*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',fullpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/'); if(!defined('NL')) define('NL',"\n"); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/form.php'); /** * Convenience function to quickly build a wikilink * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_wikilink($id,$name=NULL,$search=''){ static $xhtml_renderer = NULL; if(is_null($xhtml_renderer)){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/xhtml.php'); $xhtml_renderer = new Doku_Renderer_xhtml(); } return $xhtml_renderer->internallink($id,$name,$search,true); } /** * Helps building long attribute lists * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_attbuild($attributes){ $ret = ''; foreach ( $attributes as $key => $value ) { $ret .= $key.'="'.formtext($value).'" '; } return trim($ret); } /** * The loginform * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_login(){ global $lang; global $conf; global $ID; global $auth; print p_locale_xhtml('login'); print '
'.NL; $form = new Doku_Form('dw__login'); $form->startFieldset($lang['btn_login']); $form->addHidden('id', $ID); $form->addHidden('do', 'login'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('u', $_REQUEST['u'], $lang['user'], 'focus__this', 'block')); $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('p', $lang['pass'], '', 'block')); $form->addElement(form_makeCheckboxField('r', '1', $lang['remember'], 'remember__me', 'simple')); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_login'])); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('login', $form); if($auth && $auth->canDo('addUser') && actionOK('register')){ print '

'; print $lang['reghere']; print ': '.$lang['register'].''; print '

'; } if ($auth && $auth->canDo('modPass') && actionOK('resendpwd')) { print '

'; print $lang['pwdforget']; print ': '.$lang['btn_resendpwd'].''; print '

'; } print '
'.NL; } /** * prints a section editing button * used as a callback in html_secedit * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_secedit_button($matches){ global $ID; global $INFO; $section = $matches[2]; $name = $matches[1]; $secedit = ''; $secedit .= '
'; $secedit .= html_btn('secedit',$ID,'', array('do' => 'edit', 'lines' => "$section", 'rev' => $INFO['lastmod']), 'post', $name); $secedit .= '
'; return $secedit; } /** * inserts section edit buttons if wanted or removes the markers * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_secedit($text,$show=true){ global $INFO; if($INFO['writable'] && $show && !$INFO['rev']){ $text = preg_replace_callback('##', 'html_secedit_button', $text); }else{ $text = preg_replace('##','',$text); } return $text; } /** * Just the back to top button (in its own form) * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_topbtn(){ global $lang; $ret = ''; $ret = ''; return $ret; } /** * Displays a button (using its own form) * If tooltip exists, the access key tooltip is replaced. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_btn($name,$id,$akey,$params,$method='get',$tooltip=''){ global $conf; global $lang; $label = $lang['btn_'.$name]; $ret = ''; $tip = ''; //filter id (without urlencoding) $id = idfilter($id,false); //make nice URLs even for buttons if($conf['userewrite'] == 2){ $script = DOKU_BASE.DOKU_SCRIPT.'/'.$id; }elseif($conf['userewrite']){ $script = DOKU_BASE.$id; }else{ $script = DOKU_BASE.DOKU_SCRIPT; $params['id'] = $id; } $ret .= '
'; if(is_array($params)){ reset($params); while (list($key, $val) = each($params)) { $ret .= ''; } } if ($tooltip!='') { $tip = htmlspecialchars($tooltip); }else{ $tip = htmlspecialchars($label); } $ret .= ' */ function html_show($txt=''){ global $ID; global $REV; global $HIGH; global $INFO; //disable section editing for old revisions or in preview if($txt || $REV){ $secedit = false; }else{ $secedit = true; } if ($txt){ //PreviewHeader echo '
