path: root/modules/node/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Issue #1300920 by salvis, DamienMcKenna, mkadin, idflood, pjcdawkins, lyricnz...David Rothstein2014-05-05
* Issue #1495648 by plach: Introduce entity language support.David Rothstein2012-06-09
* Issue #1178580 by Dave Reid: Fixed PHP notices with [node:summary], [node:bod...webchick2011-10-01
* - Patch #1185842 by Dave Reid: the [node:author] token does not use format_us...Dries Buytaert2011-09-11
* Stripping CVS keywordsThe Great Git Migration2011-02-25
* - Patch #831914 by Dave Reid: removed redundant/duplicate [node:uid], [commen...Dries Buytaert2010-06-29
* #701818 by mcarbone: Test coverage of every core token, and bug fixes to make...Angie Byron2010-04-20
* #609118 by plach, te-brian, David_Rothstein, yched: Fixed no...Angie Byron2010-04-20
* #609118 folllow-up by plach: Fixed node body issues.Angie Byron2010-04-15
* #678012 by heyrocker and jhodgdon: Tokens should not use the word 'node' in h...Angie Byron2010-01-14
* #571654 follow-up by chx, peximo, plach, sun, et al:Angie Byron2010-01-09
* - Patch #677662 by heyrocker: fixed in several hook_token() implementations ...Dries Buytaert2010-01-07
* - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of ...Dries Buytaert2009-12-04
* - Patch #635094 by plach: unify 'language neutral' language codes.Dries Buytaert2009-12-02
* - Patch #609118 by te-brian, David_Rothstein: Fixed ->body i...Dries Buytaert2009-11-05
* - Patch #609090 by te-brian: fixed invalid call to node_get_types()Dries Buytaert2009-10-21
* #557292 by peximo, plach, catch, and yched: Convert node title to Field API.Angie Byron2009-10-11
* - Patch #590014 by sun, mr.baileys | Dries: fixed undefined language when lan...Dries Buytaert2009-09-30
* - Patch #113614 by John Morahan: small fix for token/placeholder substitution...Dries Buytaert2009-08-23
* - Patch #113614 by eaton, fago, et al: add centralized token/placeholder subs...Dries Buytaert2009-08-19