path: root/lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php
diff options
authorGuillaume Turri <>2010-12-09 22:03:59 +0100
committerAndreas Gohr <>2010-12-09 22:03:59 +0100
commit98be6429ce6efaa013146af9145aa572816adb89 (patch)
tree64c99cac8db44f058b5c694d0b360d4fea155742 /lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php
parent204d9c533d983cce1a75f12ef218a92b01961d46 (diff)
Add support for autosubmitting popularity data FS#2025
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php b/lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php
index 71ea40799..22ddb245b 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/popularity/admin.php
@@ -13,21 +13,15 @@ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
* need to inherit from this class
class admin_plugin_popularity extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
- var $version = '2010-09-17';
+ var $version;
+ var $helper;
+ var $sentStatus = null;
+ function admin_plugin_popularity(){
+ $this->helper = $this->loadHelper('popularity', false);
- /**
- * return some info
- */
- function getInfo(){
- return array(
- 'author' => 'Andreas Gohr',
- 'email' => '',
- 'date' => $this->version,
- 'name' => 'Popularity Feedback Plugin',
- 'desc' => 'Send anonymous data about your wiki to the developers.',
- 'url' => '',
- );
+ $pluginInfo = $this->getInfo();
+ $this->version = $pluginInfo['date'];
@@ -56,204 +50,89 @@ class admin_plugin_popularity extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
* handle user request
function handle() {
+ //Send the data
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['data']) ){
+ $this->sentStatus = $this->helper->sendData( $_REQUEST['data'] );
+ //Deal with the autosubmit option
+ $this->_enableAutosubmit( isset($_REQUEST['autosubmit']) );
+ }
- * Output HTML form
+ * Enable or disable autosubmit
+ * @param bool $enable If TRUE, it will enable autosubmit. Else, it will disable it.
- function html() {
- echo $this->locale_xhtml('intro');
- flush();
- $data = $this->_gather();
- echo '<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="utf-8">';
- echo '<fieldset style="width: 60%;">';
- echo '<textarea class="edit" rows="10" cols="80" readonly="readonly" name="data">';
- foreach($data as $key => $val){
- if(is_array($val)) foreach($val as $v){
- echo hsc($key)."\t".hsc($v)."\n";
- }else{
- echo hsc($key)."\t".hsc($val)."\n";
- }
+ function _enableAutosubmit( $enable ){
+ if ( $enable ){
+ io_saveFile( $this->helper->autosubmitFile, ' ');
+ } else {
+ @unlink($this->helper->autosubmitFile);
- echo '</textarea><br />';
- echo '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.$this->getLang('submit').'"/>';
- echo '</fieldset>';
- echo '</form>';
-// dbg($data);
- * Gather all information
+ * Output HTML form
- function _gather(){
- global $conf;
- global $auth;
- $data = array();
- $phptime = ini_get('max_execution_time');
- @set_time_limit(0);
- // version
- $data['anon_id'] = md5(auth_cookiesalt());
- $data['version'] = getVersion();
- $data['popversion'] = $this->version;
- $data['language'] = $conf['lang'];
- $data['now'] = time();
- // some config values
- $data['conf_useacl'] = $conf['useacl'];
- $data['conf_authtype'] = $conf['authtype'];
- $data['conf_template'] = $conf['template'];
- // number and size of pages
- $list = array();
- search($list,$conf['datadir'],array($this,'_search_count'),'','');
- $data['page_count'] = $list['file_count'];
- $data['page_size'] = $list['file_size'];
- $data['page_biggest'] = $list['file_max'];
- $data['page_smallest'] = $list['file_min'];
- $data['page_nscount'] = $list['dir_count'];
- $data['page_nsnest'] = $list['dir_nest'];
- if($list['file_count']) $data['page_avg'] = $list['file_size'] / $list['file_count'];
- $data['page_oldest'] = $list['file_oldest'];
- unset($list);
- // number and size of media
- $list = array();
- search($list,$conf['mediadir'],array($this,'_search_count'),array('all'=>true));
- $data['media_count'] = $list['file_count'];
- $data['media_size'] = $list['file_size'];
- $data['media_biggest'] = $list['file_max'];
- $data['media_smallest'] = $list['file_min'];
- $data['media_nscount'] = $list['dir_count'];
- $data['media_nsnest'] = $list['dir_nest'];
- if($list['file_count']) $data['media_avg'] = $list['file_size'] / $list['file_count'];
- unset($list);
- // number and size of cache
- $list = array();
- search($list,$conf['cachedir'],array($this,'_search_count'),array('all'=>true));
- $data['cache_count'] = $list['file_count'];
- $data['cache_size'] = $list['file_size'];
- $data['cache_biggest'] = $list['file_max'];
- $data['cache_smallest'] = $list['file_min'];
- if($list['file_count']) $data['cache_avg'] = $list['file_size'] / $list['file_count'];
- unset($list);
- // number and size of index
- $list = array();
- search($list,$conf['indexdir'],array($this,'_search_count'),array('all'=>true));
- $data['index_count'] = $list['file_count'];
- $data['index_size'] = $list['file_size'];
- $data['index_biggest'] = $list['file_max'];
- $data['index_smallest'] = $list['file_min'];
- if($list['file_count']) $data['index_avg'] = $list['file_size'] / $list['file_count'];
- unset($list);
- // number and size of meta
- $list = array();
- search($list,$conf['metadir'],array($this,'_search_count'),array('all'=>true));
- $data['meta_count'] = $list['file_count'];
- $data['meta_size'] = $list['file_size'];
- $data['meta_biggest'] = $list['file_max'];
- $data['meta_smallest'] = $list['file_min'];
- if($list['file_count']) $data['meta_avg'] = $list['file_size'] / $list['file_count'];
- unset($list);
- // number and size of attic
- $list = array();
- search($list,$conf['olddir'],array($this,'_search_count'),array('all'=>true));
- $data['attic_count'] = $list['file_count'];
- $data['attic_size'] = $list['file_size'];
- $data['attic_biggest'] = $list['file_max'];
- $data['attic_smallest'] = $list['file_min'];
- if($list['file_count']) $data['attic_avg'] = $list['file_size'] / $list['file_count'];
- $data['attic_oldest'] = $list['file_oldest'];
- unset($list);
- // user count
- if($auth && $auth->canDo('getUserCount')){
- $data['user_count'] = $auth->getUserCount();
- }
+ function html() {
+ if ( ! isset($_REQUEST['data']) ){
+ echo $this->locale_xhtml('intro');
+ //If there was an error the last time we tried to autosubmit, warn the user
+ if ( $this->helper->isAutoSubmitEnabled() ){
+ if ( @file_exists($this->helper->autosubmitErrorFile) ){
+ echo $this->getLang('autosubmitError');
+ echo io_readFile( $this->helper->autosubmitErrorFile );
+ }
+ }
- // calculate edits per day
- $list = @file($conf['metadir'].'/_dokuwiki.changes');
- $count = count($list);
- if($count > 2){
- $first = (int) substr(array_shift($list),0,10);
- $last = (int) substr(array_pop($list),0,10);
- $dur = ($last - $first)/(60*60*24); // number of days in the changelog
- $data['edits_per_day'] = $count/$dur;
+ flush();
+ echo $this->buildForm('server');
+ } else {
+ //If we just submitted the form
+ if ( $this->sentStatus === '' ){
+ //If we successfully sent the data
+ echo $this->locale_xhtml('submitted');
+ } else {
+ //If we failed to submit the data, try directly with the browser
+ echo $this->getLang('submissionFailed') . $this->sentStatus . '<br />';
+ echo $this->getLang('submitDirectly');
+ echo $this->buildForm('browser', $_REQUEST['data']);
+ }
- unset($list);
- // plugins
- $data['plugin'] = plugin_list();
- // pcre info
- if(defined('PCRE_VERSION')) $data['pcre_version'] = PCRE_VERSION;
- $data['pcre_backtrack'] = ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit');
- $data['pcre_recursion'] = ini_get('pcre.recursion_limit');
- // php info
- $data['os'] = PHP_OS;
- $data['webserver'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
- $data['php_version'] = phpversion();
- $data['php_sapi'] = php_sapi_name();
- $data['php_memory'] = $this->_to_byte(ini_get('memory_limit'));
- $data['php_exectime'] = $phptime;
- $data['php_extension'] = get_loaded_extensions();
- return $data;
- function _search_count(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
- // traverse
- if($type == 'd'){
- if($data['dir_nest'] < $lvl) $data['dir_nest'] = $lvl;
- $data['dir_count']++;
- return true;
- }
- //only search txt files if 'all' option not set
- if($opts['all'] || substr($file,-4) == '.txt'){
- $size = filesize($base.'/'.$file);
- $date = filemtime($base.'/'.$file);
- $data['file_count']++;
- $data['file_size'] += $size;
- if(!isset($data['file_min']) || $data['file_min'] > $size) $data['file_min'] = $size;
- if($data['file_max'] < $size) $data['file_max'] = $size;
- if(!isset($data['file_oldest']) || $data['file_oldest'] > $date) $data['file_oldest'] = $date;
- }
- return false;
- }
- * Convert php.ini shorthands to byte
- *
- * @author <gilthans dot NO dot SPAM at gmail dot com>
- * @link
+ * Build the form which presents the data to be sent
+ * @param string $submit How is the data supposed to be sent? (may be: 'browser' or 'server')
+ * @param string $data The popularity data, if it has already been computed. NULL otherwise.
+ * @return The form, as an html string
- function _to_byte($v){
- $l = substr($v, -1);
- $ret = substr($v, 0, -1);
- switch(strtoupper($l)){
- case 'P':
- $ret *= 1024;
- case 'T':
- $ret *= 1024;
- case 'G':
- $ret *= 1024;
- case 'M':
- $ret *= 1024;
- case 'K':
- $ret *= 1024;
- break;
+ function buildForm($submissionMode, $data = null){
+ $url = ($submissionMode === 'browser' ? $this->helper->submitUrl : script());
+ if ( is_null($data) ){
+ $data = $this->helper->gatherAsString();
+ }
+ $form = '<form method="post" action="'. $url .'" accept-charset="utf-8">'
+ .'<fieldset style="width: 60%;">'
+ .'<textarea class="edit" rows="10" cols="80" readonly="readonly" name="data">'
+ .$data
+ .'</textarea><br />';
+ //If we submit via the server, we give the opportunity to suscribe to the autosubmission option
+ if ( $submissionMode !== 'browser' ){
+ $form .= '<label for="autosubmit">'
+ .'<input type="checkbox" name="autosubmit" id="autosubmit" '
+ .($this->helper->isAutosubmitEnabled() ? 'checked' : '' )
+ .'/>' . $this->getLang('autosubmit') .'<br />'
+ .'</label>'
+ .'<input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin">'
+ .'<input type="hidden" name="page" value="popularity">';
- return $ret;
+ $form .= '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.$this->getLang('submit').'"/>'
+ .'</fieldset>'
+ .'</form>';
+ return $form;