/** * javascript functionality for the arctic template * copies the mothod for dokuwikis TOC functionality * in order to keep the template XHTML valid */ /** * Adds the toggle switch to the TOC */ function addSbLeftTocToggle() { if(!document.getElementById) return; var header = jQuery('#sb__left__toc__header'); if(!header.length) return; var obj = document.createElement('span'); obj.id = 'sb__left__toc__toggle'; obj.innerHTML = ''; obj.className = 'toc_close'; obj.style.cursor = 'pointer'; //prependChild(header,obj); jQuery( header ).prepend( obj ); //obj.parentNode.onclick = toggleSbLeftToc; jQuery( obj.parentNode ).bind( 'click', toggleSbLeftToc ); try { obj.parentNode.style.cursor = 'pointer'; obj.parentNode.style.cursor = 'hand'; }catch(e){} } /** * This toggles the visibility of the Table of Contents */ function toggleSbLeftToc() { var toc = jQuery('#sb__left__toc__inside'); var obj = jQuery('#sb__left__toc__toggle'); if( toc.css( 'display' ) == 'none' ) { toc.css( 'display', 'block' ); obj.innerHTML = ''; obj.className = 'toc_close'; } else { toc.css( 'display', 'none' ); toc.style.display = 'none'; obj.innerHTML = '+'; obj.className = 'toc_open'; } } /** * Adds the toggle switch to the TOC */ function addSbRightTocToggle() { if(!document.getElementById) return; var header = jQuery('#sb__right__toc__header'); if(!header.length) return; var obj = document.createElement('span'); obj.id = 'sb__right__toc__toggle'; obj.innerHTML = ''; obj.className = 'toc_close'; obj.style.cursor = 'pointer'; //prependChild(header,obj); jQuery( header ).prepend( obj ); //obj.parentNode.onclick = toggleSbRightToc; jQuery( obj.parentNode ).bind( 'click', toggleSbRightToc ); try { obj.parentNode.style.cursor = 'pointer'; obj.parentNode.style.cursor = 'hand'; }catch(e){} } /** * This toggles the visibility of the Table of Contents */ function toggleSbRightToc() { var toc = jQuery('#sb__right__toc__inside'); var obj = jQuery('#sb__right__toc__toggle'); if( toc.css( 'display' ) == 'none' ) { toc.css( 'display', 'block' ); obj.innerHTML = ''; obj.className = 'toc_close'; } else { toc.css( 'display', 'none' ); obj.innerHTML = '+'; obj.className = 'toc_open'; } } var left_dw_index = jQuery('#left__index__tree').dw_tree({deferInit: true, load_data: function (show_sublist, $clicky) { jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', $clicky[0].search.substr(1) + '&call=index', show_sublist, 'html' ); } }); var right_dw_index = jQuery('#right__index__tree').dw_tree({deferInit: true, load_data: function (show_sublist, $clicky) { jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', $clicky[0].search.substr(1) + '&call=index', show_sublist, 'html' ); } }); jQuery(function(){ // from lib/scripts/index.js var $tree = jQuery('#left__index__tree'); left_dw_index.$obj = $tree; left_dw_index.init(); var $tree = jQuery('#right__index__tree'); right_dw_index.$obj = $tree; right_dw_index.init(); // add TOC events jQuery(addSbLeftTocToggle); jQuery(addSbRightTocToggle); }); // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:enc=utf-8: