/** * Some of these scripts were taken from wikipedia.org and were modified for DokuWiki */ /** * Some browser detection */ var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info var is_gecko = ((clientPC.indexOf('gecko')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('khtml') == -1) && (clientPC.indexOf('netscape/7.0')==-1)); var is_safari = ((clientPC.indexOf('AppleWebKit')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)); var is_khtml = (navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled )); if (clientPC.indexOf('opera')!=-1) { var is_opera = true; var is_opera_preseven = (window.opera && !document.childNodes); var is_opera_seven = (window.opera && document.childNodes); } /** * Rewrite the accesskey tooltips to be more browser and OS specific. * * Accesskey tooltips are still only a best-guess of what will work * on well known systems. * * @author Ben Coburn */ function updateAccessKeyTooltip() { // determin tooltip text (order matters) var tip = 'ALT+'; //default if (domLib_isMac) { tip = 'CTRL+'; } if (domLib_isOpera) { tip = 'SHIFT+ESC '; } // add other cases here... // do tooltip update if (tip=='ALT+') { return; } var exp = /\[ALT\+/i; var rep = '['+tip; var elements = domLib_getElementsByTagNames(['a', 'input', 'button']); for (var i=0; i0) { elements[i].title = elements[i].title.replace(exp, rep); } } } /** * Handy shortcut to document.getElementById * * This function was taken from the prototype library * * @link http://prototype.conio.net/ */ function $() { var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return element; elements.push(element); } return elements; } /** * Simple function to check if a global var is defined * * @author Kae Verens * @link http://verens.com/archives/2005/07/25/isset-for-javascript/#comment-2835 */ function isset(varname){ return(typeof(window[varname])!='undefined'); } /** * Select elements by their class name * * @author Dustin Diaz * @link http://www.dustindiaz.com/getelementsbyclass/ */ function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } /** * Get the X offset of the top left corner of the given object * * @link http://www.quirksmode.org/index.html?/js/findpos.html */ function findPosX(object){ var curleft = 0; var obj = $(object); if (obj.offsetParent){ while (obj.offsetParent){ curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x){ curleft += obj.x; } return curleft; } //end findPosX function /** * Get the Y offset of the top left corner of the given object * * @link http://www.quirksmode.org/index.html?/js/findpos.html */ function findPosY(object){ var curtop = 0; var obj = $(object); if (obj.offsetParent){ while (obj.offsetParent){ curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y){ curtop += obj.y; } return curtop; } //end findPosY function /** * Escape special chars in JavaScript * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function jsEscape(text){ var re=new RegExp("\\\\","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\\\"); re=new RegExp("'","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\'"); re=new RegExp('"',"g"); text=text.replace(re,'"'); re=new RegExp("\\\\\\\\n","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\n"); return text; } /** * This function escapes some special chars * @deprecated by above function */ function escapeQuotes(text) { var re=new RegExp("'","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\'"); re=new RegExp('"',"g"); text=text.replace(re,'"'); re=new RegExp("\\n","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\n"); return text; } /** * Adds a node as the first childenode to the given parent * * @see appendChild() */ function prependChild(parent,element) { if(!parent.firstChild){ parent.appendChild(element); }else{ parent.insertBefore(element,parent.firstChild); } } /** * Prints a animated gif to show the search is performed * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function showLoadBar(id){ obj = $(id); if(obj){ obj.innerHTML = '...'; obj.style.display="block"; } } /** * Disables the animated gif to show the search is done * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function hideLoadBar(id){ obj = $(id); if(obj) obj.style.display="none"; } /** * Adds the toggle switch to the TOC */ function addTocToggle() { if(!document.getElementById) return; var header = $('toc__header'); if(!header) return; var showimg = document.createElement('img'); showimg.id = 'toc__show'; showimg.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/arrow_down.gif'; showimg.alt = '+'; showimg.onclick = toggleToc; showimg.style.display = 'none'; var hideimg = document.createElement('img'); hideimg.id = 'toc__hide'; hideimg.