*/ define('HTTP_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY','D0KuW1K1B0uNDARY'); define('HTTP_HEADER_LF',"\r\n"); define('HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE',16*1024); /** * Checks and sets HTTP headers for conditional HTTP requests * * @author Simon Willison * @link http://simonwillison.net/2003/Apr/23/conditionalGet/ * @param timestamp $timestamp lastmodified time of the cache file * @returns void or exits with previously header() commands executed */ function http_conditionalRequest($timestamp){ // A PHP implementation of conditional get, see // http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2002/10/21/http_conditional_get_for_rss_hackers/ $last_modified = substr(gmdate('r', $timestamp), 0, -5).'GMT'; $etag = '"'.md5($last_modified).'"'; // Send the headers header("Last-Modified: $last_modified"); header("ETag: $etag"); // See if the client has provided the required headers if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])){ $if_modified_since = stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); }else{ $if_modified_since = false; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])){ $if_none_match = stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']); }else{ $if_none_match = false; } if (!$if_modified_since && !$if_none_match){ return; } // At least one of the headers is there - check them if ($if_none_match && $if_none_match != $etag) { return; // etag is there but doesn't match } if ($if_modified_since && $if_modified_since != $last_modified) { return; // if-modified-since is there but doesn't match } // Nothing has changed since their last request - serve a 304 and exit header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified'); // don't produce output, even if compression is on @ob_end_clean(); exit; } /** * Let the webserver send the given file vi x-sendfile method * * @author Chris Smith * @returns void or exits with previously header() commands executed */ function http_sendfile($file) { global $conf; //use x-sendfile header to pass the delivery to compatible webservers if($conf['xsendfile'] == 1){ header("X-LIGHTTPD-send-file: $file"); ob_end_clean(); exit; }elseif($conf['xsendfile'] == 2){ header("X-Sendfile: $file"); ob_end_clean(); exit; }elseif($conf['xsendfile'] == 3){ header("X-Accel-Redirect: $file"); ob_end_clean(); exit; } return false; } /** * Send file contents supporting rangeRequests * * This function exits the running script * * @param ressource $fh - file handle for an already open file * @param int $size - size of the whole file * @param int $mime - MIME type of the file * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function http_rangeRequest($fh,$size,$mime){ $ranges = array(); $isrange = false; header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])){ // no range requested - send the whole file $ranges[] = array(0,$size,$size); }else{ $t = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']); if (!$t[0]=='bytes') { // we only understand byte ranges - send the whole file $ranges[] = array(0,$size,$size); }else{ $isrange = true; // handle multiple ranges $r = explode(',',$t[1]); foreach($r as $x){ $p = explode('-', $x); $start = (int)$p[0]; $end = (int)$p[1]; if (!$end) $end = $size - 1; if ($start > $end || $start > $size || $end > $size){ header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'); print 'Bad Range Request!'; exit; } $len = $end - $start + 1; $ranges[] = array($start,$end,$len); } } } $parts = count($ranges); // now send the type and length headers if(!$isrange){ header("Content-Type: $mime",true); }else{ header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content'); if($parts == 1){ header("Content-Type: $mime",true); }else{ header('Content-Type: multipart/byteranges; boundary='.HTTP_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY,true); } } // send all ranges for($i=0; $i<$parts; $i++){ list($start,$end,$len) = $ranges[$i]; // multipart or normal headers if($parts > 1){ echo HTTP_HEADER_LF.'--'.HTTP_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY.HTTP_HEADER_LF; echo "Content-Type: $mime".HTTP_HEADER_LF; echo "Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size".HTTP_HEADER_LF; echo HTTP_HEADER_LF; }else{ header("Content-Length: $len"); if($isrange){ header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size"); } } // send file content fseek($fh,$start); //seek to start of range $chunk = ($len > HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE) ? HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE : $len; while (!feof($fh) && $chunk > 0) { @set_time_limit(30); // large files can take a lot of time print fread($fh, $chunk); flush(); $len -= $chunk; $chunk = ($len > HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE) ? HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE : $len; } } if($parts > 1){ echo HTTP_HEADER_LF.'--'.HTTP_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY.'--'.HTTP_HEADER_LF; } // everything should be done here, exit exit; } /** * Check for a gzipped version and create if necessary * * return true if there exists a gzip version of the uncompressed file * (samepath/samefilename.sameext.gz) created after the uncompressed file * * @author Chris Smith */ function http_gzip_valid($uncompressed_file) { $gzip = $uncompressed_file.'.gz'; if (filemtime($gzip) < filemtime($uncompressed_file)) { // filemtime returns false (0) if file doesn't exist return copy($uncompressed_file, 'compress.zlib://'.$gzip); } return true; }