attr('value', 1); } /** * Handles the useInput flag and sets the checked attribute accordingly */ protected function prefillInput() { global $INPUT; list($name, $key) = $this->getInputName(); $myvalue = $this->val(); if(!$INPUT->has($name)) return; if($key === null) { // no key - single value $value = $INPUT->str($name); if($value == $myvalue) { $this->attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { $this->rmattr('checked'); } } else { // we have an array, there might be several values in it $input = $INPUT->arr($name); if(isset($input[$key])) { $this->rmattr('checked'); // values seem to be in another sub array if(is_array($input[$key])) { $input = $input[$key]; } foreach($input as $value) { if($value == $myvalue) { $this->attr('checked', 'checked'); } } } } } }