'; echo p_locale_xhtml('preview'); echo '
'; $html = html_secedit(p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($txt),$info),$secedit); if($INFO['prependTOC']) $html = tpl_toc(true).$html; echo $html; echo '
'; echo '
'; }else{ if ($REV) print p_locale_xhtml('showrev'); $html = p_wiki_xhtml($ID,$REV,true); $html = html_secedit($html,$secedit); if($INFO['prependTOC']) $html = tpl_toc(true).$html; $html = html_hilight($html,$HIGH); echo $html; } } /** * ask the user about how to handle an exisiting draft * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_draft(){ global $INFO; global $ID; global $lang; global $conf; $draft = unserialize(io_readFile($INFO['draft'],false)); $text = cleanText(con($draft['prefix'],$draft['text'],$draft['suffix'],true)); print p_locale_xhtml('draft'); $form = new Doku_Form('dw__editform'); $form->addHidden('id', $ID); $form->addHidden('date', $draft['date']); $form->addElement(form_makeWikiText($text, array('readonly'=>'readonly'))); $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('id'=>'draft__status'))); $form->addElement($lang['draftdate'].' '. strftime($conf['dformat'],filemtime($INFO['draft']))); $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('div')); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'recover', $lang['btn_recover'], array('tabindex'=>'1'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'draftdel', $lang['btn_draftdel'], array('tabindex'=>'2'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'show', $lang['btn_cancel'], array('tabindex'=>'3'))); html_form('draft', $form); } /** * Highlights searchqueries in HTML code * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Harry Fuecks */ function html_hilight($html,$phrases){ $regex = join('|',array_map('preg_quote_cb',array_filter((array) $phrases))); if ($regex === '') return $html; $html = preg_replace_callback("/((<[^>]*)|$regex)/ui",'html_hilight_callback',$html); return $html; } /** * Callback used by html_hilight() * * @author Harry Fuecks */ function html_hilight_callback($m) { $hlight = unslash($m[0]); if ( !isset($m[2])) { $hlight = ''.$hlight.''; } return $hlight; } /** * Run a search and display the result * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_search(){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/fulltext.php'); global $conf; global $QUERY; global $ID; global $lang; print p_locale_xhtml('searchpage'); flush(); //check if search is restricted to namespace if(preg_match('/([^@]*)@([^@]*)/',$QUERY,$match)) { $id = cleanID($match[1]); if(empty($id)) { print '
'; flush(); return; } } else { $id = cleanID($QUERY); } //show progressbar print '
'.NL; print ''.NL; print '
'.NL; flush(); //do quick pagesearch $data = array(); $data = ft_pageLookup($id); if(count($data)){ sort($data); print '
'; print '


'; print '
    '; foreach($data as $id){ print '
  • '; print html_wikilink(':'.$id,noNS($id)); print '
  • '; } print '
'; //clear float (see http://www.complexspiral.com/publications/containing-floats/) print '
'; print '
'; } flush(); //do fulltext search $data = ft_pageSearch($QUERY,$regex); if(count($data)){ $num = 1; foreach($data as $id => $cnt){ print '
'; print html_wikilink(':'.$id,$conf['useheading']?NULL:$id,$regex); print ': '.$cnt.' '.$lang['hits'].'
'; if($num < 15){ // create snippets for the first number of matches only #FIXME add to conf ? print '
'; } print '
'; flush(); $num++; } }else{ print '
'; } //hide progressbar print ''.NL; flush(); } /** * Display error on locked pages * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_locked(){ global $ID; global $conf; global $lang; global $INFO; $locktime = filemtime(wikiLockFN($ID)); $expire = @strftime($conf['dformat'], $locktime + $conf['locktime'] ); $min = round(($conf['locktime'] - (time() - $locktime) )/60); print p_locale_xhtml('locked'); print '
    '; print '
  • '.$lang['lockedby'].': '.$INFO['locked'].'
  • '; print '
  • '.$lang['lockexpire'].': '.$expire.' ('.$min.' min)
  • '; print '
'; } /** * list old revisions * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Ben Coburn */ function html_revisions($first=0){ global $ID; global $INFO; global $conf; global $lang; /* we need to get one additionally log entry to be able to * decide if this is the last page or is there another one. * see html_recent() */ $revisions = getRevisions($ID, $first, $conf['recent']+1); if(count($revisions)==0 && $first!=0){ $first=0; $revisions = getRevisions($ID, $first, $conf['recent']+1);; } $hasNext = false; if (count($revisions)>$conf['recent']) { $hasNext = true; array_pop($revisions); // remove extra log entry } $date = @strftime($conf['dformat'],$INFO['lastmod']); print p_locale_xhtml('revisions'); print ''; print '
    '; if($INFO['exists'] && $first==0){ print (isset($INFO['meta']) && isset($INFO['meta']['last_change']) && $INFO['meta']['last_change']['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT) ? '
  • ' : '
  • '; print '
    '; print ' '; print $date; print ' '; print ''.$ID.' '; print ' – '; print htmlspecialchars($INFO['sum']); print ' '; print (empty($INFO['editor']))?('('.$lang['external_edit'].')'):htmlspecialchars($INFO['editor']); print ' '; print '('.$lang['current'].')'; print '
    '; print '
  • '; } foreach($revisions as $rev){ $date = strftime($conf['dformat'],$rev); $info = getRevisionInfo($ID,$rev,true); $exists = page_exists($ID,$rev); print ($info['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT) ? '
  • ' : '
  • '; print '
    '; if($exists){ print ' '; }else{ print ' '; } print $date; if($exists){ print ' '; $p = array(); $p['src'] = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/diff.png'; $p['width'] = 15; $p['height'] = 11; $p['title'] = $lang['diff']; $p['alt'] = $lang['diff']; $att = buildAttributes($p); print ""; print ' '; print ''.$ID.''; }else{ print ' '; print $ID; } print ' – '; print htmlspecialchars($info['sum']); print ' '; if($info['user']){ print htmlspecialchars($info['user']); }else{ print $info['ip']; } print ''; print '
    '; print '
  • '; } print '
'; print ''; print ''; print ''; } /** * display recent changes * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm * @author Ben Coburn */ function html_recent($first=0){ global $conf; global $lang; global $ID; /* we need to get one additionally log entry to be able to * decide if this is the last page or is there another one. * This is the cheapest solution to get this information. */ $recents = getRecents($first,$conf['recent'] + 1,getNS($ID)); if(count($recents) == 0 && $first != 0){ $first=0; $recents = getRecents($first,$conf['recent'] + 1,getNS($ID)); } $hasNext = false; if (count($recents)>$conf['recent']) { $hasNext = true; array_pop($recents); // remove extra log entry } print p_locale_xhtml('recent'); print ''; print ''; } /** * Display page index * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_index($ns){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); global $conf; global $ID; $dir = $conf['datadir']; $ns = cleanID($ns); #fixme use appropriate function if(empty($ns)){ $ns = dirname(str_replace(':','/',$ID)); if($ns == '.') $ns =''; } $ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns)); echo p_locale_xhtml('index'); echo '
'; $data = array(); search($data,$conf['datadir'],'search_index',array('ns' => $ns)); echo html_buildlist($data,'idx','html_list_index','html_li_index'); echo '
'; } /** * Index item formatter * * User function for html_buildlist() * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_list_index($item){ global $ID; $ret = ''; $base = ':'.$item['id']; $base = substr($base,strrpos($base,':')+1); if($item['type']=='d'){ $ret .= ''; $ret .= $base; $ret .= ''; }else{ $ret .= html_wikilink(':'.$item['id']); } return $ret; } /** * Index List item * * This user function is used in html_build_lidt to build the *
  • tags for namespaces when displaying the page index * it gives different classes to opened or closed "folders" * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_li_index($item){ if($item['type'] == "f"){ return '
  • '; }elseif($item['open']){ return '
  • '; }else{ return '
  • '; } } /** * Default List item * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_li_default($item){ return '
  • '; } /** * Build an unordered list * * Build an unordered list from the given $data array * Each item in the array has to have a 'level' property * the item itself gets printed by the given $func user * function. The second and optional function is used to * print the
  • tag. Both user function need to accept * a single item. * * Both user functions can be given as array to point to * a member of an object. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_buildlist($data,$class,$func,$lifunc='html_li_default'){ $level = 0; $opens = 0; $ret = ''; foreach ($data as $item){ if( $item['level'] > $level ){ //open new list for($i=0; $i<($item['level'] - $level); $i++){ if ($i) $ret .= "
