* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ /** * Get the name of the metafile tracking subscriptions to target page or * namespace * * @param string $id The target page or namespace, specified by id; Namespaces * are identified by appending a colon. * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_filename($id) { $meta_fname = '.mlist'; if ((substr($id, -1, 1) === ':')) { $meta_froot = getNS($id); $meta_fname = '/' . $meta_fname; } else { $meta_froot = $id; } return metaFN((string) $meta_froot, $meta_fname); } /** * Lock subscription info for an ID * * @param string $id The target page or namespace, specified by id; Namespaces * are identified by appending a colon. * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_lock_filename ($id){ global $conf; return $conf['lockdir'].'/_subscr_' . md5($id) . '.lock'; } function subscription_lock($id) { global $conf; $lock = subscription_lock_filename($id); if (is_dir($lock) && time()-@filemtime($lock) > 60*5) { // looks like a stale lock - remove it @rmdir($lock); } // try creating the lock directory if (!@mkdir($lock,$conf['dmode'])) { return false; } if($conf['dperm']) chmod($lock, $conf['dperm']); return true; } /** * Unlock subscription info for an ID * * @param string $id The target page or namespace, specified by id; Namespaces * are identified by appending a colon. * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_unlock($id) { $lockf = subscription_lock_filename($id); return @rmdir($lockf); } /** * Set subscription information * * Allows to set subscription information for permanent storage in meta files. * Subscriptions consist of a target object, a subscribing user, a subscribe * style and optional data. * A subscription may be deleted by specifying an empty subscribe style. * Only one subscription per target and user is allowed. * The function returns false on error, otherwise true. Note that no error is * returned if a subscription should be deleted but the user is not subscribed * and the subscription meta file exists. * * @param string $user The subscriber or unsubscriber * @param string $page The target object (page or namespace), specified by * id; Namespaces are identified by a trailing colon. * @param string $style The subscribe style; DokuWiki currently implements * “every”, “digest”, and “list”. * @param string $data An optional data blob * @param bool $overwrite Whether an existing subscription may be overwritten * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_set($user, $page, $style, $data = null, $overwrite = false) { global $lang; if (is_null($style)) { // Delete subscription. $file = subscription_filename($page); if (!@file_exists($file)) { msg(sprintf($lang['subscr_not_subscribed'], $user, prettyprint_id($page)), -1); return false; } // io_deleteFromFile does not return false if no line matched. return io_deleteFromFile($file, subscription_regex(array('user' => auth_nameencode($user))), true); } // Delete subscription if one exists and $overwrite is true. If $overwrite // is false, fail. $subs = subscription_find($page, array('user' => $user)); if (count($subs) > 0 && array_pop(array_keys($subs)) === $page) { if (!$overwrite) { msg(sprintf($lang['subscr_already_subscribed'], $user, prettyprint_id($page)), -1); return false; } // Fail if deletion failed, else continue. if (!subscription_set($user, $page, null)) { return false; } } $file = subscription_filename($page); $content = auth_nameencode($user) . ' ' . $style; if (!is_null($data)) { $content .= ' ' . $data; } return io_saveFile($file, $content . "\n", true); } /** * Recursively search for matching subscriptions * * This function searches all relevant subscription files for a page or * namespace. * * @param string $page The target object’s (namespace or page) id * @param array $pre A hash of predefined values * * @see function subscription_regex for $pre documentation * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_find($page, $pre) { // Construct list of files which may contain relevant subscriptions. $filenames = array(':' => subscription_filename(':')); do { $filenames[$page] = subscription_filename($page); $page = getNS(rtrim($page, ':')) . ':'; } while ($page !== ':'); // Handle files. $matches = array(); foreach ($filenames as $cur_page => $filename) { if (!@file_exists($filename)) { continue; } $subscriptions = file($filename); foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { if (strpos($subscription, ' ') === false) { // This is an old subscription file. $subscription = trim($subscription) . " every\n"; } list($user, $rest) = explode(' ', $subscription, 2); $subscription = rawurldecode($user) . " " . $rest; if (preg_match(subscription_regex($pre), $subscription, $line_matches) === 0) { continue; } $match = array_slice($line_matches, 1); if (!isset($matches[$cur_page])) { $matches[$cur_page] = array(); } $matches[$cur_page][] = $match; } } return array_reverse($matches); } /** * Get data for $INFO['subscribed'] * * $INFO['subscribed'] is either false if no subscription for the current page * and user is in effect. Else it contains an array of arrays with the fields * “target”, “style”, and optionally “data”. * * @author Adrian Lang */ function get_info_subscribed() { global $ID; global $conf; if (!