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/arrow_up.gif'; hideimg.alt = '-'; hideimg.onclick = toggleToc; prependChild(header,showimg); prependChild(header,hideimg); } /** * This toggles the visibility of the Table of Contents */ function toggleToc() { var toc = $('toc__inside'); var showimg = $('toc__show'); var hideimg = $('toc__hide'); if(toc.style.display == 'none') { toc.style.display = ''; hideimg.style.display = ''; showimg.style.display = 'none'; } else { toc.style.display = 'none'; hideimg.style.display = 'none'; showimg.style.display = ''; } } /* * This enables/disables checkboxes for acl-administration * * @author Frank Schubert */ function checkAclLevel(){ if(document.getElementById) { var scope = $('acl_scope').value; //check for namespace if( (scope.indexOf(":*") > 0) || (scope == "*") ){ document.getElementsByName('acl_checkbox[4]')[0].disabled=false; document.getElementsByName('acl_checkbox[8]')[0].disabled=false; }else{ document.getElementsByName('acl_checkbox[4]')[0].checked=false; document.getElementsByName('acl_checkbox[8]')[0].checked=false; document.getElementsByName('acl_checkbox[4]')[0].disabled=true; document.getElementsByName('acl_checkbox[8]')[0].disabled=true; } } } /** * insitu footnote addition * * provide a wrapper for domTT javascript library * this function is placed in the onmouseover event of footnote references in the main page * * @author Chris Smith */ var currentFootnote = 0; function fnt(id, e, evt) { if (currentFootnote && id != currentFootnote) { domTT_close($('insitu__fn'+currentFootnote)); } // does the footnote tooltip already exist? var fnote = $('insitu__fn'+id); var footnote; if (!fnote) { // if not create it... // locate the footnote anchor element var a = $( "fn__"+id ); if (!a){ return; } // anchor parent is the footnote container, get its innerHTML footnote = new String (a.parentNode.innerHTML); // strip the leading footnote anchors and their comma separators footnote = footnote.replace(//gi, ''); footnote = footnote.replace(/^\s+(,\s+)+/,''); // prefix ids on any elements with "insitu__" to ensure they remain unique footnote = footnote.replace(/\bid=\"(.*?)\"/gi,'id="insitu__$1'); } else { footnote = new String(fnt.innerHTML); } // activate the tooltip domTT_activate(e, evt, 'content', footnote, 'type', 'velcro', 'id', 'insitu__fn'+id, 'styleClass', 'insitu-footnote JSpopup', 'maxWidth', document.body.offsetWidth*0.4); currentFootnote = id; } /** * Add the edit window size controls */ function initSizeCtl(ctlid,edid){ if(!document.getElementById){ return; } var ctl = $(ctlid); var textarea = $(edid); if(!ctl || !textarea) return; var hgt = DokuCookie.getValue('sizeCtl'); if(hgt){ textarea.style.height = hgt; }else{ textarea.style.height = '300px'; } var l = document.createElement('img'); var s = document.createElement('img'); var w = document.createElement('img'); l.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/larger.gif'; s.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/smaller.gif'; w.src = DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/wrap.gif'; addEvent(l,'click',function(){sizeCtl(edid,100);}); addEvent(s,'click',function(){sizeCtl(edid,-100);}); addEvent(w,'click',function(){toggleWrap(edid);}); ctl.appendChild(l); ctl.appendChild(s); ctl.appendChild(w); } /** * This sets the vertical size of the editbox */ function sizeCtl(edid,val){ var textarea = $(edid); var height = parseInt(textarea.style.height.substr(0,textarea.style.height.length-2)); height += val; textarea.style.height = height+'px'; DokuCookie.setValue('sizeCtl',textarea.style.height); } /** * Toggle the wrapping mode of a textarea * * @author Fluffy Convict * @link http://news.hping.org/comp.lang.javascript.archive/12265.html * @author * @link https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=302710#c2 */ function toggleWrap(edid){ var txtarea = $(edid); var wrap = txtarea.getAttribute('wrap'); if(wrap && wrap.toLowerCase() == 'off'){ txtarea.setAttribute('wrap', 'soft'); }else{ txtarea.setAttribute('wrap', 'off'); } // Fix display for mozilla var parNod = txtarea.parentNode; var nxtSib = txtarea.nextSibling; parNod.removeChild(txtarea); parNod.insertBefore(txtarea, nxtSib); } /** * Handler to close all open Popups */ function closePopups(){ if(!document.getElementById){ return; } var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for(var i=0; i < divs.length; i++){ if(divs[i].className.indexOf('JSpopup') != -1){ divs[i].style.display = 'none'; } } } /** * Looks for an element with the ID scroll__here at scrolls to it */ function scrollToMarker(){ var obj = $('scroll__here'); if(obj) obj.scrollIntoView(); } /** * Looks for an element with the ID focus__this at sets focus to it */ function focusMarker(){ var obj = $('focus__this'); if(obj) obj.focus(); } /** * Remove messages */ function cleanMsgArea(){ var elems = getElementsByClass('(success|info|error)',document,'div'); if(elems){ for(var i=0; i