blocked text (spam).';
-$lang['media_uploadtab'] = 'Upload';
-$lang['media_searchtab'] = 'Search';
-$lang['media_viewtab'] = 'View';
-$lang['media_edittab'] = 'Edit';
-$lang['media_historytab'] = 'History';
-$lang['media_thumbsview'] = 'Thumbnails';
-$lang['media_listview'] = 'List';
-$lang['media_sort'] = 'Sort';
-$lang['media_sort_name'] = 'by name';
-$lang['media_sort_date'] = 'by date';
-$lang['media_upload'] = 'Upload to the <strong>%s</strong> namespace.';
-$lang['media_search'] = 'Search in the <strong>%s</strong> namespace.';
-$lang['media_edit'] = 'Edit';
-$lang['media_history'] = 'These are the older revisions of the file.';
-$lang['media_meta_edited']= 'metadata edited';
-$lang['media_perm_read'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough rights to read files.';
-$lang['media_perm_upload']= 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough rights to upload files.';
-$lang['media_update'] = 'Upload new version';
-$lang['media_restore'] = 'Restore this version';
+$lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
+$lang['direction'] = 'ltr';
+$lang['doublequoteopening'] = '“'; //&ldquo;
+$lang['doublequoteclosing'] = '”'; //&rdquo;
+$lang['singlequoteopening'] = '‘'; //&lsquo;
+$lang['singlequoteclosing'] = '’'; //&rsquo;
+$lang['apostrophe'] = '’'; //&rsquo;
+$lang['btn_edit'] = 'Edit this page';
+$lang['btn_source'] = 'Show pagesource';
+$lang['btn_show'] = 'Show page';
+$lang['btn_create'] = 'Create this page';
+$lang['btn_search'] = 'Search';
+$lang['btn_save'] = 'Save';
+$lang['btn_preview'] = 'Preview';
+$lang['btn_top'] = 'Back to top';
+$lang['btn_newer'] = '<< more recent';
+$lang['btn_older'] = 'less recent >>';
+$lang['btn_revs'] = 'Old revisions';
+$lang['btn_recent'] = 'Recent changes';
+$lang['btn_upload'] = 'Upload';
+$lang['btn_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
+$lang['btn_index'] = 'Sitemap';
+$lang['btn_secedit'] = 'Edit';
+$lang['btn_login'] = 'Login';
+$lang['btn_logout'] = 'Logout';
+$lang['btn_admin'] = 'Admin';
+$lang['btn_update'] = 'Update';
+$lang['btn_delete'] = 'Delete';
+$lang['btn_back'] = 'Back';
+$lang['btn_backlink'] = "Backlinks";
+$lang['btn_backtomedia'] = 'Back to Mediafile Selection';
+$lang['btn_subscribe'] = 'Manage Subscriptions';
+$lang['btn_profile'] = 'Update Profile';
+$lang['btn_reset'] = 'Reset';
+$lang['btn_resendpwd'] = 'Send new password';
+$lang['btn_draft'] = 'Edit draft';
+$lang['btn_recover'] = 'Recover draft';
+$lang['btn_draftdel'] = 'Delete draft';
+$lang['btn_revert'] = 'Restore';
+$lang['btn_register'] = 'Register';
+$lang['btn_apply'] = 'Apply';
+$lang['btn_media'] = 'Media Manager';
+$lang['loggedinas'] = 'Logged in as';
+$lang['user'] = 'Username';
+$lang['pass'] = 'Password';
+$lang['newpass'] = 'New password';
+$lang['oldpass'] = 'Confirm current password';
+$lang['passchk'] = 'once again';
+$lang['remember'] = 'Remember me';
+$lang['fullname'] = 'Real name';
+$lang['email'] = 'E-Mail';
+$lang['profile'] = 'User Profile';
+$lang['badlogin'] = 'Sorry, username or password was wrong.';
+$lang['minoredit'] = 'Minor Changes';
+$lang['draftdate'] = 'Draft autosaved on'; // full dformat date will be added
+$lang['nosecedit'] = 'The page was changed in the meantime, section info was out of date loaded full page instead.';
+$lang['regmissing'] = 'Sorry, you must fill in all fields.';
+$lang['reguexists'] = 'Sorry, a user with this login already exists.';
+$lang['regsuccess'] = 'The user has been created and the password was sent by email.';
+$lang['regsuccess2'] = 'The user has been created.';
+$lang['regmailfail'] = 'Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. Please contact the admin!';
+$lang['regbadmail'] = 'The given email address looks invalid - if you think this is an error, contact the admin';
+$lang['regbadpass'] = 'The two given passwords are not identical, please try again.';
+$lang['regpwmail'] = 'Your DokuWiki password';
+$lang['reghere'] = 'You don\'t have an account yet? Just get one';
+$lang['profna'] = 'This wiki does not support profile modification';
+$lang['profnochange'] = 'No changes, nothing to do.';
+$lang['profnoempty'] = 'An empty name or email address is not allowed.';
+$lang['profchanged'] = 'User profile successfully updated.';
+$lang['pwdforget'] = 'Forgotten your password? Get a new one';
+$lang['resendna'] = 'This wiki does not support password resending.';
+$lang['resendpwd'] = 'Send new password for';
+$lang['resendpwdmissing'] = 'Sorry, you must fill in all fields.';
+$lang['resendpwdnouser'] = 'Sorry, we can\'t find this user in our database.';
+$lang['resendpwdbadauth'] = 'Sorry, this auth code is not valid. Make sure you used the complete confirmation link.';
+$lang['resendpwdconfirm'] = 'A confirmation link has been sent by email.';
+$lang['resendpwdsuccess'] = 'Your new password has been sent by email.';
+$lang['license'] = 'Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license:';
+$lang['licenseok'] = 'Note: By editing this page you agree to license your content under the following license:';
+$lang['searchmedia'] = 'Search file name:';
+$lang['searchmedia_in'] = 'Search in %s';
+$lang['txt_upload'] = 'Select file to upload';
+$lang['txt_filename'] = 'Upload as (optional)';
+$lang['txt_overwrt'] = 'Overwrite existing file';
+$lang['lockedby'] = 'Currently locked by';
+$lang['lockexpire'] = 'Lock expires at';
+$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Your lock for editing this page is about to expire in a minute.\nTo avoid conflicts use the preview button to reset the locktimer.';
+$lang['js']['notsavedyet'] = "Unsaved changes will be lost.";
+$lang['js']['searchmedia'] = 'Search for files';
+$lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'Keep window open on selection';
+$lang['js']['hidedetails'] = 'Hide Details';
+$lang['js']['mediatitle'] = 'Link settings';
+$lang['js']['mediadisplay'] = 'Link type';
+$lang['js']['mediaalign'] = 'Alignment';
+$lang['js']['mediasize'] = 'Image size';
+$lang['js']['mediatarget'] = 'Link target';
+$lang['js']['mediaclose'] = 'Close';
+$lang['js']['mediainsert'] = 'Insert';
+$lang['js']['mediadisplayimg'] = 'Show the image.';
+$lang['js']['mediadisplaylnk'] = 'Show only the link.';
+$lang['js']['mediasmall'] = 'Small version';
+$lang['js']['mediamedium'] = 'Medium version';
+$lang['js']['medialarge'] = 'Large version';
+$lang['js']['mediaoriginal'] = 'Original version';
+$lang['js']['medialnk'] = 'Link to detail page';
+$lang['js']['mediadirect'] = 'Direct link to original';
+$lang['js']['medianolnk'] = 'No link';
+$lang['js']['medianolink'] = 'Do not link the image';
+$lang['js']['medialeft'] = 'Align the image on the left.';
+$lang['js']['mediaright'] = 'Align the image on the right.';
+$lang['js']['mediacenter'] = 'Align the image in the middle.';
+$lang['js']['medianoalign'] = 'Use no align.';
+$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = "Linking to Windows shares only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer.\nYou still can copy and paste the link.";
+$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link Wizard';
+$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link to:';
+$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Really delete selected item(s)?';
+$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Upload multiple files at once';
+$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Really restore this version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'View differences:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side by Side';
$lang['js']['media_diff_opacity'] = 'Overlay';
$lang['js']['media_diff_portions'] = 'Slider';