  • \n"; $ret .= "\n
      \n"; } }elseif( $item['level'] < $level ){ //close last item $ret .= "\n"; for ($i=0; $i<($level - $item['level']); $i++){ //close higher lists $ret .= "
  • \n"; } }else{ //close last item $ret .= "\n"; } //remember current level $level = $item['level']; //print item $ret .= call_user_func($lifunc,$item); $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= call_user_func($func,$item); $ret .= '
    '; } //close remaining items and lists for ($i=0; $i < $level; $i++){ $ret .= "\n"; } return $ret; } /** * display backlinks * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Michael Klier */ function html_backlinks(){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/fulltext.php'); global $ID; global $conf; global $lang; print p_locale_xhtml('backlinks'); $data = ft_backlinks($ID); if(!empty($data)) { print '
      '; foreach($data as $blink){ print '
    • '; print html_wikilink(':'.$blink,$conf['useheading']?NULL:$blink); print '
    • '; } print '
    '; } else { print '

    ' . $lang['nothingfound'] . '

    '; } } /** * show diff * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_diff($text='',$intro=true){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/DifferenceEngine.php'); global $ID; global $REV; global $lang; global $conf; // we're trying to be clever here, revisions to compare can be either // given as rev and rev2 parameters, with rev2 being optional. Or in an // array in rev2. $rev1 = $REV; if(is_array($_REQUEST['rev2'])){ $rev1 = (int) $_REQUEST['rev2'][0]; $rev2 = (int) $_REQUEST['rev2'][1]; if(!$rev1){ $rev1 = $rev2; unset($rev2); } }else{ $rev2 = (int) $_REQUEST['rev2']; } if($text){ // compare text to the most current revision $l_rev = ''; $l_text = rawWiki($ID,''); $l_head = ''. $ID.' '.strftime($conf['dformat'],@filemtime(wikiFN($ID))).' '. $lang['current']; $r_rev = ''; $r_text = cleanText($text); $r_head = $lang['yours']; }else{ if($rev1 && $rev2){ // two specific revisions wanted // make sure order is correct (older on the left) if($rev1 < $rev2){ $l_rev = $rev1; $r_rev = $rev2; }else{ $l_rev = $rev2; $r_rev = $rev1; } }elseif($rev1){ // single revision given, compare to current $r_rev = ''; $l_rev = $rev1; }else{ // no revision was given, compare previous to current $r_rev = ''; $revs = getRevisions($ID, 0, 1); $l_rev = $revs[0]; } // when both revisions are empty then the page was created just now if(!$l_rev && !$r_rev){ $l_text = ''; }else{ $l_text = rawWiki($ID,$l_rev); } $r_text = rawWiki($ID,$r_rev); if(!$l_rev){ $l_head = '—'; }else{ $l_head = ''. $ID.' '.strftime($conf['dformat'],$l_rev).''; } if($r_rev){ $r_head = ''. $ID.' '.strftime($conf['dformat'],$r_rev).''; }elseif($_rev = @filemtime(wikiFN($ID))){ $r_head = ''. $ID.' '.strftime($conf['dformat'],$_rev).' '. $lang['current']; }else{ $r_head = '— '.$lang['current']; } } $df = new Diff(explode("\n",htmlspecialchars($l_text)), explode("\n",htmlspecialchars($r_text))); $tdf = new TableDiffFormatter(); if($intro) print p_locale_xhtml('diff'); ?> format($df)?>
    */ function html_conflict($text,$summary){ global $ID; global $lang; print p_locale_xhtml('conflict'); $form = new Doku_Form('dw__editform'); $form->addHidden('id', $ID); $form->addHidden('wikitext', $text); $form->addHidden('summary', $summary); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'save', $lang['btn_save'], array('accesskey'=>'s'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'cancel', $lang['btn_cancel'])); html_form('conflict', $form); print '

    '.NL; } /** * Prints the global message array * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_msgarea(){ global $MSG; if(!isset($MSG)) return; foreach($MSG as $msg){ print '
    '; print $msg['msg']; print '
    '; } } /** * Prints the registration form * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_register(){ global $lang; global $conf; global $ID; print p_locale_xhtml('register'); print '
    '.NL; $form = new Doku_Form('dw__register', wl($ID)); $form->startFieldset($lang['register']); $form->addHidden('do', 'register'); $form->addHidden('save', '1'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('login', $_POST['login'], $lang['user'], null, 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); if (!$conf['autopasswd']) { $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('pass', $lang['pass'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('passchk', $lang['passchk'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); } $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('fullname', $_POST['fullname'], $lang['fullname'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('email', $_POST['email'], $lang['email'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['register'])); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('register', $form); print '
    '.NL; } /** * Print the update profile form * * @author Christopher Smith * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_updateprofile(){ global $lang; global $conf; global $ID; global $INFO; global $auth; print p_locale_xhtml('updateprofile'); if (empty($_POST['fullname'])) $_POST['fullname'] = $INFO['userinfo']['name']; if (empty($_POST['email'])) $_POST['email'] = $INFO['userinfo']['mail']; print '
    '.NL; $form = new Doku_Form('dw__register', wl($ID)); $form->startFieldset($lang['profile']); $form->addHidden('do', 'profile'); $form->addHidden('save', '1'); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('fullname', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $lang['user'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50', 'disabled'=>'disabled'))); $attr = array('size'=>'50'); if (!$auth->canDo('modName')) $attr['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('fullname', $_POST['fullname'], $lang['fullname'], '', 'block', $attr)); $attr = array('size'=>'50'); if (!$auth->canDo('modMail')) $attr['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('email', $_POST['email'], $lang['email'], '', 'block', $attr)); $form->addElement(form_makeTag('br')); if ($auth->canDo('modPass')) { $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('newpass', $lang['newpass'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('passchk', $lang['passchk'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); } if ($conf['profileconfirm']) { $form->addElement(form_makeTag('br')); $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('oldpass', $lang['oldpass'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50'))); } $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_save'])); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('reset', '', $lang['btn_reset'])); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('updateprofile', $form); print '
    '.NL; } /** * This displays the edit form (lots of logic included) * * @fixme this is a huge lump of code and should be modularized * @triggers HTML_PAGE_FROMTEMPLATE * @triggers HTML_EDITFORM_INJECTION * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_edit($text=null,$include='edit'){ //FIXME: include needed? global $ID; global $REV; global $DATE; global $RANGE; global $PRE; global $SUF; global $INFO; global $SUM; global $lang; global $conf; //set summary default if(!$SUM){ if($REV){ $SUM = $lang['restored']; }elseif(!$INFO['exists']){ $SUM = $lang['created']; } } //no text? Load it! if(!isset($text)){ $pr = false; //no preview mode if($INFO['exists']){ if($RANGE){ list($PRE,$text,$SUF) = rawWikiSlices($RANGE,$ID,$REV); }else{ $text = rawWiki($ID,$REV); } $check = md5($text); $mod = false; }else{ //try to load a pagetemplate $data = array($ID); $text = trigger_event('HTML_PAGE_FROMTEMPLATE',$data,'pageTemplate',true); $check = md5(''); $mod = $text!==''; } }else{ $pr = true; //preview mode if (isset($_REQUEST['changecheck'])) { $check = $_REQUEST['changecheck']; $mod = md5($text)!==$check; } else { // Why? Assume default text is unmodified. $check = md5($text); $mod = false; } } $wr = $INFO['writable']; if($wr){ if ($REV) print p_locale_xhtml('editrev'); print p_locale_xhtml($include); }else{ // check pseudo action 'source' if(!actionOK('source')){ msg('Command disabled: source',-1); return; } print p_locale_xhtml('read'); } if(!$DATE) $DATE = $INFO['lastmod']; ?>
    addHidden('id', $ID); $form->addHidden('rev', $REV); $form->addHidden('date', $DATE); $form->addHidden('prefix', $PRE); $form->addHidden('suffix', $SUF); $form->addHidden('changecheck', $check); $attr = array('tabindex'=>'1'); if (!$wr) $attr['readonly'] = 'readonly'; $form->addElement(form_makeWikiText($text, $attr)); $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('id'=>'wiki__editbar'))); $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('id'=>'size__ctl'))); $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('div')); if ($wr) { $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('class'=>'editButtons'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'save', $lang['btn_save'], array('id'=>'edbtn__save', 'accesskey'=>'s', 'tabindex'=>'4'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'preview', $lang['btn_preview'], array('id'=>'edbtn__preview', 'accesskey'=>'p', 'tabindex'=>'5'))); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'draftdel', $lang['btn_cancel'], array('tabindex'=>'6'))); $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('div')); $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('class'=>'summary'))); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('summary', $SUM, $lang['summary'], 'edit__summary', 'nowrap', array('size'=>'50', 'tabindex'=>'2'))); $elem = html_minoredit(); if ($elem) $form->addElement($elem); $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('div')); } $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('div')); html_form('edit', $form); print '
    '.NL; } /** * Adds a checkbox for minor edits for logged in users * * @author Andrea Gohr */ function html_minoredit(){ global $conf; global $lang; // minor edits are for logged in users only if(!$conf['useacl'] || !$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ return false; } $p = array(); $p['tabindex'] = 3; if(!empty($_REQUEST['minor'])) $p['checked']='checked'; return form_makeCheckboxField('minor', '1', $lang['minoredit'], 'minoredit', 'nowrap', $p); } /** * prints some debug info * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_debug(){ global $conf; global $lang; global $auth; global $INFO; //remove sensitive data $cnf = $conf; $cnf['auth']='***'; $cnf['notify']='***'; $cnf['ftp']='***'; $nfo = $INFO; $nfo['userinfo'] = '***'; $ses = $_SESSION; $ses[$conf['title']]['auth'] = '***'; print ''; print '

    When reporting bugs please send all the following '; print 'output as a mail to andi@splitbrain.org '; print 'The best way to do this is to save this page in your browser

    '; print '$INFO:
      print '
    '; print '$_SERVER:
      print '
    '; print '$conf:
      print '
    '; print 'DOKU_BASE:
      print DOKU_BASE;
      print '
    '; print 'abs DOKU_BASE:
      print DOKU_URL;
      print '
    '; print 'rel DOKU_BASE:
      print dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/';
      print '
    '; print 'PHP Version:
      print phpversion();
      print '
    '; print 'locale:
      print setlocale(LC_ALL,0);
      print '
    '; print 'encoding:
      print $lang['encoding'];
      print '
    '; if($auth){ print 'Auth backend capabilities:
        print '
    '; } print '$_SESSION:
      print '
    '; print 'Environment:
      print '
    '; print 'PHP settings:
      $inis = ini_get_all();
      print '
    '; print ''; } function html_admin(){ global $ID; global $INFO; global $lang; global $conf; print p_locale_xhtml('admin'); // build menu of admin functions from the plugins that handle them $pluginlist = plugin_list('admin'); $menu = array(); foreach ($pluginlist as $p) { if($obj =& plugin_load('admin',$p) === NULL) continue; // check permissions if($obj->forAdminOnly() && !$INFO['isadmin']) continue; $menu[] = array('plugin' => $p, 'prompt' => $obj->getMenuText($conf['lang']), 'sort' => $obj->getMenuSort() ); } usort($menu, 'p_sort_modes'); // output the menu ptln('
      '); foreach ($menu as $item) { if (!$item['prompt']) continue; ptln('
    • '); } ptln('
    '); } /** * Form to request a new password for an existing account * * @author Benoit Chesneau */ function html_resendpwd() { global $lang; global $conf; global $ID; print p_locale_xhtml('resendpwd'); print '
    '.NL; $form = new Doku_Form('dw__resendpwd', wl($ID)); $form->startFieldset($lang['resendpwd']); $form->addHidden('do', 'resendpwd'); $form->addHidden('save', '1'); $form->addElement(form_makeTag('br')); $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('login', $_POST['login'], $lang['user'], '', 'block')); $form->addElement(form_makeTag('br')); $form->addElement(form_makeTag('br')); $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_resendpwd'])); $form->endFieldset(); html_form('resendpwd', $form); print '
    '.NL; } /** * Return the TOC rendered to XHTML * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function html_TOC($toc){ if(!count($toc)) return ''; global $lang; $out = ''.DOKU_LF; $out .= '
    '.DOKU_LF; $out .= '
    '; $out .= $lang['toc']; $out .= '
    '.DOKU_LF; $out .= '
    '.DOKU_LF; $out .= html_buildlist($toc,'toc','html_list_toc'); $out .= '
    '.DOKU_LF; $out .= ''.DOKU_LF; return $out; } /** * Callback for html_buildlist */ function html_list_toc($item){ if($item['hid']){ $link = '#'.$item['hid']; }else{ $link = $item['link']; } return ''. hsc($item['title']).''; } /** * Helper function to build TOC items * * Returns an array ready to be added to a TOC array * * @param string $link - where to link (if $hash set to '#' it's a local anchor) * @param string $text - what to display in the TOC * @param int $level - nesting level * @param string $hash - is prepended to the given $link, set blank if you want full links */ function html_mktocitem($link, $text, $level, $hash='#'){ global $conf; return array( 'link' => $hash.$link, 'title' => $text, 'type' => 'ul', 'level' => $level); } /** * Output a Doku_Form object. * Triggers an event with the form name: HTML_{$name}FORM_OUTPUT * * @author Tom N Harris */ function html_form($name, &$form) { // Safety check in case the caller forgets. $form->endFieldset(); trigger_event('HTML_'.strtoupper($name).'FORM_OUTPUT', $form, 'html_form_output', false); } /** * Form print function. * Just calls printForm() on the data object. */ function html_form_output($data) { $data->printForm(); } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :