path: root/lib/scripts/hotkeys.js
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* fix hotkeys on anchors (click() undefined) FS#1958Andreas Gohr2010-10-19
* FS#1958Christopher Smith2010-10-03
* remove accesskey once a JS handler was registered FS#2007Andreas Gohr2010-08-09
* Use OS based Hotkey-Modifier FS#1958Andreas Gohr2010-06-27
* Hotkey trigger is now CTRL-ALT FS#1958Andreas Gohr2010-06-26
* use ALT as hotkey modifierAndreas Gohr2010-05-08
* Reimplementation of Accesskeys in javascript (FS#1809), toolbar accesskyes fix.Marek Sacha2010-05-08
* Reimplementation of Accesskeys in JavaScript (FS#1809)Marek Sacha2010-05-08