+$lang['js']['media_select'] = 'Select files…';
+$lang['js']['media_upload_btn'] = 'Upload';
+$lang['js']['media_done_btn'] = 'Done';
+$lang['js']['media_drop'] = 'Drop files here to upload';
+$lang['js']['media_cancel'] = 'remove';
+$lang['js']['media_overwrt'] = 'Overwrite existing files';
+$lang['rssfailed'] = 'An error occurred while fetching this feed: ';
+$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nothing was found.';
+$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Media Files';
+$lang['fileupload'] = 'Media File Upload';
+$lang['uploadsucc'] = 'Upload successful';
+$lang['uploadfail'] = 'Upload failed. Maybe wrong permissions?';
+$lang['uploadwrong'] = 'Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!';
+$lang['uploadexist'] = 'File already exists. Nothing done.';
+$lang['uploadbadcontent'] = 'The uploaded content did not match the %s file extension.';
+$lang['uploadspam'] = 'The upload was blocked by the spam blacklist.';
+$lang['uploadxss'] = 'The upload was blocked for possibly malicious content.';
+$lang['uploadsize'] = 'The uploaded file was too big. (max. %s)';
+$lang['deletesucc'] = 'The file "%s" has been deleted.';
+$lang['deletefail'] = '"%s" couldn\'t be deleted - check permissions.';
+$lang['mediainuse'] = 'The file "%s" hasn\'t been deleted - it is still in use.';
+$lang['namespaces'] = 'Namespaces';
+$lang['mediafiles'] = 'Available files in';
+$lang['accessdenied'] = 'You are not allowed to view this page.';
+$lang['mediausage'] = 'Use the following syntax to reference this file:';
+$lang['mediaview'] = 'View original file';
+$lang['mediaroot'] = 'root';
+$lang['mediaupload'] = 'Upload a file to the current namespace here. To create subnamespaces, prepend them to your "Upload as" filename separated by colons. Files also can be selected by drag and drop.';
+$lang['mediaextchange'] = 'Filextension changed from .%s to .%s!';
+$lang['reference'] = 'References for';
+$lang['ref_inuse'] = 'The file can\'t be deleted, because it\'s still used by the following pages:';
+$lang['ref_hidden'] = 'Some references are on pages you don\'t have permission to read';
+$lang['hits'] = 'Hits';
+$lang['quickhits'] = 'Matching pagenames';
+$lang['toc'] = 'Table of Contents';
+$lang['current'] = 'current';
+$lang['yours'] = 'Your Version';
+$lang['diff'] = 'Show differences to current revisions';
+$lang['diff2'] = 'Show differences between selected revisions';
+$lang['difflink'] = 'Link to this comparison view';
+$lang['diff_type'] = 'View differences:';
+$lang['diff_inline'] = 'Inline';
+$lang['diff_side'] = 'Side by Side';
+$lang['line'] = 'Line';
+$lang['breadcrumb'] = 'Trace';
+$lang['youarehere'] = 'You are here';
+$lang['lastmod'] = 'Last modified';
+$lang['by'] = 'by';
+$lang['deleted'] = 'removed';
+$lang['created'] = 'created';
+$lang['restored'] = 'old revision restored';
+$lang['external_edit'] = 'external edit';
+$lang['summary'] = 'Edit summary';
+$lang['noflash'] = 'The <a href="">Adobe Flash Plugin</a> is needed to display this content.';
+$lang['download'] = 'Download Snippet';
+$lang['mail_newpage'] = 'page added:';
+$lang['mail_changed'] = 'page changed:';
+$lang['mail_subscribe_list'] = 'pages changed in namespace:';
+$lang['mail_new_user'] = 'new user:';
+$lang['mail_upload'] = 'file uploaded:';
+$lang['changes_type'] = 'View changes of';
+$lang['pages_changes'] = 'Pages';
+$lang['media_changes'] = 'Media files';
+$lang['both_changes'] = 'Both pages and media files';
+$lang['qb_bold'] = 'Bold Text';
+$lang['qb_italic'] = 'Italic Text';
+$lang['qb_underl'] = 'Underlined Text';
+$lang['qb_code'] = 'Code Text';
+$lang['qb_strike'] = 'Strike-through Text';
+$lang['qb_h1'] = 'Level 1 Headline';
+$lang['qb_h2'] = 'Level 2 Headline';
+$lang['qb_h3'] = 'Level 3 Headline';
+$lang['qb_h4'] = 'Level 4 Headline';
