public_methods[] = $method; return parent::addCallback($method, $callback, $args, $help); } /** * Execute a call, extends parent method * * Checks for authentication first */ function call($methodname, $args){ if(!in_array($methodname,$this->public_methods) && !$this->checkAuth()){ return new IXR_Error(-32603, 'server error. not authorized to call method "'.$methodname.'".'); } return parent::call($methodname, $args); } /** * Constructor. Register methods and run Server */ function dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server(){ $this->IXR_IntrospectionServer(); /* DokuWiki's own methods */ $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.getXMLRPCAPIVersion', 'this:getAPIVersion', array('integer'), 'Returns the XMLRPC API version.', true ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.getVersion', 'getVersion', array('string'), 'Returns the running DokuWiki version.', true ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.login', 'this:login', array('integer','string','string'), 'Tries to login with the given credentials and sets auth cookies.', true ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.getPagelist', 'this:readNamespace', array('struct','string','struct'), 'List all pages within the given namespace.' ); $this->addCallback( '', 'this:search', array('struct','string'), 'Perform a fulltext search and return a list of matching pages' ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.getTime', 'time', array('int'), 'Return the current time at the wiki server.' ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.setLocks', 'this:setLocks', array('struct','struct'), 'Lock or unlock pages.' ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.getTitle', 'this:getTitle', array('string'), 'Returns the wiki title.', true ); $this->addCallback( 'dokuwiki.appendPage', 'this:appendPage', array('int', 'string', 'string', 'struct'), 'Append text to a wiki page.' ); /* Wiki API v2 */ $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getRPCVersionSupported', 'this:wiki_RPCVersion', array('int'), 'Returns 2 with the supported RPC API version.', true ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPage', 'this:rawPage', array('string','string'), 'Get the raw Wiki text of page, latest version.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPageVersion', 'this:rawPage', array('string','string','int'), 'Get the raw Wiki text of page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPageHTML', 'this:htmlPage', array('string','string'), 'Return page in rendered HTML, latest version.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPageHTMLVersion', 'this:htmlPage', array('string','string','int'), 'Return page in rendered HTML.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getAllPages', 'this:listPages', array('struct'), 'Returns a list of all pages. The result is an array of utf8 pagenames.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getAttachments', 'this:listAttachments', array('struct', 'string', 'struct'), 'Returns a list of all media files.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getBackLinks', 'this:listBackLinks', array('struct','string'), 'Returns the pages that link to this page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPageInfo', 'this:pageInfo', array('struct','string'), 'Returns a struct with infos about the page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPageInfoVersion', 'this:pageInfo', array('struct','string','int'), 'Returns a struct with infos about the page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getPageVersions', 'this:pageVersions', array('struct','string','int'), 'Returns the available revisions of the page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.putPage', 'this:putPage', array('int', 'string', 'string', 'struct'), 'Saves a wiki page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.listLinks', 'this:listLinks', array('struct','string'), 'Lists all links contained in a wiki page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getRecentChanges', 'this:getRecentChanges', array('struct','int'), 'Returns a struct about all recent changes since given timestamp.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getRecentMediaChanges', 'this:getRecentMediaChanges', array('struct','int'), 'Returns a struct about all recent media changes since given timestamp.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.aclCheck', 'this:aclCheck', array('int', 'string'), 'Returns the permissions of a given wiki page.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.putAttachment', 'this:putAttachment', array('struct', 'string', 'base64', 'struct'), 'Upload a file to the wiki.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.deleteAttachment', 'this:deleteAttachment', array('int', 'string'), 'Delete a file from the wiki.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getAttachment', 'this:getAttachment', array('base64', 'string'), 'Download a file from the wiki.' ); $this->addCallback( 'wiki.getAttachmentInfo', 'this:getAttachmentInfo', array('struct', 'string'), 'Returns a struct with infos about the attachment.' ); /** * Trigger XMLRPC_CALLBACK_REGISTER, action plugins can use this event * to extend the XMLRPC interface and register their own callbacks. * * Event data: * The XMLRPC server object: * * $event->data->addCallback() - register a callback, the second * paramter has to be of the form "plugin::" * * $event->data->callbacks - an array which holds all awaylable * callbacks */ trigger_event('XMLRPC_CALLBACK_REGISTER', $this); $this->serve(); } /** * Return a raw wiki page */ function rawPage($id,$rev=''){ if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to read this page'); } $text = rawWiki($id,$rev); if(!$text) { return pageTemplate($id); } else { return $text; } } /** * Return a media file encoded in base64 * * @author Gina Haeussge */ function getAttachment($id){ $id = cleanID($id); if (auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($id).':*') < AUTH_READ) return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to read this file'); $file = mediaFN($id); if (!@ file_exists($file)) return new IXR_Error(1, 'The requested file does not exist'); $data = io_readFile($file, false); $base64 = base64_encode($data); return $base64; } /** * Return info about a media file * * @author Gina Haeussge */ function getAttachmentInfo($id){ $id = cleanID($id); $info = array( 'lastModified' => 0, 'size' => 0, ); $file = mediaFN($id); if ((auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($id).':*') >= AUTH_READ) && file_exists($file)){ $info['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date(filemtime($file)); $info['size'] = filesize($file); } return $info; } /** * Return a wiki page rendered to html */ function htmlPage($id,$rev=''){ if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to read this page'); } return p_wiki_xhtml($id,$rev,false); } /** * List all pages - we use the indexer list here */ function listPages(){ $list = array(); $pages = array_filter(array_filter(idx_getIndex('page', ''), 'isVisiblePage'), 'page_exists'); foreach(array_keys($pages) as $idx) { $perm = auth_quickaclcheck($pages[$idx]); if($perm < AUTH_READ) { continue; } $page = array(); $page['id'] = trim($pages[$idx]); $page['perms'] = $perm; $page['size'] = @filesize(wikiFN($pages[$idx])); $page['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date(@filemtime(wikiFN($pages[$idx]))); $list[] = $page; } return $list; } /** * List all pages in the given namespace (and below) */ function readNamespace($ns,$opts){ global $conf; if(!is_array($opts)) $opts=array(); $ns = cleanID($ns); $dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':', '/', $ns)); $data = array(); $opts['skipacl'] = 0; // no ACL skipping for XMLRPC search($data, $conf['datadir'], 'search_allpages', $opts, $dir); return $data; } /** * List all pages in the given namespace (and below) */ function search($query){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/fulltext.php'); $regex = ''; $data = ft_pageSearch($query,$regex); $pages = array(); // prepare additional data $idx = 0; foreach($data as $id => $score){ $file = wikiFN($id); if($idx < FT_SNIPPET_NUMBER){ $snippet = ft_snippet($id,$regex); $idx++; }else{ $snippet = ''; } $pages[] = array( 'id' => $id, 'score' => $score, 'rev' => filemtime($file), 'mtime' => filemtime($file), 'size' => filesize($file), 'snippet' => $snippet, ); } return $pages; } /** * Returns the wiki title. */ function getTitle(){ global $conf; return $conf['title']; } /** * List all media files. * * Available options are 'recursive' for also including the subnamespaces * in the listing, and 'pattern' for filtering the returned files against * a regular expression matching their name. * * @author Gina Haeussge */ function listAttachments($ns, $options = array()) { global $conf; global $lang; $ns = cleanID($ns); if (!is_array($options)) $options = array(); $options['skipacl'] = 0; // no ACL skipping for XMLRPC if(auth_quickaclcheck($ns.':*') >= AUTH_READ) { $dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':', '/', $ns)); $data = array(); search($data, $conf['mediadir'], 'search_media', $options, $dir); $len = count($data); if(!$len) return array(); for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { unset($data[$i]['meta']); $data[$i]['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date($data[$i]['mtime']); } return $data; } else { return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to list media files.'); } } /** * Return a list of backlinks */ function listBackLinks($id){ return ft_backlinks(cleanID($id)); } /** * Return some basic data about a page */ function pageInfo($id,$rev=''){ if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to read this page'); } $file = wikiFN($id,$rev); $time = @filemtime($file); if(!$time){ return new IXR_Error(10, 'The requested page does not exist'); } $info = getRevisionInfo($id, $time, 1024); $data = array( 'name' => $id, 'lastModified' => new IXR_Date($time), 'author' => (($info['user']) ? $info['user'] : $info['ip']), 'version' => $time ); return ($data); } /** * Save a wiki page * * @author Michael Klier */ function putPage($id, $text, $params) { global $TEXT; global $lang; global $conf; $id = cleanID($id); $TEXT = cleanText($text); $sum = $params['sum']; $minor = $params['minor']; if(empty($id)) return new IXR_Error(1, 'Empty page ID'); if(!page_exists($id) && trim($TEXT) == '' ) { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Refusing to write an empty new wiki page'); } if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_EDIT) return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to edit this page'); // Check, if page is locked if(checklock($id)) return new IXR_Error(1, 'The page is currently locked'); // SPAM check if(checkwordblock()) return new IXR_Error(1, 'Positive wordblock check'); // autoset summary on new pages if(!page_exists($id) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['created']; } // autoset summary on deleted pages if(page_exists($id) && empty($TEXT) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['deleted']; } lock($id); saveWikiText($id,$TEXT,$sum,$minor); unlock($id); // run the indexer if page wasn't indexed yet if(!@file_exists(metaFN($id, '.indexed'))) { // try to aquire a lock $lock = $conf['lockdir'].'/_indexer.lock'; while(!@mkdir($lock,$conf['dmode'])){ usleep(50); if(time()-@filemtime($lock) > 60*5){ // looks like a stale lock - remove it @rmdir($lock); }else{ return false; } } if($conf['dperm']) chmod($lock, $conf['dperm']); // do the work idx_addPage($id); // we're finished - save and free lock io_saveFile(metaFN($id,'.indexed'),INDEXER_VERSION); @rmdir($lock); } return 0; } /** * Appends text to a wiki page. */ function appendPage($id, $text, $params) { $currentpage = $this->rawPage($id); if (!is_string($currentpage)) { return $currentpage; } return $this->putPage($id, $currentpage.$text, $params); } /** * Uploads a file to the wiki. * * Michael Klier */ function putAttachment($id, $file, $params) { global $conf; global $lang; $auth = auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($id).':*'); if($auth >= AUTH_UPLOAD) { if(!isset($id)) { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Filename not given.'); } $ftmp = $conf['tmpdir'] . '/' . md5($id.clientIP()); // save temporary file @unlink($ftmp); $buff = base64_decode($file); io_saveFile($ftmp, $buff); // get filename list($iext, $imime,$dl) = mimetype($id); $id = cleanID($id); $fn = mediaFN($id); // get filetype regexp $types = array_keys(getMimeTypes()); $types = array_map(create_function('$q','return preg_quote($q,"/");'),$types); $regex = join('|',$types); // because a temp file was created already if(preg_match('/\.('.$regex.')$/i',$fn)) { //check for overwrite $overwrite = @file_exists($fn); if($overwrite && (!$params['ow'] || $auth < AUTH_DELETE)) { return new IXR_ERROR(1, $lang['uploadexist'].'1'); } // check for valid content $ok = media_contentcheck($ftmp, $imime); if($ok == -1) { return new IXR_ERROR(1, sprintf($lang['uploadexist'].'2', ".$iext")); } elseif($ok == -2) { return new IXR_ERROR(1, $lang['uploadspam']); } elseif($ok == -3) { return new IXR_ERROR(1, $lang['uploadxss']); } // prepare event data $data[0] = $ftmp; $data[1] = $fn; $data[2] = $id; $data[3] = $imime; $data[4] = $overwrite; // trigger event return trigger_event('MEDIA_UPLOAD_FINISH', $data, array($this, '_media_upload_action'), true); } else { return new IXR_ERROR(1, $lang['uploadwrong']); } } else { return new IXR_ERROR(1, "You don't have permissions to upload files."); } } /** * Deletes a file from the wiki. * * @author Gina Haeussge */ function deleteAttachment($id){ $auth = auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($id).':*'); if($auth < AUTH_DELETE) return new IXR_ERROR(1, "You don't have permissions to delete files."); global $conf; global $lang; // check for references if needed $mediareferences = array(); if($conf['refcheck']){ $mediareferences = ft_mediause($id,$conf['refshow']); } if(!count($mediareferences)){ $file = mediaFN($id); if(@unlink($file)){ addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE); io_sweepNS($id,'mediadir'); return 0; } //something went wrong return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Could not delete file'); } else { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'File is still referenced'); } } /** * Moves the temporary file to its final destination. * * Michael Klier */ function _media_upload_action($data) { global $conf; if(is_array($data) && count($data)===5) { io_createNamespace($data[2], 'media'); if(rename($data[0], $data[1])) { chmod($data[1], $conf['fmode']); media_notify($data[2], $data[1], $data[3]); // add a log entry to the media changelog if ($data[4]) { addMediaLogEntry(time(), $data[2], DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT); } else { addMediaLogEntry(time(), $data[2], DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE); } return $data[2]; } else { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Upload failed.'); } } else { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Upload failed.'); } } /** * Returns the permissions of a given wiki page */ function aclCheck($id) { return auth_quickaclcheck($id); } /** * Lists all links contained in a wiki page * * @author Michael Klier */ function listLinks($id) { if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){ return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to read this page'); } $links = array(); // resolve page