path: root/lib/plugins/authpgsql/auth.php
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into scrutinizerissuesGerrit Uitslag2014-12-09
| * postgresql auth plugin: correct function nameChristopher Smith2014-09-29
* | more PHPDocs, unused var, small bit code reformattingGerrit Uitslag2014-10-01
* | scrutinizer documentations issuesGerrit Uitslag2014-09-29
* Allow user info to be retrieved without groupsChristopher Smith2014-03-12
* handle limit=0 correctly in authmysql/pgsql FS#2919Andreas Gohr2014-02-15
* streamlined retrieveUsers() signature over all auth plugins FS#2919Andreas Gohr2014-02-15
* authpgsql fixesAndreas Gohr2012-11-09
* make all sub auth classes call the parent constructorAndreas Gohr2012-11-09
* Refactored auth system: All auth methods are now introduced as plugins.Jan Schumann2012-02-20