+$lang['qb_h5'] = 'Level 5 Headline';
+$lang['qb_h'] = 'Headline';
+$lang['qb_hs'] = 'Select Headline';
+$lang['qb_hplus'] = 'Higher Headline';
+$lang['qb_hminus'] = 'Lower Headline';
+$lang['qb_hequal'] = 'Same Level Headline';
+$lang['qb_link'] = 'Internal Link';
+$lang['qb_extlink'] = 'External Link';
+$lang['qb_hr'] = 'Horizontal Rule';
+$lang['qb_ol'] = 'Ordered List Item';
+$lang['qb_ul'] = 'Unordered List Item';
+$lang['qb_media'] = 'Add Images and other files';
+$lang['qb_sig'] = 'Insert Signature';
+$lang['qb_smileys'] = 'Smileys';
+$lang['qb_chars'] = 'Special Chars';
+$lang['upperns'] = 'jump to parent namespace';
+$lang['admin_register'] = 'Add new user';
+$lang['metaedit'] = 'Edit Metadata';
+$lang['metasaveerr'] = 'Writing metadata failed';
+$lang['metasaveok'] = 'Metadata saved';
+$lang['img_backto'] = 'Back to';
+$lang['img_title'] = 'Title';
+$lang['img_caption'] = 'Caption';
+$lang['img_date'] = 'Date';
+$lang['img_fname'] = 'Filename';
+$lang['img_fsize'] = 'Size';
+$lang['img_artist'] = 'Photographer';
+$lang['img_copyr'] = 'Copyright';
+$lang['img_format'] = 'Format';
+$lang['img_camera'] = 'Camera';
+$lang['img_keywords'] = 'Keywords';
+$lang['img_width'] = 'Width';
+$lang['img_height'] = 'Height';
+$lang['img_manager'] = 'View in media manager';
+$lang['subscr_subscribe_success'] = 'Added %s to subscription list for %s';
+$lang['subscr_subscribe_error'] = 'Error adding %s to subscription list for %s';
+$lang['subscr_subscribe_noaddress'] = 'There is no address associated with your login, you cannot be added to the subscription list';
+$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_success'] = 'Removed %s from subscription list for %s';
+$lang['subscr_unsubscribe_error'] = 'Error removing %s from subscription list for %s';
+$lang['subscr_already_subscribed'] = '%s is already subscribed to %s';
+$lang['subscr_not_subscribed'] = '%s is not subscribed to %s';
+// Manage page for subscriptions
+$lang['subscr_m_not_subscribed'] = 'You are currently not subscribed to the current page or namespace.';
+$lang['subscr_m_new_header'] = 'Add subscription';
+$lang['subscr_m_current_header'] = 'Current subscriptions';
+$lang['subscr_m_unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe';
+$lang['subscr_m_subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';
+$lang['subscr_m_receive'] = 'Receive';
+$lang['subscr_style_every'] = 'email on every change';
+$lang['subscr_style_digest'] = 'digest email of changes for each page (every %.2f days)';
+$lang['subscr_style_list'] = 'list of changed pages since last email (every %.2f days)';
-$lang['js']['media_select'] = 'Select files…';
-$lang['js']['media_upload_btn'] = 'Upload';
-$lang['js']['media_done_btn'] = 'Done';
-$lang['js']['media_drop'] = 'Drop files here to upload';
-$lang['js']['media_cancel'] = 'remove';
-$lang['js']['media_overwrt'] = 'Overwrite existing files';
-$lang['plugin_install_err'] = "Plugin installed incorrectly. Rename plugin directory '%s' to '%s'.";
+/* auth.class language support */
+$lang['authmodfailed'] = 'Bad user authentication configuration. Please inform your Wiki Admin.';
+$lang['authtempfail'] = 'User authentication is temporarily unavailable. If this situation persists, please inform your Wiki Admin.';
-//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 :
+/* installer strings */
+$lang['i_chooselang'] = 'Choose your language';
+$lang['i_installer'] = 'DokuWiki Installer';
+$lang['i_wikiname'] = 'Wiki Name';
+$lang['i_enableacl'] = 'Enable ACL (recommended)';
+$lang['i_superuser'] = 'Superuser';
+$lang['i_problems'] = 'The installer found some problems, indicated below. You can not continue until you have fixed them.';
+$lang['i_modified'] = 'For security reasons this script will only work with a new and unmodified Dokuwiki installation.
+ You should either re-extract the files from the downloaded package or consult the complete
+ <a href="">Dokuwiki installation instructions</a>';
+$lang['i_funcna'] = 'PHP function <code>%s</code> is not available. Maybe your hosting provider disabled it for some reason?';
+$lang['i_phpver'] = 'Your PHP version <code>%s</code> is lower than the needed <code>%s</code>. You need to upgrade your PHP install.';
+$lang['i_permfail'] = '<code>%s</code> is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!';
+$lang['i_confexists'] = '<code>%s</code> already exists';
+$lang['i_writeerr'] = 'Unable to create <code>%s</code>. You will need to check directory/file permissions and create the file manually.';
+$lang['i_badhash'] = 'unrecognised or modified dokuwiki.php (hash=<code>%s</code>)';
+$lang['i_badval'] = '<code>%s</code> - illegal or empty value';
+$lang['i_success'] = 'The configuration was finished successfully. You may delete the install.php file now. Continue to
+ <a href="doku.php">your new DokuWiki</a>.';
+$lang['i_failure'] = 'Some errors occurred while writing the configuration files. You may need to fix them manually before
+ you can use <a href="doku.php">your new DokuWiki</a>.';
+$lang['i_policy'] = 'Initial ACL policy';
+$lang['i_pol0'] = 'Open Wiki (read, write, upload for everyone)';
+$lang['i_pol1'] = 'Public Wiki (read for everyone, write and upload for registered users)';
+$lang['i_pol2'] = 'Closed Wiki (read, write, upload for registered users only)';
+$lang['i_retry'] = 'Retry';
+$lang['i_license'] = 'Please choose the license you want to put your content under:';
+$lang['mu_intro'] = 'Here you can upload multiple files at once. Click the browse button to add them to the queue. Press upload when done.';
+$lang['mu_gridname'] = 'Filename';
+$lang['mu_gridsize'] = 'Size';
+$lang['mu_gridstat'] = 'Status';
+$lang['mu_namespace'] = 'Namespace';
+$lang['mu_browse'] = 'Browse';
+$lang['mu_toobig'] = 'too big';
+$lang['mu_ready'] = 'ready for upload';
+$lang['mu_done'] = 'complete';
+$lang['mu_fail'] = 'failed';
+$lang['mu_authfail'] = 'session expired';
+$lang['mu_progress'] = '@PCT@% uploaded';
+$lang['mu_filetypes'] = 'Allowed Filetypes';
+$lang['mu_info'] = 'files uploaded.';
+$lang['mu_lasterr'] = 'Last error:';
+$lang['recent_global'] = 'You\'re currently watching the changes inside the <b>%s</b> namespace. You can also <a href="%s">view the recent changes of the whole wiki</a>.';
+$lang['years'] = '%d years ago';
+$lang['months'] = '%d months ago';
+$lang['weeks'] = '%d weeks ago';
+$lang['days'] = '%d days ago';
+$lang['hours'] = '%d hours ago';
+$lang['minutes'] = '%d minutes ago';
+$lang['seconds'] = '%d seconds ago';
+$lang['wordblock'] = 'Your change was not saved because it contains blocked text (spam).';
+$lang['media_uploadtab'] = 'Upload';
+$lang['media_searchtab'] = 'Search';
+$lang['media_viewtab'] = 'View';
+$lang['media_edittab'] = 'Edit';
+$lang['media_historytab'] = 'History';
+$lang['media_thumbsview'] = 'Thumbnails';
+$lang['media_listview'] = 'List';
+$lang['media_sort'] = 'Sort';
+$lang['media_sort_name'] = 'by name';
+$lang['media_sort_date'] = 'by date';
+$lang['media_upload'] = 'Upload to the <strong>%s</strong> namespace.';
+$lang['media_search'] = 'Search in the <strong>%s</strong> namespace.';
+$lang['media_edit'] = 'Edit';
+$lang['media_history'] = 'These are the older revisions of the file.';
+$lang['media_meta_edited'] = 'metadata edited';
+$lang['media_perm_read'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough rights to read files.';
+$lang['media_perm_upload'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough rights to upload files.';
+$lang['media_update'] = 'Upload new version';
+$lang['media_restore'] = 'Restore this version';
+$lang['plugin_install_err'] = "Plugin installed incorrectly. Rename plugin directory '%s' to '%s'.";
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 : \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/lang/en/uploadmail.txt b/inc/lang/en/uploadmail.txt
index 932a1b704..16bb6989c 100644
--- a/inc/lang/en/uploadmail.txt
+++ b/inc/lang/en/uploadmail.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
A file was uploaded to your DokuWiki. Here are the details:
-File : @MEDIA@
-Old revision : @OLD@
-Date : @DATE@
-Browser : @BROWSER@
-IP-Address : @IPADDRESS@
-Hostname : @HOSTNAME@
-Size : @SIZE@
-MIME Type : @MIME@
-User : @USER@
+File : @MEDIA@
+Old revision: @OLD@
+Date : @DATE@
+Browser : @BROWSER@
+IP-Address : @IPADDRESS@
+Hostname : @HOSTNAME@
+Size : @SIZE@
+MIME Type : @MIME@
+User : @USER@
This mail was generated by DokuWiki at