diff options
-rw-r--r--lib/_fla/multipleUpload.flabin1812480 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/exe/multipleUpload.swfbin64561 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/images/multiupload.pngbin581 -> 0 bytes
57 files changed, 2 insertions, 428 deletions
diff --git a/inc/lang/ar/lang.php b/inc/lang/ar/lang.php
index ee330099b..02a62fe94 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ar/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ar/lang.php
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'الروابط لمجلدات مشاركة و
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'مرشد الروابط';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'الرابط إلى :';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'هل حقاً تريد حذف البنود المختارة؟';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'رفع عدة ملفات في وقت واحد';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'خطأ ما حدث أثناء جلب ملف التغذية:';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'لا يوجد شيء';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'ملفات الوسائط';
diff --git a/inc/lang/az/lang.php b/inc/lang/az/lang.php
index 302f24c16..14ce18c2a 100644
--- a/inc/lang/az/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/az/lang.php
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Windows-un şəbəkə qovluqlarına link ancaq
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Linklər köməkçisi';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link göstərir:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Siz əminsiz ki, seçilmişləri silmək istəyirsiniz?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Bir neçə faylı birdən yükləmək';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Bu fayla link yaratmaq üçün aşağıdakı sintaksisdən istifadə edin:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Bu faylın ilkinə bax';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'kök';
diff --git a/inc/lang/bg/lang.php b/inc/lang/bg/lang.php
index 580f6d963..ca6aaeadc 100644
--- a/inc/lang/bg/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/bg/lang.php
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Връзките към Windows shares раб
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Помощник за препратки';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Препратка към: ';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Да бъдат ли изтрити избраните елементи?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Качване на няколко файла наведнъж';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Възникна грешка при получаването на емисията: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Нищо не е открито.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Медийни файлове';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ca-valencia/lang.php b/inc/lang/ca-valencia/lang.php
index c9c15b12d..4fc4dfa50 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ca-valencia/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ca-valencia/lang.php
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Els vínculs a recursos compartits de Windows
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Assistent de vínculs';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Vincular a:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = '¿Realment vol borrar el(s) ítem(s) seleccionat(s)?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Enviar diversos archius d\'una';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Utilise la següent sintaxis per a referenciar est archiu:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Vore l\'archiu original';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'base';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ca/lang.php b/inc/lang/ca/lang.php
index fbd1cb18a..41ee389d8 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ca/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ca/lang.php
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ Si voleu podeu copiar i enganxar l\'enllaç.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Auxiliar d\'enllaços';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Enllaça a:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Suprimiu aquesta entrada?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Penja múltiples fitxers';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Utilitzeu la sintaxi següent per referir-vos a aquest enllaç:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Mostra el fitxer original';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'arrel';
diff --git a/inc/lang/cs/lang.php b/inc/lang/cs/lang.php
index eaefaadb5..292c2c42e 100644
--- a/inc/lang/cs/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/cs/lang.php
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ Přesto tento odkaz můžete zkopírovat a vložit jinde.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Průvodce odkazy';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Odkaz na:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Vymazat tuto položku?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Načíst více souborů najednou';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Nastala chyba při vytváření tohoto RSS: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nic nenalezeno.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Výběr dokumentu';
diff --git a/inc/lang/da/lang.php b/inc/lang/da/lang.php
index 614f2bdf2..0b6961921 100644
--- a/inc/lang/da/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/da/lang.php
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ Du kan stadig kopiere og indsætte linket.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'guiden til henvisninger';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Henvise til:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Slet valgte post(er)?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Overføre flere filer på en gang';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Der opstod en fejl ved indhentning af: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Søgningen gav intet resultat.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Vælg mediefil';
diff --git a/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php b/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php
index 4d7c26621..62b633fd5 100644
--- a/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/de-informal/lang.php
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
* @author Matthias Schulte <>
* @author Christian Wichmann <>
$lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
$lang['direction'] = 'ltr';
$lang['doublequoteopening'] = '„';
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Das Verlinken von Windows-Freigaben funktionie
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link-Assistent';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link zu:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Die ausgewählten Dateien wirklich löschen?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig hochladen';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Really restore this version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Unterschiede anzeigen:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side by Side';
diff --git a/inc/lang/de/lang.php b/inc/lang/de/lang.php
index f647e6d64..34434cafa 100644
--- a/inc/lang/de/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/de/lang.php
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Das Verlinken von Windows-Freigaben funktionie
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link-Assistent';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link nach:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Eintrag wirklich löschen?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig hochladen';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Really restore this version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Unterschiede anzeigen:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side by Side';
diff --git a/inc/lang/el/lang.php b/inc/lang/el/lang.php
index de8705db9..4c334c1de 100644
--- a/inc/lang/el/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/el/lang.php
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Οι σύνδεσμοι προς Windows share
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Αυτόματος Οδηγός Συνδέσμων';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Σύνδεση σε:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Να διαγραφεί;';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Ταυτόχρονη φόρτωση πολλαπλών φακέλων';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Θέλετε την επαναφορά σε αυτή την έκδοση;';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Εμφάνιση διαφορών:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Δίπλα δίπλα';
diff --git a/inc/lang/en/lang.php b/inc/lang/en/lang.php
index 92c7185b2..89a7c4d40 100644
--- a/inc/lang/en/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/en/lang.php
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Linking to Windows shares only works in Micros
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link Wizard';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link to:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Really delete selected item(s)?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Upload multiple files at once';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Really restore this version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'View differences:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side by Side';
diff --git a/inc/lang/eo/lang.php b/inc/lang/eo/lang.php
index 94bd244ac..8a15981ee 100644
--- a/inc/lang/eo/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/eo/lang.php
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ Vi ankoraŭ povas kopii kaj almeti la ligilon.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Ligil-Asistanto';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Ligilo al:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Ĉu vere forigi elektitajn ero(j)n?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Alŝuti plurajn dosierojn multope.';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Ĉu vere restarigi ĉi tiun version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Rigardu la diferencojn:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Flankon apud flanko';
diff --git a/inc/lang/es/lang.php b/inc/lang/es/lang.php
index 8e912e9a8..5164c3243 100644
--- a/inc/lang/es/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/es/lang.php
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ Lo que sí puedes hacer es copiar y pegar el enlace.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Asistente de enlaces';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Enlazar a:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = '¿Quieres realmente borrar lo seleccionado?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Subir varios archivos a la vez';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = '¿Estás seguro de querer restaurar esta versión?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Ver diferencias:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Lado por lado';
diff --git a/inc/lang/et/lang.php b/inc/lang/et/lang.php
index 66fab3f9a..6cd2f437d 100644
--- a/inc/lang/et/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/et/lang.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ Siiski võid kopeerida ja asetada lingi.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Lingi nõustaja';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Lingi:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Kas kustutame selle kirje?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Laadi üles mittu faili';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Sinu soovitud info ammutamisel tekkis viga: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Oops, aga mitte muhvigi ei leitud.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Hunnik faile';
diff --git a/inc/lang/eu/lang.php b/inc/lang/eu/lang.php
index 30dfe9e5b..d02f281c3 100644
--- a/inc/lang/eu/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/eu/lang.php
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ Esteka kopiatu eta itsatsi dezakezu dena den.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Estekatze Laguntzailea';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Estekatu hona:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Benetan ezabatu aukeratutako fitxategia(k)?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Igo hainbat fitxategi aldi berean';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Errorea gertatu da feed hau irakurtzean:';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Ez da ezer aurkitu.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Aukeratu Multimedia fitxategia';
diff --git a/inc/lang/fa/lang.php b/inc/lang/fa/lang.php
index 1a7467431..ac14ce07a 100644
--- a/inc/lang/fa/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/fa/lang.php
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ $lang['txt_overwrt'] = 'بر روی فایل موجود بنویس';
$lang['lockedby'] = 'در حال حاضر قفل شده است';
$lang['lockexpire'] = 'قفل منقضی شده است';
$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'حالت قفل شما مدتی است منقضی شده است \n برای جلوگیری از تداخل دکمه‌ی پیش‌نمایش را برای صفر شدن ساعت قفل بزنید.';
-$lang['js']['notsavedyet'] = 'تغییرات ذخیره شده از بین خواهد رفت.
+$lang['js']['notsavedyet'] = 'تغییرات ذخیره شده از بین خواهد رفت.
