'E', 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '#'), 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/**' => '*/'), // Note: This is method doc, not a general comment syntax. 'CASE_KEYWORDS' => GESHI_CAPS_NO_CHANGE, // FIXME: The escaping inside ` is actually doubling of any interior `, $, or @ -- backslash is NOT special 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('\'', '"', '`'), 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\', 'KEYWORDS' => array( // builtin control structures 1 => array( 'accum', 'break', 'try', 'continue', 'if', 'while', 'for', 'switch' ), // control structures subsidiary keywords 2 => array( 'catch', 'else', 'finally', 'in', 'exit' ), // named operators 3 => array( 'fn', 'via' ), // variable/function/object definers 4 => array( 'def', 'bind', 'var' ), // object definition subsidiary keywords 5 => array( 'extends', 'as', 'implements', 'guards', 'match', 'to', 'method' ), // builtin nouns in safeEnv 6 => array( 'null', 'false', 'true', 'throw', '__loop', '__makeList', '__makeMap', '__makeProtocolDesc', '__makeMessageDesc', '__makeParamDesc', 'any', 'void', 'boolean', '__makeOrderedSpace', 'ValueGuard', '__MatchContext', 'require', '__makeVerbFacet', 'NaN', 'Infinity', '__identityFunc', '__makeInt', '__makeFinalSlot', '__makeVarSlot', '__makeGuardedSlot', '__makeGuard', '__makeTwine', '__makeSourceSpan', '__auditedBy', 'Guard', 'near', 'pbc', 'PassByCopy', 'DeepPassByCopy', 'Data', 'Persistent', 'DeepFrozen', 'int', 'float64', 'char', 'String', 'Twine', 'TextWriter', 'List', 'Map', 'nullOk', 'Tuple', '__Portrayal', 'notNull', 'vow', 'rcvr', 'SturdyRef', 'simple__quasiParser', 'twine__quasiParser', 'rx__quasiParser', 'e__quasiParser', 'epatt__quasiParser', 'sml__quasiParser', 'term__quasiParser', 'traceln', '__equalizer', '__comparer', 'Ref', 'E', 'promiseAllFulfilled', 'EIO', 'help', 'safeScope', '__eval', 'resource__uriGetter', 'type__uriGetter', 'import__uriGetter', 'elib__uriGetter', 'elang__uriGetter', 'opaque__uriGetter' ), // builtin nouns in privilegedEnv 7 => array( 'file__uriGetter', 'fileURL__uriGetter', 'jar__uriGetter', 'http__uriGetter', 'ftp__uriGetter', 'gopher__uriGetter', 'news__uriGetter', 'cap__uriGetter', 'makeCommand', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'print', 'println', 'interp', 'entropy', 'timer', 'introducer', 'identityMgr', 'makeSturdyRef', 'timeMachine', 'unsafe__uriGetter', 'currentVat', 'rune', 'awt__uriGetter', 'swing__uriGetter', 'JPanel__quasiParser', 'swt__uriGetter', 'currentDisplay', 'swtGrid__quasiParser', 'swtGrid`', 'privilegedScope' ), // reserved keywords 8 => array( 'abstract', 'an', 'assert', 'attribute', 'be', 'begin', 'behalf', 'belief', 'believe', 'believes', 'case', 'class', 'const', 'constructor', 'declare', 'default', 'define', 'defmacro', 'delicate', 'deprecated', 'dispatch', 'do', 'encapsulate', 'encapsulated', 'encapsulates', 'end', 'ensure', 'enum', 'eventual', 'eventually', 'export', 'facet', 'forall', 'function', 'given', 'hidden', 'hides', 'inline', 'is', 'know', 'knows', 'lambda', 'let', 'methods', 'module', 'namespace', 'native', 'obeys', 'octet', 'oneway', 'operator', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'raises', 'reliance', 'reliant', 'relies', 'rely', 'reveal', 'sake', 'signed', 'static', 'struct', 'suchthat', 'supports', 'suspect', 'suspects', 'synchronized', 'this', 'transient', 'truncatable', 'typedef', 'unsigned', 'unum', 'uses', 'using', 'utf8', 'utf16', 'virtual', 'volatile', 'wstring' ) ), 'SYMBOLS' => array( 1 => array( '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '=', '<', '>', '!', '^', '&', '|', '?', ':', ';', ',' ) ), 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array( GESHI_COMMENTS => false, 1 => true, 2 => true, 3 => true, 4 => true, 5 => true, 6 => true, 7 => true, 8 => true ), 'STYLES' => array( 'KEYWORDS' => array( 1 => 'color: #b1b100;', 2 => 'color: #b1b100;', 3 => 'color: #b1b100;', 4 => 'color: #b1b100;', 5 => 'color: #b1b100;', 6 => 'color: #b1b100;', 7 => 'color: #b1b100;', 8 => 'color: #b1b100;' ), 'COMMENTS' => array( 1 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;', 'MULTI' => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;' ), 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array( 0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;' ), 'BRACKETS' => array( 0 => 'color: #009900;' ), 'STRINGS' => array( 0 => 'color: #0000ff;' ), 'NUMBERS' => array( 0 => 'color: #cc66cc;', ), 'METHODS' => array( 0 => 'color: #004000;' ), 'SYMBOLS' => array( 1 => 'color: #339933;' ), 'REGEXPS' => array(), 'SCRIPT' => array() ), 'URLS' => array( 1 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 2 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 3 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 4 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 5 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 6 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 7 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}', 8 => 'http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/{FNAME}' ), 'OOLANG' => true, 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array( 1 => '.', 2 => '<-', 3 => '::' ), 'REGEXPS' => array(), 'STRICT_MODE_APPLIES' => GESHI_NEVER, 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(), 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array() ); ?>