instructions $ins = p_cached_instructions(wikiFN(cleanID($id))); // instantiate new Renderer - needed for interwiki links include(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/xhtml.php'); $Renderer = new Doku_Renderer_xhtml(); $Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); // parse parse instructions foreach($ins as $in) { $link = array(); switch($in[0]) { case 'internallink': $link['type'] = 'local'; $link['page'] = $in[1][0]; $link['href'] = wl($in[1][0]); array_push($links,$link); break; case 'externallink': $link['type'] = 'extern'; $link['page'] = $in[1][0]; $link['href'] = $in[1][0]; array_push($links,$link); break; case 'interwikilink': $url = $Renderer->_resolveInterWiki($in[1][2],$in[1][3]); $link['type'] = 'extern'; $link['page'] = $url; $link['href'] = $url; array_push($links,$link); break; } } return ($links); } /** * Returns a list of recent changes since give timestamp * * @author Michael Hamann * @author Michael Klier */ function getRecentChanges($timestamp) { if(strlen($timestamp) != 10) return new IXR_Error(20, 'The provided value is not a valid timestamp'); $recents = getRecentsSince($timestamp); $changes = array(); foreach ($recents as $recent) { $change = array(); $change['name'] = $recent['id']; $change['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date($recent['date']); $change['author'] = $recent['user']; $change['version'] = $recent['date']; $change['perms'] = $recent['perms']; $change['size'] = @filesize(wikiFN($recent['id'])); array_push($changes, $change); } if (!empty($changes)) { return $changes; } else { // in case we still have nothing at this point return new IXR_Error(30, 'There are no changes in the specified timeframe'); } } /** * Returns a list of recent media changes since give timestamp * * @author Michael Hamann * @author Michael Klier */ function getRecentMediaChanges($timestamp) { if(strlen($timestamp) != 10) return new IXR_Error(20, 'The provided value is not a valid timestamp'); $recents = getRecentsSince($timestamp, null, '', RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES); $changes = array(); foreach ($recents as $recent) { $change = array(); $change['name'] = $recent['id']; $change['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date($recent['date']); $change['author'] = $recent['user']; $change['version'] = $recent['date']; $change['perms'] = $recent['perms']; $change['size'] = @filesize(mediaFN($recent['id'])); array_push($changes, $change); } if (!empty($changes)) { return $changes; } else { // in case we still have nothing at this point return new IXR_Error(30, 'There are no changes in the specified timeframe'); } } /** * Returns a list of available revisions of a given wiki page * * @author Michael Klier */ function pageVersions($id, $first) { global $conf; $versions = array(); if(empty($id)) return new IXR_Error(1, 'Empty page ID'); $revisions = getRevisions($id, $first, $conf['recent']+1); if(count($revisions)==0 && $first!=0) { $first=0; $revisions = getRevisions($id, $first, $conf['recent']+1); } if(count($revisions)>0 && $first==0) { array_unshift($revisions, ''); // include current revision array_pop($revisions); // remove extra log entry } $hasNext = false; if(count($revisions)>$conf['recent']) { $hasNext = true; array_pop($revisions); // remove extra log entry } if(!empty($revisions)) { foreach($revisions as $rev) { $file = wikiFN($id,$rev); $time = @filemtime($file); // we check if the page actually exists, if this is not the // case this can lead to less pages being returned than // specified via $conf['recent'] if($time){ $info = getRevisionInfo($id, $time, 1024); if(!empty($info)) { $data['user'] = $info['user']; $data['ip'] = $info['ip']; $data['type'] = $info['type']; $data['sum'] = $info['sum']; $data['modified'] = new IXR_Date($info['date']); $data['version'] = $info['date']; array_push($versions, $data); } } } return $versions; } else { return array(); } } /** * The version of Wiki RPC API supported */ function wiki_RPCVersion(){ return 2; } /** * Locks or unlocks a given batch of pages * * Give an associative array with two keys: lock and unlock. Both should contain a * list of pages to lock or unlock * * Returns an associative array with the keys locked, lockfail, unlocked and * unlockfail, each containing lists of pages. */ function setLocks($set){ $locked = array(); $lockfail = array(); $unlocked = array(); $unlockfail = array(); foreach((array) $set['lock'] as $id){ if(checklock($id)){ $lockfail[] = $id; }else{ lock($id); $locked[] = $id; } } foreach((array) $set['unlock'] as $id){ if(unlock($id)){ $unlocked[] = $id; }else{ $unlockfail[] = $id; } } return array( 'locked' => $locked, 'lockfail' => $lockfail, 'unlocked' => $unlocked, 'unlockfail' => $unlockfail, ); } function getAPIVersion(){ return DOKU_XMLRPC_API_VERSION; } function login($user,$pass){ global $conf; global $auth; if(!$conf['useacl']) return 0; if(!$auth) return 0; if($auth->canDo('external')){ return $auth->trustExternal($user,$pass,false); }else{ return auth_login($user,$pass,false,true); } } } $server = new dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server(); // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: