assertEquals(js_compress($text), ''); } function test_mlcom2(){ $text = 'var foo=6;/* another comment */'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'var foo=6;'); } function test_mlcomcond(){ $text = '/*@if (@_win32)'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), '/*@if(@_win32)'); } function test_slcom1(){ $text = '// an comment'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), ''); } function test_slcom2(){ $text = 'var foo=6;// another comment '; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'var foo=6;'); } function test_slcom3(){ $text = 'var foo=6;// another comment / or something with // comments '; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'var foo=6;'); } function test_regex1(){ $text = 'foo.split( /[a-Z\/]*/ );'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'foo.split(/[a-Z\/]*/);'); } function test_regex_in_array(){ $text = '[/"/ , /"/ , /"/]'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), '[/"/,/"/,/"/]'); } function test_regex_in_hash(){ $text = '{ a : /"/ }'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), '{a:/"/}'); } function test_regex_preceded_by_spaces_caracters(){ $text = "text.replace( \t \r\n /\"/ , ".'"//" )'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'text.replace(/"/,"//")'); } function test_dquot1(){ $text = 'var foo="Now what \\" \'do we//get /*here*/ ?";'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), $text); } function test_dquot2(){ $text = 'var foo="Now what \\\\\\" \'do we//get /*here*/ ?";'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), $text); } function test_dquotrunaway(){ $text = 'var foo="Now where does it end'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), $text); } function test_squot1(){ $text = "var foo='Now what \\' \"do we//get /*here*/ ?';"; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), $text); } function test_squotrunaway(){ $text = "var foo='Now where does it end"; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), $text); } function test_nl1(){ $text = "var foo=6;\nvar baz=7;"; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'var foo=6;var baz=7;'); } function test_lws1(){ $text = " \t var foo=6;"; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'var foo=6;'); } function test_tws1(){ $text = "var foo=6; \t "; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), 'var foo=6;'); } function test_shortcond(){ $text = "var foo = (baz) ? 'bar' : 'bla';"; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text), "var foo=(baz)?'bar':'bla';"); } function test_complexminified(){ $text = 'if(!k.isXML(a))try{if(e||!l.match.PSEUDO.test(c)&&!/!=/.test(c)){var,c);if(f||!d||a.document&&a.document.nodeType!==11)return f}}catch(g){}return k(c,null,null,[a]).length>0}}}(),function(){var a=c.createElement("div");a.innerHTML="
";if(!!a.getElementsByClassName&&a.getElementsByClassName("e").length!==0){a.lastChild.className="e";if(a.getElementsByClassName("e").length===1)return;foo="text/*";bla="*/"'; $this->assertEquals(js_compress($text),$text); } function test_multilinestring(){ $text = 'var foo = "this is a \\'."\n".'multiline string";'; $this->assertEquals('var foo="this is a multiline string";',js_compress($text)); $text = "var foo = 'this is a \\\nmultiline string';"; $this->assertEquals("var foo='this is a multiline string';",js_compress($text)); } /** * Test the files provided with the original JsStrip */ function test_original(){ $files = glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/js_js_compress/test-*-in.js'); foreach($files as $file){ $info = "Using file $file"; $this->assertEquals(js_compress(file_get_contents($file)), file_get_contents(substr($file,0,-5).'out.js'), $info); }; } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :