array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'string', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'stringTestMethod', ), 'wiki.intTestMethod' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'int', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'intTestMethod', ), 'wiki.floatTestMethod' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'float', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'floatTestMethod', ), 'wiki.dateTestMethod' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'date', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'dateTestMethod', ), 'wiki.fileTestMethod' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'file', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'fileTestMethod', ), 'wiki.voidTestMethod' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'void', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'voidTestMethod', ), 'wiki.oneStringArgMethod' => array( 'args' => array('string'), 'return' => 'string', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'oneStringArgMethod', ), 'wiki.twoArgMethod' => array( 'args' => array('string', 'int'), 'return' => 'array', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'twoArgMethod', ), 'wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg' => array( 'args' => array('string', 'string'), 'return' => 'string', 'doc' => 'Test method', 'name' => 'twoArgWithDefaultArg', ), 'wiki.publicCall' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'boolean', 'doc' => 'testing for public access', 'name' => 'publicCall', 'public' => 1 ) ); } function stringTestMethod() { return 'success'; } function intTestMethod() { return 42; } function floatTestMethod() { return 3.14159265; } function dateTestMethod() { return 2623452346; } function fileTestMethod() { return 'file content'; } function voidTestMethod() { return null; } function oneStringArgMethod($arg) {return $arg; } function twoArgMethod($string, $int) { return array($string, $int); } function twoArgWithDefaultArg($string1, $string2 = 'default') { return array($string1, $string2); } function publicCall() {return true;} } class remote_plugin_testplugin extends DokuWiki_Remote_Plugin { function _getMethods() { return array( 'method1' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'void' ), 'methodString' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'string' ), 'method2' => array( 'args' => array('string', 'int'), 'return' => 'array', 'name' => 'method2', ), 'method2ext' => array( 'args' => array('string', 'int', 'bool'), 'return' => 'array', 'name' => 'method2', ), 'publicCall' => array( 'args' => array(), 'return' => 'boolean', 'doc' => 'testing for public access', 'name' => 'publicCall', 'public' => 1 ) ); } function method1() { return null; } function methodString() { return 'success'; } function method2($str, $int, $bool = false) { return array($str, $int, $bool); } function publicCall() {return true;} } class remote_test extends DokuWikiTest { var $userinfo; var $remote; function setUp() { parent::setUp(); global $plugin_controller; global $conf; global $USERINFO; global $auth; parent::setUp(); $pluginManager = $this->getMock('Doku_Plugin_Controller'); $pluginManager->expects($this->any())->method('getList')->will($this->returnValue(array('testplugin'))); $pluginManager->expects($this->any())->method('load')->will($this->returnValue(new remote_plugin_testplugin())); $plugin_controller = $pluginManager; $conf['remote'] = 1; $conf['remoteuser'] = '!!not set!!'; $conf['useacl'] = 0; $this->userinfo = $USERINFO; $this->remote = new RemoteAPI(); $auth = new MockAuth(); } function tearDown() { global $USERINFO; $USERINFO = $this->userinfo; } function test_pluginMethods() { $methods = $this->remote->getPluginMethods(); $actual = array_keys($methods); sort($actual); $expect = array('plugin.testplugin.method1', 'plugin.testplugin.method2', 'plugin.testplugin.methodString', 'plugin.testplugin.method2ext', 'plugin.testplugin.publicCall'); sort($expect); $this->assertEquals($expect,$actual); } function test_hasAccessSuccess() { $this->assertTrue($this->remote->hasAccess()); } /** * @expectedException RemoteAccessDeniedException */ function test_hasAccessFail() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 0; // the hasAccess() should throw a Exception to keep the same semantics with xmlrpc.php. // because the user(xmlrpc) check remote before .--> (!$conf['remote']) die('XML-RPC server not enabled.'); // so it must be a Exception when get here. $this->remote->hasAccess(); } function test_hasAccessFailAcl() { global $conf; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $this->assertFalse($this->remote->hasAccess()); } function test_hasAccessSuccessAclEmptyRemoteUser() { global $conf; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['remoteuser'] = ''; $this->assertTrue($this->remote->hasAccess()); } function test_hasAccessSuccessAcl() { global $conf; global $USERINFO; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['remoteuser'] = '@grp,@grp2'; $USERINFO['grps'] = array('grp'); $this->assertTrue($this->remote->hasAccess()); } function test_hasAccessFailAcl2() { global $conf; global $USERINFO; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['remoteuser'] = '@grp'; $USERINFO['grps'] = array('grp1'); $this->assertFalse($this->remote->hasAccess()); } function test_forceAccessSuccess() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 1; $this->remote->forceAccess(); // no exception should occur } /** * @expectedException RemoteException */ function test_forceAccessFail() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 0; $this->remote->forceAccess(); } function test_generalCoreFunctionWithoutArguments() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest()); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.stringTestMethod'), 'success'); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.intTestMethod'), 42); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.floatTestMethod'), 3.14159265); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.dateTestMethod'), 2623452346); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.fileTestMethod'), 'file content'); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.voidTestMethod'), null); } /** * @expectedException RemoteException */ function test_generalCoreFunctionOnArgumentMismatch() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest()); $remoteApi->call('wiki.voidTestMethod', array('something')); } function test_generalCoreFunctionWithArguments() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest()); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.oneStringArgMethod', array('string')), 'string'); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgMethod', array('string', 1)), array('string' , 1)); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg', array('string')), array('string', 'default')); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg', array('string', 'another')), array('string', 'another')); } function test_pluginCallMethods() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method1'), null); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method2', array('string', 7)), array('string', 7, false)); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method2ext', array('string', 7, true)), array('string', 7, true)); $this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.methodString'), 'success'); } /** * @expectedException RemoteException */ function test_notExistingCall() { global $conf; $conf['remote'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->call('dose not exist'); } function test_publicCallCore() { global $conf; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest()); $this->assertTrue($remoteApi->call('wiki.publicCall')); } function test_publicCallPlugin() { global $conf; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $this->assertTrue($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.publicCall')); } /** * @expectedException RemoteAccessDeniedException */ function test_publicCallCoreDeny() { global $conf; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest()); $remoteApi->call('wiki.stringTestMethod'); } /** * @expectedException RemoteAccessDeniedException */ function test_publicCallPluginDeny() { global $conf; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $remoteApi = new RemoteApi(); $remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.methodString'); } function test_pluginCallCustomPath() { global $EVENT_HANDLER; $EVENT_HANDLER->register_hook('RPC_CALL_ADD', 'BEFORE', $this, 'pluginCallCustomPathRegister'); $remoteApi = new RemoteAPI(); $result = $remoteApi->call('custom.path'); $this->assertEquals($result, 'success'); } function pluginCallCustomPathRegister(&$event, $param) { $event->data['custom.path'] = array('testplugin', 'methodString'); } }