می‌خواهید ادامه دهید؟';
$lang['js']['searchmedia'] = 'جستجو برای فایل';
$lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'پنجره را ر زمان انتخاب باز نگه‌دار';
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'پیوند به Windows share فقط در ای
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'ویزارد پیوند';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'پیوند به:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'واقعن تصمیم به حذف این موارد دارید؟';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'ارسال هم‌زمان چندین فایل ';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'بروز خطا در هنگام واکشی';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'چیزی پیدا نشد';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'فایل‌ها';
diff --git a/inc/lang/fi/lang.php b/inc/lang/fi/lang.php
index 83d487302..8d671a4cb 100644
--- a/inc/lang/fi/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/fi/lang.php
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ Voit silti kopioida ja liittää linkin.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Linkkivelho';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Linkki kohteeseen:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Haluatko todella poistaa valitut kohteet?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Lähetä useampia tiedostoja kerralla';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Haluatko varmasti palauttaa tämän version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Näytä erot:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Vierekkäin';
diff --git a/inc/lang/fr/lang.php b/inc/lang/fr/lang.php
index c73febc00..c02ad657d 100644
--- a/inc/lang/fr/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/fr/lang.php
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Les liens vers les partages Windows ne fonctio
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Assistant Lien';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Lien vers :';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Effacer cette entrée ?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Envoyer plusieurs fichiers en même temps';
$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Votre verrouillage pour la modification de cette page expire dans une minute.\nPour éviter les conflits, utilisez le bouton « Aperçu » pour réinitialiser le minuteur.';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Voulez vous vraiment restaurer cette version?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Voir les différences:';
diff --git a/inc/lang/gl/lang.php b/inc/lang/gl/lang.php
index a3caeff6d..01938b3a0 100644
--- a/inc/lang/gl/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/gl/lang.php
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ Sempre podes copiar e colar a ligazón.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Asistente de ligazóns';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Ligazón para:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Estás certo de quereres eliminar os elementos seleccionados?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Subir varios arquivos de vez';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Emprega a seguinte sintaxe para inserires unha referencia a este arquivo:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Ver arquivo orixinal';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'raigaña';
diff --git a/inc/lang/he/lang.php b/inc/lang/he/lang.php
index 589088320..f295e44a9 100644
--- a/inc/lang/he/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/he/lang.php
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'קישור לכונני שיתוף של Window
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'אשף הקישורים';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'קישור אל:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'באמת למחוק?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'העלאת מספר קבצים יחד';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'אירע כשל בעת קבלת הזנה זו:';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'לא נמצאו תוצאות.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'קובצי מדיה';
diff --git a/inc/lang/hr/lang.php b/inc/lang/hr/lang.php
index a85214cf7..ef10d7720 100644
--- a/inc/lang/hr/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/hr/lang.php
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Linkovi na dijeljene Windows mape rade samo s
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Čarobnjak za poveznice';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Poveznica na:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Zbilja želite obrisati odabrane stavke?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Postavi više datoteka odjednom';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Došlo je do greške prilikom preuzimanja feed-a: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Traženi dokumetni nisu pronađeni.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Mediafile datoteke';
diff --git a/inc/lang/hu/lang.php b/inc/lang/hu/lang.php
index 89ad77948..23419a2bd 100644
--- a/inc/lang/hu/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/hu/lang.php
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ A hivatkozást másolni és beszúrni ettől fügetlenül mndig tudod.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Hivatkozás varázsló';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Hivatkozás erre:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Valóban törölni akarod a kiválasztott elem(ek)et?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Több fájl feltöltése egyszerre';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Hiba történt ennek a betöltésekor: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Semmit sem találtam.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Médiafájl kiválasztása';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ia/lang.php b/inc/lang/ia/lang.php
index abf1e6786..8398f29f0 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ia/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ia/lang.php
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ Tu pote nonobstante copiar e collar le ligamine.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Assistente pro ligamines';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Ligar verso:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Realmente deler le entrata(s) seligite?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Incargar plure files simultaneemente';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Usa le syntaxe sequente pro referer a iste file:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Vider file original';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'radice';
diff --git a/inc/lang/it/lang.php b/inc/lang/it/lang.php
index 8812b148d..9f4d42004 100644
--- a/inc/lang/it/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/it/lang.php
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'I collegamenti con le risorse condivise di Win
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Collegamento guidato';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Collega a:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Eliminare veramente questa voce?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Carica più di un file alla volta';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Si è verificato un errore cercando questo feed: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nessun risultato trovato.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Selezione dei file';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ja/lang.php b/inc/lang/ja/lang.php
index b0b93450e..1eeb6bb73 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ja/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ja/lang.php
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'ウィンドウズの共有フォルダへリ
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'リンクウィザード';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'リンク先:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = '選択した項目を本当に削除しますか?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = '複数のファイルを一度にアップロード';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'RSSの取得に失敗しました:';
$lang['nothingfound'] = '該当文書はありませんでした。';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'メディアファイルを選択';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ko/lang.php b/inc/lang/ko/lang.php
index 7b55ebe71..91825c797 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ko/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ko/lang.php
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = '윈도우 공유 파일과의 연결은 MS 인
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = '링크 마법사';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = '다음으로 연결:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = '정말로 선택된 항목(들)을 삭제하시겠습니까?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = '여러 파일들을 한번에 업로드합니다.';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'feed 가져오기 실패: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = '아무 것도 없습니다.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = '미디어 파일 선택';
diff --git a/inc/lang/la/lang.php b/inc/lang/la/lang.php
index 00312f7a1..fd34a4ef8 100644
--- a/inc/lang/la/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/la/lang.php
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ Adhuc transcribere nexum potes.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Connectendi ductor';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Nexum ad:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Delere electas res uin?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Plura documenta uno tempore onerare';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Error in restituendo ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nihil inuentum est.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Documenta uisiua:';
diff --git a/inc/lang/lt/lang.php b/inc/lang/lt/lang.php
index 121e25308..b42035026 100644
--- a/inc/lang/lt/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/lt/lang.php
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ $lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'Pažymėjus palikti langą atvertą';
$lang['js']['hidedetails'] = 'Paslėpti Detales';
$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Nurodos į "Windows shares" veikia tik su Microsoft Internet Explorer naršykle.
Vis dėlto, jūs galite nukopijuoti šią nuorodą.';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Pateikite kelis failus vienu ypu';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Failo nuorodai užrašyti naudokite tokią sintaksę:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Žiūrėti pirminį failą';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'pradžia (root)';
diff --git a/inc/lang/lv/lang.php b/inc/lang/lv/lang.php
index 64e22c56a..30679c824 100644
--- a/inc/lang/lv/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/lv/lang.php
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ Protams, ka vari saiti kopēt un iespraust citā programmā.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Saišu vednis';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Saite uz: ';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Dzēst šo šķirkli?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Augšuplādēt uzreiz vairākus failus.';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Kļūda saņemot saturu no ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nekas nav atrasts.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Mēdiju faila izvēle';
diff --git a/inc/lang/mk/lang.php b/inc/lang/mk/lang.php
index b7d433092..ca4a746cd 100644
--- a/inc/lang/mk/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/mk/lang.php
@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Поврзувањето со Windows Shares
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Волшебник за врски';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Врска до:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Дали навистина да ги избришам избраните датотеки?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Качете повеќе датотеки наеднаш';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Користете ја следнава синтакса за референцирање кон оваа датотека:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Види ја оригиналната датотека';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'root';
diff --git a/inc/lang/mr/lang.php b/inc/lang/mr/lang.php
index ae9d05bfd..02bda19d6 100644
--- a/inc/lang/mr/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/mr/lang.php
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ $lang['mediafiles'] = 'मध्ये उपलब्ध असल
$lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'निवड केल्यावर विण्डो उघडी ठेवा';
$lang['js']['hidedetails'] = 'सविस्तर मजकूर लपवा';
$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'विन्डोज़ शेअर ला लिंक केल्यास ते फक्त मायक्रोसॉफ़्ट इन्टरनेट एक्स्प्लोरर वरच चालते. तरी तुम्ही लिंक कॉपी करू शकता.';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'एक वेळेस अनेक फाइल वापरा';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'ह्या फाइलचा संदर्भ देण्यासाठी खालील सिन्टॅक्स वापरा :';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'मूळ फाइल बघू ';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'रूट';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ne/lang.php b/inc/lang/ne/lang.php
index 53c701b23..5d572ccd9 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ne/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ne/lang.php
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ $lang['mediafiles'] = ' उपलब्ध फाइलहरु ';
$lang['js']['keepopen'] = 'छनौटमा विन्डो खुला राख्नुहोस् ';
$lang['js']['hidedetails'] = 'जानकारी लुकाउनु होस् ';
$lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'विन्डोहरु लिङ्क गर्दा माइक्रो सफ्ट एक्सप्लोररमामात्र काम साझा हुन्छ । तर कपि गर्न र टास्न मिल्छ। ';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'धेरै वटा फाइलहरु एकैपटक अपलोड गर्नुहोस् ।';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'फाइललाई रेफरेन्स गर्न निम्न सुत्र प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् :';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'सक्कली फाइल हेर्नुहोस् ';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'रुट(मूख्य प्रयोगकर्ता)';
diff --git a/inc/lang/nl/lang.php b/inc/lang/nl/lang.php
index 1f548508e..62d23b0d2 100644
--- a/inc/lang/nl/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/nl/lang.php
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ Je kan de link wel kopiëren en plakken.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Linkwizard';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link naar:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Item(s) verwijderen?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Meerdere files tegelijk uploaden';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Werkelijk deze versie terugzetten?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Verschillen bekijken:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Naast elkaar';
diff --git a/inc/lang/no/lang.php b/inc/lang/no/lang.php
index 7ed5902ca..8f9562408 100644
--- a/inc/lang/no/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/no/lang.php
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ Du kan fortsatt kopiere og lime inn lenken.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'guide til lenker';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Lenke til:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Slett denne oppføringen?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Last opp flere filer samtidig';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Er du sikker på at du vil gjenopprette denne versjonen?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Vis forskjeller:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Side ved side:';
diff --git a/inc/lang/pl/lang.php b/inc/lang/pl/lang.php
index f9bf57852..a6fc3d52e 100644
--- a/inc/lang/pl/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/pl/lang.php
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ Możesz skopiować odnośnik.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Tworzenie odnośników';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link do';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Czy na pewno usunąć?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Wyślij wiele plików na raz';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Wystąpił błąd przy pobieraniu tych danych: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nic nie znaleziono.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Wysyłanie pliku';
diff --git a/inc/lang/pt-br/lang.php b/inc/lang/pt-br/lang.php
index d1b46c294..066b3acaa 100644
--- a/inc/lang/pt-br/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/pt-br/lang.php
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ Entretanto, você ainda pode copiar e colar o atalho.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Link Wizard';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Link para:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Deseja realmente excluir o(s) item(ns) selecionado(s)?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Enviar vários arquivos de uma vez';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Ocorreu um erro durante a atualização dessa fonte: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Não foi encontrado nada.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Arquivos de mídia';
diff --git a/inc/lang/pt/lang.php b/inc/lang/pt/lang.php
index 6a2034a95..78688ce5f 100644
--- a/inc/lang/pt/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/pt/lang.php
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ $lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Assistente de Criação de Ligação';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Ligação para:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Remover o(s) item(s) selecionados?';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Restaurar esta versão?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Enviar múltiplos ficheiros de uma vez';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Ocorreu um erro neste canal RSS: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nada foi encontrado.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Selecção de ficheiros';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ro/lang.php b/inc/lang/ro/lang.php
index 2a61ef204..91f8ebb97 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ro/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ro/lang.php
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ Puteţi însă copia şi insera legătura.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Asistent legătură';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Legătură la:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Doriţi într-adevăr ştergerea elementelor selectate?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Încarcă mai multe fişiere simultan';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Sunteți sigur că doriți restaurarea acestei versiuni?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Arată diferențele:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = 'Unul lângă altul';
diff --git a/inc/lang/ru/lang.php b/inc/lang/ru/lang.php
index 52c1dc20b..44d1027c0 100644
--- a/inc/lang/ru/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/ru/lang.php
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Ссылка на сетевые катало
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Мастер ссылок';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Ссылка на:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Вы на самом деле желаете удалить выбранное?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Загрузить несколько файлов одновременно';
$lang['js']['willexpire'] = 'Ваша блокировка этой страницы на редактирование истекает в течении минуты.\nЧтобы предотвратить конфликты используйте кнопку "Просмотр" для сброса таймера блокировки.';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = 'Действительно восстановить эту версию?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = 'Просмотр отличий:';
diff --git a/inc/lang/sk/lang.php b/inc/lang/sk/lang.php
index 4dab977b9..aee1ca367 100644
--- a/inc/lang/sk/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/sk/lang.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ Aj napriek tomu tento odkaz môžete skopírovať a vložiť inde.';
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Sprievodca odkazmi';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Odkaz na:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Zmazať túto položku?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Nahrať viac súborov súčasne';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Nastala chyba pri vytváraní tohto RSS: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Nič nenájdené.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Výber dokumentu';
diff --git a/inc/lang/sl/lang.php b/inc/lang/sl/lang.php
index 55c895b2d..9acf13504 100644
--- a/inc/lang/sl/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/sl/lang.php
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Povezovanje do souporabnih datotek sistema Win
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Čarovnik za povezave';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Poveži na:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Ali naj se res izbrišejo izbrani predmeti?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Pošiljanje več dokumentov hkrati.';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Prišlo je do napake med pridobivanjem vira: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Ni najdenih predmetov.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Predstavne datoteke';
