*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/init.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/common.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/feedcreator.class.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth.php'); //close session session_write_close(); $num = $_REQUEST['num']; $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $mode = $_REQUEST['mode']; $minor = $_REQUEST['minor']; $ns = $_REQUEST['ns']; $ltype = $_REQUEST['linkto']; if($type == '') $type = $conf['rss_type']; switch ($type){ case 'rss': $type = 'RSS0.9'; break; case 'rss2': $type = 'RSS2.0'; break; case 'atom': $type = 'ATOM0.3'; break; default: $type = 'RSS1.0'; } // the feed is dynamic - we need a cache for each combo // (but most people just use the default feed so it's still effective) $cache = getCacheName($num.$type.$mode.$ns.$ltype.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'],'.feed'); // check cacheage and deliver if nothing has changed since last // time (with 5 minutes settletime) $cmod = @filemtime($cache); // 0 if not exists if($cmod && ($cmod+(5*60) >= @filemtime($conf['changelog']))){ header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); print io_readFile($cache); exit; } // create new feed $rss = new DokuWikiFeedCreator(); $rss->title = $conf['title'].(($ns) ? ' '.$ns : ''); $rss->link = DOKU_URL; $rss->syndicationURL = DOKU_URL.'feed.php'; $rss->cssStyleSheet = DOKU_URL.'lib/styles/feed.css'; $image = new FeedImage(); $image->title = $conf['title']; $image->url = DOKU_URL."lib/images/favicon.ico"; $image->link = DOKU_URL; $rss->image = $image; if($mode == 'list'){ rssListNamespace($rss,$ns); }else{ rssRecentChanges($rss,$num,$ltype,$ns,$minor); } $feed = $rss->createFeed($type,'utf-8'); // save cachefile io_saveFile($cache,$feed); // finally deliver header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); print $feed; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // /** * Add recent changed to a feed object * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function rssRecentChanges(&$rss,$num,$ltype,$ns,$minor){ global $conf; if(!$num) $num = $conf['recent']; $guardmail = ($conf['mailguard'] != '' && $conf['mailguard'] != 'none'); $flags = RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED; if(!$minor) $flags += RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS; $recents = getRecents(0,$num,$ns,$flags); //this can take some time if a lot of recaching has to be done @set_time_limit(90); // set max execution time foreach($recents as $recent){ $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = $recent['id']; $xhtml = p_wiki_xhtml($recent['id'],'',false); if($conf['useheading']) { $matches = array(); if(preg_match('|(.*?)|', $xhtml, $matches)) $item->title = trim($matches[2]); } if(!empty($recent['sum'])){ $item->title .= ' - '.strip_tags($recent['sum']); } $desc = cleanDesc($xhtml); if(empty($ltype)) $ltype = $conf['rss_linkto']; switch ($ltype){ case 'page': $item->link = wl($recent['id'],'rev='.$recent['date'],true); break; case 'rev': $item->link = wl($recent['id'],'do=revisions&rev='.$recent['date'],true); break; case 'current': $item->link = wl($recent['id'], '', true); break; case 'diff': default: $item->link = wl($recent['id'],'do=diff'.$recent['date'],true); } $item->description = $desc; $item->date = date('r',$recent['date']); $cat = getNS($recent['id']); if($cat) $item->category = $cat; $user = null; $user = @$recent['user']; // the @ spares time repeating lookup $item->author = ''; if($user){ $userInfo = auth_getUserData($user); $item->author = $userInfo['name']; if($guardmail) { //cannot obfuscate because some RSS readers may check validity $item->authorEmail = $user.'@'.$recent['ip']; }else{ $item->authorEmail = $userInfo['mail']; } }else{ $item->authorEmail = 'anonymous@'.$recent['ip']; } $rss->addItem($item); } } /** * Add all pages of a namespace to a feedobject * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function rssListNamespace(&$rss,$ns){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); global $conf; $ns=':'.cleanID($ns); $ns=str_replace(':','/',$ns); $data = array(); sort($data); search($data,$conf['datadir'],'search_list','',$ns); foreach($data as $row){ $item = new FeedItem(); $id = $row['id']; $date = filemtime(wikiFN($id)); $xhtml = p_wiki_xhtml($id,'',false); $desc = cleanDesc($xhtml); $item->title = $id; if($conf['useheading']) { $matches = array(); if(preg_match('|(.*?)|', $xhtml, $matches)) $item->title = trim($matches[2]); } $item->link = wl($id,'rev='.$date,true); $item->description = $desc; $item->date = date('r',$date); $rss->addItem($item); } } /** * Clean description for feed inclusion * * Removes HTML tags and line breaks and trims the text to * 250 chars * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function cleanDesc($desc){ //start description at text of first paragraph $matches = array(); if(preg_match('/

|/', $desc, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) $desc = substr($desc, $matches[0][1]); //remove TOC $desc = preg_replace('!

\n)!s','',$desc); $desc = strip_tags($desc); $desc = preg_replace('/[\n\r\t]/',' ',$desc); $desc = preg_replace('/ /',' ',$desc); $desc = utf8_substr($desc,0,250); $desc = $desc.'...'; return $desc; } ?>