$conf['subscribers']) { return false; } $subs = subscription_find($ID, array('user' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])); if (count($subs) === 0) { return false; } $_ret = array(); foreach ($subs as $target => $subs_data) { $new = array('target' => $target, 'style' => $subs_data[0][0]); if (count($subs_data[0]) > 1) { $new['data'] = $subs_data[0][1]; } $_ret[] = $new; } return $_ret; } /** * Construct a regular expression parsing a subscription definition line * * @param array $pre A hash of predefined values; “user”, “style”, and * “data” may be set to limit the results to * subscriptions matching these parameters. If * “escaped” is true, these fields are inserted into the * regular expression without escaping. * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_regex($pre = array()) { if (!isset($pre['escaped']) || $pre['escaped'] === false) { $pre = array_map('preg_quote_cb', $pre); } foreach (array('user', 'style', 'data') as $key) { if (!isset($pre[$key])) { $pre[$key] = '(\S+)'; } } return '/^' . $pre['user'] . '(?: ' . $pre['style'] . '(?: ' . $pre['data'] . ')?)?$/'; } /** * Return a string with the email addresses of all the * users subscribed to a page * * This is the default action for COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST. * * @param array $data Containing $id (the page id), $self (whether the author * should be notified, $addresslist (current email address * list) * * @author Steven Danz * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_addresslist(&$data){ global $conf; global $auth; $id = $data['id']; $self = $data['self']; $addresslist = $data['addresslist']; if (!$conf['subscribers'] || $auth === null) { return ''; } $pres = array('style' => 'every', 'escaped' => true); if (!$self && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $pres['user'] = '((?!' . preg_quote_cb($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) . '(?: |$))\S+)'; } $subs = subscription_find($id, $pres); $emails = array(); foreach ($subs as $by_targets) { foreach ($by_targets as $sub) { $info = $auth->getUserData($sub[0]); if ($info === false) continue; $level = auth_aclcheck($id, $sub[0], $info['grps']); if ($level >= AUTH_READ) { if (strcasecmp($info['mail'], $conf['notify']) != 0) { $emails[$sub[0]] = $info['mail']; } } } } $data['addresslist'] = trim($addresslist . ',' . implode(',', $emails), ','); } /** * Send a digest mail * * Sends a digest mail showing a bunch of changes. * * @param string $subscriber_mail The target mail address * @param array $id The ID * @param int $lastupdate Time of the last notification * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_send_digest($subscriber_mail, $id, $lastupdate) { $n = 0; do { $rev = getRevisions($id, $n++, 1); $rev = (count($rev) > 0) ? $rev[0] : null; } while (!is_null($rev) && $rev > $lastupdate); $replaces = array('NEWPAGE' => wl($id, '', true, '&'), 'SUBSCRIBE' => wl($id, array('do' => 'subscribe'), true, '&')); if (!is_null($rev)) { $subject = 'changed'; $replaces['OLDPAGE'] = wl($id, "rev=$rev", true, '&'); $df = new Diff(explode("\n", rawWiki($id, $rev)), explode("\n", rawWiki($id))); $dformat = new UnifiedDiffFormatter(); $replaces['DIFF'] = $dformat->format($df); } else { $subject = 'newpage'; $replaces['OLDPAGE'] = 'none'; $replaces['DIFF'] = rawWiki($id); } subscription_send($subscriber_mail, $replaces, $subject, $id, 'subscr_digest'); } /** * Send a list mail * * Sends a list mail showing a list of changed pages. * * @param string $subscriber_mail The target mail address * @param array $ids Array of ids * @param string $ns_id The id of the namespace * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_send_list($subscriber_mail, $ids, $ns_id) { if (count($ids) === 0) return; global $conf; $list = ''; foreach ($ids as $id) { $list .= '* ' . wl($id, array(), true) . NL; } subscription_send($subscriber_mail, array('DIFF' => rtrim($list), 'SUBSCRIBE' => wl($ns_id . $conf['start'], array('do' => 'subscribe'), true, '&')), 'subscribe_list', prettyprint_id($ns_id), 'subscr_list'); } /** * Helper function for sending a mail * * @param string $subscriber_mail The target mail address * @param array $replaces Predefined parameters used to parse the * template * @param string $subject The lang id of the mail subject (without the * prefix “mail_”) * @param string $id The page or namespace id * @param string $template The name of the mail template * * @author Adrian Lang */ function subscription_send($subscriber_mail, $replaces, $subject, $id, $template) { global $conf; global $lang; $text = rawLocale($template); $trep = array_merge($replaces, array('PAGE' => $id)); $subject = $lang['mail_' . $subject] . ' ' . $id; $mail = new Mailer(); $mail->bcc($subscriber_mail); $mail->subject($subject); $mail->setBody($text,$trep); $mail->setHeader( 'List-Unsubscribe', '<'.wl($id,array('do'=>'subscribe'),true,'&').'>', false ); return $mail->send(); }