diff --git a/inc/lang/sq/lang.php b/inc/lang/sq/lang.php
index ea2f018b3..87d0f30b5 100644
--- a/inc/lang/sq/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/sq/lang.php
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Lidhja te Windows shares funksionon vetëm në
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Magjistari i Link';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Lidh tek:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Fshiji vërtetë objektet e përzgjedhura?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Ngarko shumë skedarë njëkohësisht';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'Përdor sintaksën e mëposhtme për të referuar këtë skedar:';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'Shiko skedarin origjinal';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'rrënja';
diff --git a/inc/lang/sr/lang.php b/inc/lang/sr/lang.php
index a868f1d81..22bcf4e33 100644
--- a/inc/lang/sr/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/sr/lang.php
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Повезивање са Windows дељени
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Чаробњак за стварање везе';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Повежи ка:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Обриши овај унос?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Слање више датотека одједном';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Дошло је до грешке приликом преузимања овог довода: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Ништа није нађено.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Избор медијске датотеке';
diff --git a/inc/lang/sv/lang.php b/inc/lang/sv/lang.php
index d6f90a5f4..943509fed 100644
--- a/inc/lang/sv/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/sv/lang.php
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ Du kan fortfarande klippa och klistra in länken om du använder en annan webbl
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Snabbguide Länkar';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Länk till:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Vill du verkligen radera?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Ladda upp flera filer samtidigt';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Ett fel uppstod när detta RSS-flöde skulle hämtas: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Inga filer hittades.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Mediafiler';
diff --git a/inc/lang/th/lang.php b/inc/lang/th/lang.php
index e9dffa2c1..c447bf61c 100644
--- a/inc/lang/th/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/th/lang.php
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'เชื่อมไปยังหน้า
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'ลิงค์วิเศษ';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'ลิงค์ไป:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'ต้องการลบรายการที่เลือกจริงๆหรือ?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'อัพโหลดหลายๆไฟล์ในครั้งเดียว';
$lang['mediausage'] = 'ให้ใช้ไวยกรณ์ต่อไปนี้เพื่ออ้างอิงไฟล์นี้';
$lang['mediaview'] = 'ดูไฟล์ต้นฉบับ';
$lang['mediaroot'] = 'ราก(รูท)';
diff --git a/inc/lang/tr/lang.php b/inc/lang/tr/lang.php
index 0b76a6e81..94b1c951a 100644
--- a/inc/lang/tr/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/tr/lang.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Windows paylaşımı sadece Microsoft Internet
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Bağlantı sihirbazı';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Bağlantı:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Bu girişi sil?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Birden fazla dosyayı bir seferde gönder';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Bu beslemeyi çekerken hata oluştu: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Hiçbir şey yok.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Çokluortam dosyası seçimi';
diff --git a/inc/lang/uk/lang.php b/inc/lang/uk/lang.php
index 6b80bc75c..22d61c9bf 100644
--- a/inc/lang/uk/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/uk/lang.php
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = 'Посилання на мережеві па
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = 'Чарівник посилань';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = 'Посилання на:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = 'Дійсно знищити обрані елементи?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = 'Завантажити одночасно кілька файлів';
$lang['rssfailed'] = 'Виникла помилка під час отримання RSS-стрічки: ';
$lang['nothingfound'] = 'Нічого не знайдено.';
$lang['mediaselect'] = 'Вибір медіа-файлу';
diff --git a/inc/lang/zh-tw/lang.php b/inc/lang/zh-tw/lang.php
index 2222125f5..a46869d6c 100644
--- a/inc/lang/zh-tw/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/zh-tw/lang.php
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = '只有在 Microsoft IE 下才能執行「連
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = '建立連結精靈';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = '連結至:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = '確定刪除選取的項目?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = '上傳多個檔案';
$lang['rssfailed'] = '擷取 RSS 饋送檔時發生錯誤:';
$lang['nothingfound'] = '沒找到任何結果。';
$lang['mediaselect'] = '媒體檔案';
diff --git a/inc/lang/zh/lang.php b/inc/lang/zh/lang.php
index 4328d10ce..6e6dff6f4 100644
--- a/inc/lang/zh/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/zh/lang.php
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = '连接到 Windows 共享功能只有在 IE 浏
$lang['js']['linkwiz'] = '链接向导';
$lang['js']['linkto'] = '链接到:';
$lang['js']['del_confirm'] = '真的要删除选中的项目吗?';
-$lang['js']['mu_btn'] = '一次上传了多个文件';
$lang['js']['restore_confirm'] = '确实要恢复这个版本么?';
$lang['js']['media_diff'] = '查看差异:';
$lang['js']['media_diff_both'] = '肩并肩';
diff --git a/lib/_fla/.htaccess b/lib/_fla/.htaccess
deleted file mode 100644
index 055d099c7..000000000
--- a/lib/_fla/.htaccess
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-## no access to the fla directory
-order allow,deny
-deny from all
-Satisfy All
diff --git a/lib/_fla/ b/lib/_fla/
deleted file mode 100644
index 259441656..000000000
--- a/lib/_fla/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
- * Flash Multi Upload
- *
- * Based on a example from Alastair Dawson
- *
- * @link
- * @author Alastair Dawson
- * @author Andreas Gohr <>
- * @license MIT <>
- */
-// delegate
-import mx.utils.Delegate;
-// ui components
-import mx.controls.DataGrid;
-import mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn
-import mx.controls.Button;
-import mx.controls.TextInput;
-import mx.controls.CheckBox;
-import mx.controls.Label;
-// file reference
-class MultipleUpload {
- private var fileRef:FileReferenceList;
- private var fileRefListener:Object;
- private var list:Array;
- private var dp:Array;
- private var files_dg:DataGrid;
- private var browse_btn:Button;
- private var upload_btn:Button;
- private var ns_input:TextInput;
- private var ns_label:Label;
- private var overwrite_cb:CheckBox;
- private var url:String;
- private var upurl:String;
- private var current:Number;
- private var done:Number;
- private var lasterror:String;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * Initializes the needed objects and stage objects
- */
- public function MultipleUpload(fdg:DataGrid, bb:Button, ub:Button, nsi:TextInput, nsl:Label, ob:CheckBox) {
- // references for objects on the stage
- files_dg = fdg;
- browse_btn = bb;
- upload_btn = ub;
- ns_input = nsi;
- ns_label = nsl;
- overwrite_cb = ob;
- // file list references & listener
- fileRef = new FileReferenceList();
- fileRefListener = new Object();
- fileRef.addListener(fileRefListener);
- // setup
- iniUI();
- inifileRefListener();
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the User Interface
- *
- * Uses flashvars to access possibly localized names
- */
- private function iniUI() {
- // register button handlers
- browse_btn.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, this.browse);
- upload_btn.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, this.upload);
- // columns for dataGrid
- var col:DataGridColumn;
- col = new DataGridColumn('name');
- col.headerText = ( _root.L_gridname ? _root.L_gridname : 'Filename' );
- col.sortable = false;
- files_dg.addColumn(col);
- col = new DataGridColumn('size');
- col.headerText = ( _root.L_gridsize ? _root.L_gridsize : 'Size' );
- col.sortable = false;
- files_dg.addColumn(col);
- col = new DataGridColumn('status');
- col.headerText = ( _root.L_gridstat ? _root.L_gridstat : 'Status' );
- col.sortable = false;
- files_dg.addColumn(col);
- // label translations
- if(_root.L_overwrite) overwrite_cb.label = _root.L_overwrite;
- if(_root.L_browse) browse_btn.label = _root.L_browse;
- if(_root.L_upload) upload_btn.label = _root.L_upload;
- if(_root.L_namespace) ns_label.text = _root.L_namespace;
- // prefill input field
- if(_root.O_ns) ns_input.text = _root.O_ns;
- // disable buttons
- upload_btn.enabled = false;
- if(!_root.O_overwrite) overwrite_cb.visible = false;
- // initalize the data provider list
- dp = new Array();
- list = new Array();
- files_dg.spaceColumnsEqually();
- }
- /**
- * Open files selection dialog
- *
- * Adds the allowed file types
- */
- private function browse() {
- if(_root.O_extensions){
- var exts:Array = _root.O_extensions.split('|');
- var filter:Object = new Object();
- filter.description = (_root.L_filetypes ? _root.L_filetypes : 'Allowed filetypes');
- filter.extension = '';
- for(var i:Number = 0; i<exts.length; i++){
- filter.extension += '*.'+exts[i]+';';
- }
- filter.extension = filter.extension.substr(0,filter.extension.length-1);
- var apply:Array = new Array();
- apply.push(filter);
- fileRef.browse(apply);
- }else{
- fileRef.browse();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initiates the upload process
- */
- private function upload() {
- // prepare backend URL
- this.url = _root.O_backend; // from flashvars
- this.url += '&ns='+escape(ns_input.text);
- // prepare upload url
- this.upurl = this.url;
- this.upurl += '&sectok='+escape(_root.O_sectok);
- this.upurl += '&authtok='+escape(_root.O_authtok);
- if(overwrite_cb.selected) this.upurl += '&ow=1';
- // disable buttons
- upload_btn.enabled = false;
- browse_btn.enabled = false;
- ns_input.enabled = false;
- overwrite_cb.enabled = false;
- // init states
- this.current = -1;
- this.done = 0;
- this.lasterror = '';
- // start process detached
- _global.setTimeout(this,'uploadNext',100);
- nextFrame();
- }
- /**
- * Uploads the next file in the list
- */
- private function uploadNext(){
- this.current++;
- if(this.current >= this.list.length){
- return this.uploadDone();
- }
- var file = this.list[this.current];
- if(_root.O_maxsize && (file.size > _root.O_maxsize)){
- this.lasterror = (_root.L_toobig ? _root.L_toobig : 'too big');
- _global.setTimeout(this,'uploadNext',100);
- nextFrame();
- }else{
- file.addListener(fileRefListener);
- file.upload(upurl);
- // continues in the handlers
- }
- }
- /**
- * Redirect to the namespace and set a success/error message
- *
- * Called when all files in the list where processed
- */
- private function uploadDone(){
- var info = (_root.L_info ? _root.L_info : 'files uploaded');
- if(this.done == this.list.length){
- this.url += '&msg1='+escape(this.done+'/'+this.list.length+' '+info);
- }else{
- var lasterr = (_root.L_lasterr ? _root.L_lasterr : 'Last error:');
- this.url += '&err='+escape(this.done+'/'+this.list.length+' '+info+' '+lasterr+' '+this.lasterror);
- }
- // when done redirect
- getURL(this.url,'_self');
- }
- /**
- * Set the status of a given file in the data grid
- */
- private function setStatus(file,msg){
- for(var i:Number = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- if (list[i].name == {
- files_dg.editField(i, 'status', msg);
- nextFrame();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the file reference listener
- */
- private function inifileRefListener() {
- fileRefListener.onSelect = Delegate.create(this, this.onSelect);
- fileRefListener.onCancel = Delegate.create(this, this.onCancel);
- fileRefListener.onOpen = Delegate.create(this, this.onOpen);
- fileRefListener.onProgress = Delegate.create(this, this.onProgress);
- fileRefListener.onComplete = Delegate.create(this, this.onComplete);
- fileRefListener.onHTTPError = Delegate.create(this, this.onHTTPError);
- fileRefListener.onIOError = Delegate.create(this, this.onIOError);
- fileRefListener.onSecurityError = Delegate.create(this, this.onSecurityError);
- }
- /**
- * Handle file selection
- *
- * Files are added as in a list of references and beautified into the data grid dataprovider array
- *
- * Multiple browses will add to the list
- */
- private function onSelect(fileRefList:FileReferenceList) {
- var sel = fileRefList.fileList;
- for(var i:Number = 0; i < sel.length; i++) {
- // check size
- var stat:String;
- if(_root.O_maxsize && sel[i].size > _root.O_maxsize){
- stat = (_root.L_toobig ? _root.L_toobig : 'too big');
- }else{
- stat = (_root.L_ready ? _root.L_ready : 'ready for upload');
- }
- // add to grid
- dp.push({name:sel[i].name, size:Math.round(sel[i].size / 1000) + " kb", status:stat});
- // add to reference list
- list.push(sel[i]);
- }
- // update dataGrid
- files_dg.dataProvider = dp;
- files_dg.spaceColumnsEqually();
- if(list.length > 0) upload_btn.enabled = true;
- }
- /**
- * Does nothing
- */
- private function onCancel() {
- }
- /**
- * Does nothing
- */
- private function onOpen(file:FileReference) {
- }
- /**
- * Set the upload progress
- */
- private function onProgress(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) {
- var percentDone = Math.round((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100);
- var msg:String = 'uploading @PCT@%';
- if(_root.L_progress) msg = _root.L_progress;
- msg = msg.split('@PCT@').join(percentDone);
- this.setStatus(file,msg);
- }
- /**
- * Handle upload completion
- */
- private function onComplete(file:FileReference) {
- this.setStatus(file,(_root.L_done ? _root.L_done : 'complete'));
- this.done++;
- uploadNext();
- }
- /**
- * Handle upload errors
- */
- private function onHTTPError(file:FileReference, httpError:Number) {
- var error;
- if(httpError == 400){
- error = (_root.L_fail ? _root.L_fail : 'failed');
- }else if(httpError == 401){
- error = (_root.L_authfail ? _root.L_authfail : 'auth failed');
- }else{
- error = "HTTP Error " + httpError
- }
- this.setStatus(file,error);
- this.lasterror = error;
- uploadNext();
- }
- /**
- * Handle IO errors
- */
- private function onIOError(file:FileReference) {
- this.setStatus(file,"IO Error");
- this.lasterror = "IO Error";
- uploadNext();
- }
- /**
- * Handle Security errors
- */
- private function onSecurityError(file:FileReference, errorString:String) {
- this.setStatus(file,"SecurityError: " + errorString);
- this.lasterror = "SecurityError: " + errorString;
- uploadNext();
- }
diff --git a/lib/_fla/README b/lib/_fla/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ecc72ac1..000000000
--- a/lib/_fla/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains the sources for the Flash Multiuploader. Its based on
-a example from Alastair Dawson given at
diff --git a/lib/_fla/index.html b/lib/_fla/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d614603ac..000000000
--- a/lib/_fla/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=../../" />
-<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
-<title>nothing here...</title>
-<!-- this is just here to prevent directory browsing -->
diff --git a/lib/_fla/multipleUpload.fla b/lib/_fla/multipleUpload.fla
deleted file mode 100644
index 220616960..000000000
--- a/lib/_fla/multipleUpload.fla
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/exe/multipleUpload.swf b/lib/exe/multipleUpload.swf
deleted file mode 100644
index 888aab045..000000000
--- a/lib/exe/multipleUpload.swf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/images/multiupload.png b/lib/images/multiupload.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bc16c76d6..000000000
--- a/lib/images/multiupload.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/scripts/media.js b/lib/scripts/media.js
index 76274c868..2d7c8feb2 100644
--- a/lib/scripts/media.js
+++ b/lib/scripts/media.js
@@ -848,33 +848,6 @@ var dw_mediamanager = {
- initFlashUpload: function () {
- var $oform, $oflash;
- if(!hasFlash(8)) {
- return;
- }
- $oform = jQuery('#dw__upload');
- $oflash = jQuery('#dw__flashupload');
- if(!$oform.length || !$oflash.length) {
- return;
- }
- jQuery(document.createElement('img'))
- .attr('src', DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/multiupload.png')
- .attr('title', LANG.mu_btn)
- .attr('alt', LANG.mu_btn)
- .css('cursor', 'pointer')
- .click(
- function () {
- $oform.hide();
- $;
- }
- )
- .appendTo($oform);
- },
* Sets the visibility of the image details accordingly to the
* chosen hide state